
In 74, Major General Shi Kequan was hospitalized, and when he saw Mr. Peng living opposite, he immediately threw away his crutches and saluted him

author:The history of Qingfeng products

Among the founding generals, Peng Lao is always known for not being afraid of heaven and earth. But what few people know is that among the founding generals, there is also a "big brother" of Mr. Peng, he is Major General Shi Kequan. During the revolutionary war, even another veteran revolutionary, Duan Dechang, praised him as "a good example in the Communist Party."

In 74, Major General Shi Kequan was hospitalized, and when he saw Mr. Peng living opposite, he immediately threw away his crutches and saluted him

During the revolutionary years, this big brother was Mr. Peng's connector and his minister of supply. And because of the difficult conditions, Shi Kequan once took Peng Dehuai's hand and repeatedly said that when the war is over, he must cook a good meal for him. But no one thought that the reunion of the two after the war would become a farewell for the two ancestors.

Shi Kequan and Peng Dehuai's acquaintance is inseparable from a revolutionary ancestor named Duan Dechang. This ancestor was Mr. Peng's introducer to join the party, and at that time, Shi Kequan was already Duan Dechang's traffic officer. From Duan Dechang and Shi Kequan, the young Mr. Peng saw the bravery and tenacity of the Communists, and also clarified his future life path.

At that time, for the sake of safety, when Mr. Peng needed to report to Duan Dechang about something, he was in full contact with Shi Ke. The steadiness and thoughtfulness of this senior also deeply influenced him, and every time they met, Mr. Peng would call Shi Kequan "big brother".

In 74, Major General Shi Kequan was hospitalized, and when he saw Mr. Peng living opposite, he immediately threw away his crutches and saluted him

However, the work of the intelligence front has always been accompanied by danger, and in his revolutionary career, Shi Kequan has brushed shoulders with death several times, and the most dangerous one is when he was captured by the Kuomintang army in 1929 to cover the retreat of his troops. On that occasion, in order to obtain information, the enemy used all kinds of cruel punishments on him, but he never divulged a word, only saying that he was a young man running from the hall, and finally the Kuomintang had to release him because there was really no evidence.

After that, Shi Kequan joined the ranks of the Red Army and has been working in the logistics department ever since. After the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, he racked his brains in the northwest base area of Shanxi Province to improve food and supplement nutrition for the front-line soldiers. One day, just when he was worried about food again, his superiors suddenly came to him and gave him an order, saying that the head of the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army was coming to inspect and asked him to think of a way to improve the food.

Hearing the news, he was first pleasantly surprised, and then he was a little uncertain. The living conditions in the base area are too poor, not to mention meat dishes, and vegetarian dishes are very difficult to make. In desperation, he could only call a few soldiers to see if he could find some food near the base area. As they walked, they spotted a river, so everyone immediately got busy and quickly caught the main course of the day.

In 74, Major General Shi Kequan was hospitalized, and when he saw Mr. Peng living opposite, he immediately threw away his crutches and saluted him

Later, when the chief finished inspecting the troops and began to serve the food, Shi Kequan came out with a pot of steaming fresh fish soup. I saw that there was not only fish in this pot, but also loach and wild meat. For a while, the chief was also amazed, you know, you can't eat such a good thing at the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army, so he immediately called the chef to come over and say a few words.

This time, Shi Kequan was a little cramped, but when he walked to the chief, he found that it was Peng Dehuai, a comrade-in-arms who had been calling him big brother. Excited, he reintroduced himself to Mr. Peng, and Mr. Peng also remembered his big brother, and the two of them talked about the old days affectionately for a while.

After this meeting, when the two met again, it was the Liberation War period, and it was this time that Shi Kequan left regrets. At that time, because of the difficult conditions, as the Minister of Supply, he could not ensure good food during President Peng's inspection, so he could only say ashamedly, when the whole country is liberated, I will definitely treat you well. When Mr. Peng heard this, he was also very excited and said: When the whole country is liberated, I will definitely go to eat the food you cooked, brother.

In 74, Major General Shi Kequan was hospitalized, and when he saw Mr. Peng living opposite, he immediately threw away his crutches and saluted him

After saying this, the two have never seen each other again. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Mr. Peng became the founding marshal, and General Shi Kequan was also awarded the rank of major general. Decades have passed in the blink of an eye, and during this period, Peng and Shi have experienced turmoil. In 1974, General Shi Kequan, who had retired, was admitted to Beijing 301 Hospital for treatment due to physical reasons, which served these old generals all year round, especially the south building of the hospital, and thus got the nickname of "General Building".

At that time, Shi Kequan would come out every day to breathe, and he found that a ward in the south building was heavily guarded, so he guessed that there must be a big man living inside. A few days later, when he was basking in the sun, he saw the patients in that ward, although they were old and weak, he still recognized Mr. Peng from afar.

It's a pity that Mr. Peng's health was very weak at that time, and the two old friends never met. But on the day Shi Kequan saw Mr. Peng, he still tried his best, stood up, threw off his crutches, and solemnly saluted in the direction of Mr. Peng.

In 74, Major General Shi Kequan was hospitalized, and when he saw Mr. Peng living opposite, he immediately threw away his crutches and saluted him

Twenty days later, Mr. Peng passed away due to illness, and Shi Kequan, who learned the news, was speechless for three days. Since then, his health has deteriorated, and he finally passed away in 1979. I don't know if in the last period of the old general's life, he was still thinking about the meal that he couldn't invite Mr. Peng to eat.

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