
What is pleurisy? Respiratory and chest pain should be vigilant, 3 measures should be taken to prevent it, and the original disease should be treated in time

author:Dr. Puwai Huang

Health problems happen from time to time in our lives. Sometimes, some seemingly trivial symptoms can be an urgent signal from inside our body. Just like a friend who suddenly sends you a signal for help, we must give you timely attention and help.

Let's talk about pleurisy. You may be familiar with this term, but do you know what it actually is? Pleurisy is not a mild condition, but it can make it difficult for you to breathe and fill your chest with pain. Today, we're going to delve into pleurisy, understand its essence and explore preventive measures that will keep us safe from this potential health threat.

What is pleurisy? Respiratory and chest pain should be vigilant, 3 measures should be taken to prevent it, and the original disease should be treated in time

Overview of pleurisy

1. Definition of pleurisy

Pleurisy is a disease in which inflammation of pleural tissue occurs, which directly affects the normal function of our respiratory system. The pleura is the membrane that covers the surface of the lungs, and they are divided into two layers, one covering the surface of the lungs and the other covering the inner wall of the chest cavity. Normally, there is no space between these two layers of pleura, and they slide against each other like two pieces of lubricated glass, keeping breathing smooth.

However, an inflammatory response occurs when the pleura is infected or otherwise damaged. This inflammation causes fluid to build up in the chest cavity, preventing both layers of the pleura from moving smoothly, causing chest pain and difficulty breathing. This is what we call pleurisy.

What is pleurisy? Respiratory and chest pain should be vigilant, 3 measures should be taken to prevent it, and the original disease should be treated in time

2. Classification of pleurisy

Pleurisy can be divided into two types: infectious and non-infectious. Infectious pleurisy is usually caused by bacterial, viral, or fungal infections, most commonly bacterial infections. Noninfectious pleurisy can be caused by noninfectious factors such as trauma, chemicals, or tumors.

Both types of pleurisy can cause similar symptoms, but their treatment may differ. Therefore, when determining the type and cause of pleurisy, doctors usually do a detailed history and physical examination, and possibly some laboratory and imaging tests to help confirm the diagnosis.

What is pleurisy? Respiratory and chest pain should be vigilant, 3 measures should be taken to prevent it, and the original disease should be treated in time

Symptoms and risk factors for pleurisy

Overview of symptoms:

Pleurisy is a condition that causes inflammation of the pleura (the membrane that covers the lungs), usually caused by a bacterial or viral infection. Symptoms include dyspnea, chest pain, and cough. In middle-aged and older people, pleurisy is more likely to occur due to weakened immune system function. In addition, factors such as long-term smoking, long-term exposure to harmful gases, and the presence of chronic lung disease can also increase the risk of pleurisy.

Common symptoms:

Dyspnea: People often experience shortness of breath, wheezing, or even the inability to lie flat or lie flat and need to sit up to relieve breathlessness.

What is pleurisy? Respiratory and chest pain should be vigilant, 3 measures should be taken to prevent it, and the original disease should be treated in time

Chest pain: One of the typical symptoms of pleurisy, it is often a persistent severe chest pain that worsens with deep breathing, coughing, or exercise, and may last for days or even weeks.

Cough: With dyspnea and chest pain, patients may have a dry cough or cough up sputum, which may be yellowish-green.

Fever: Patients often have a low-grade or high-grade fever due to an inflammatory response, depending on the severity of the infection.

Fatigue: People may experience general malaise, weakness, and even loss of appetite.

What is pleurisy? Respiratory and chest pain should be vigilant, 3 measures should be taken to prevent it, and the original disease should be treated in time

Risk factors:

Weakened immune system: Middle-aged and older adults have a generally weakened immune system and are susceptible to various infections, which increases the risk of developing pleurisy.

Smoking and long-term exposure to harmful gases: Smoking not only harms lung health, but also weakens the immune system and increases the risk of infection. Long-term exposure to harmful gases, such as chemical gases and soot in industrial production, can also irritate the respiratory tract and increase the likelihood of infection.

Chronic lung disease: Middle-aged and elderly people with respiratory diseases such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) are more likely to develop pleurisy due to impaired lung function.

What is pleurisy? Respiratory and chest pain should be vigilant, 3 measures should be taken to prevent it, and the original disease should be treated in time

Prolonged bed rest or poor recovery after surgery: Prolonged bed rest can lead to poor ventilation in the lungs, increasing the risk of bacterial infections. Middle-aged and elderly people who have poor recovery after surgery and have weakened resistance are also more likely to develop pleurisy.

Three steps to take to prevent pleurisy

Good personal hygiene:

Wash your hands frequently: Bacteria and viruses are often spread through the hands, keeping your hands clean and washing your hands frequently with soap and water is one of the effective measures to prevent respiratory infections.

Avoid crowds: Avoid staying in crowded places for long periods of time, especially during flu season or epidemics, to reduce the chance of virus transmission.

What is pleurisy? Respiratory and chest pain should be vigilant, 3 measures should be taken to prevent it, and the original disease should be treated in time

Regular vaccination against pneumonia:

Pneumonia vaccination is one of the effective ways to prevent infectious diseases of the lungs. There are a variety of pneumonia vaccines available on the market, and middle-aged and elderly people should choose the appropriate vaccination according to the doctor's advice.

Regular physical examination and timely treatment of the underlying disease:

Regular physical examination: Regular health examination, including checking lung function, blood routine and other indicators, can help to detect potential risk factors such as chronic lung diseases early and take timely measures to prevent the occurrence of pleurisy.

What is pleurisy? Respiratory and chest pain should be vigilant, 3 measures should be taken to prevent it, and the original disease should be treated in time

Timely treatment of the underlying disease: For pre-existing chronic lung diseases, such as COPD, active treatment should be used to control the disease to avoid exacerbation and prevent complications.