
Remember, every point of negotiation is pure profit! Practical secrets of advertising sales negotiation!

author:Peng Xiaodong, head coach of the god of ® war in Guangzhou

Tutor Peng Xiaodong often shares with everyone in his advertising sales class, remember that every point of negotiation is pure profit!


Remember, every point of negotiation is pure profit! Practical secrets of advertising sales negotiation!

Advertising sales negotiation strategy of the god of ® war

☞Guangzhanshe 广战神 ® I Teacher Peng 邀请彭小东®导师线下企业内训 I 即学即用,业绩倍增 I

Remember, every point of negotiation is pure profit! Practical secrets of advertising sales negotiation!

The essence of negotiation is equivalent exchange, and the most critical means in the exchange process is to ask questions. When we ask the right questions about ourselves and others, we open a window of communication that creates value. Using questions to guide the negotiation will not only help you keep the bottom line, but also help you connect with the other party and change the opposing situation, so as to achieve a win-win outcome.

But only if you see the other person as a collaborator, not as an adversary or enemy. Because there are common interests between collaborators, they will find ways to promote cooperation and achieve a win-win situation or a win-win situation. However, when negotiating, the two sides will unconsciously divide the other side into opponents or even enemies because of their different positions.

Negotiation is all about creating an environment where problems can be solved. The likelihood that you will benefit from a negotiation depends mainly on how well you perform in the negotiation. The essence of negotiation is to let the other side win and benefit yourself. Negotiations are not "position" negotiations, but are composed of the words "talks" and "judgments". Negotiation refers to the communication and exchange between the two parties; To judge is to decide a thing.

Remember, every point of negotiation is pure profit! Practical secrets of advertising sales negotiation!

Therefore, negotiation should be a process in which both parties understand each other's needs and interests through communication and exchange, and finally achieve their respective goals. If the negotiation is only understood as a battle between the positions of the two sides, what do you want, what do I want, you want more, I want less, and in the end there are only two options left, hard or soft, putting pressure on each other, whoever can't bear the pressure will suffer, and the evenly matched will die together. If you talk about it, it hurts your feelings, and if you can't talk about it, it hurts your feelings even more.

Negotiation does not need to be a mutual stress test and a battle of wills, it can turn into a journey for both parties to find a reasonable agreement for mutual benefit.


Remember, every point of negotiation is pure profit! Practical secrets of advertising sales negotiation!

4 tactics for advertising sales negotiation in the god ® of war

☞Guangzhanshe 广战神 ® I Teacher Peng 邀请彭小东®导师线下企业内训 I 即学即用,业绩倍增 I ☟

Remember, every point of negotiation is pure profit! Practical secrets of advertising sales negotiation!

First, negotiations are not a battle of positions, but a battle of interests

When the interests are driven, the interests are multiple. There are core interests, there are important interests, and there are general interests. Just like a game of chess, the core interests are the generals, the important interests are the chariots, horses, and artillery, and the general interests are the soldiers.

Second, the right thing is not the right person

Doing things right is not about people, it is really right about things and not about people. The two sides are not face-to-face but shoulder to shoulder, looking for a mutually acceptable combination of options in the three-dimensional maze of multiple interests of both sides. You can genuinely appreciate each other's efforts in the search and genuinely offer help.

Remember, every point of negotiation is pure profit! Practical secrets of advertising sales negotiation!

Third, look for differences

Look for differences, take what you don't value but the other person values, and exchange what you value but the other person doesn't, and the other party is the same logic. If both sides attach equal importance to everything, then there is really no need to talk about it. It has to be my honey and your arsenic, that's the best.

Fourth, don't compete with will, look for objective standards

The interests of both sides are completely clear to each other, and mutually beneficial exchanges have been found and completed, but there will always be some places where the interests of both sides are in tat-for-tat demand. Negotiation is not all a zero-sum game, so positional negotiation is wrong, but negotiation is not all a positive-sum game either, it is always a combination of a positive-sum game and a zero-sum game.

Remember, every point of negotiation is pure profit! Practical secrets of advertising sales negotiation!


Remember, every point of negotiation is pure profit! Practical secrets of advertising sales negotiation!

The 5 basic skills of advertising and sales of the god ® of war are extended

☞Guangzhanshe 广战神 ® I Teacher Peng 邀请彭小东®导师线下企业内训 I 即学即用,业绩倍增 I ☟

Remember, every point of negotiation is pure profit! Practical secrets of advertising sales negotiation!

1. 3 types of intuitive responses

1. When encountering difficulties, the three most direct reactions of human beings

(1) Fight back

(2) Compromise

(3) Termination

2. The harm of intuitive reaction

(1) Confirm your interests

To find benefits, you have to solve the "why" question: "Why do I need this?" What is the problem I'm trying to solve? The benefit of your budget may be to purchase media to run ads and boost your business's brand and sales.

(2) Find the point where the interests of both parties are combined

Negotiation is a two-way street. Normally, you can only satisfy your own interests if you meet the interests of your opponents. As the saying goes, "you want to establish people, and you want to reach people", it is also important to understand the interests of your opponents.

Remember, every point of negotiation is pure profit! Practical secrets of advertising sales negotiation!

3. Let the emotions fly for a while

01. Actively listen

02. Acknowledge your opponent's point of view

One of the most powerful and unexpected strategies in negotiation is to strike first, in short, to get the opponent's heart out first. Tell him, "If I were in your place, I would see things the same way." ”

03. Agree but don't budge

Once you've identified your interests, many options will come to mind. Don't cling to rigid goals, but pursue specific outcomes that satisfy your interests. Reaching an agreement on the interests of both sides is the "goal" of negotiations in the true sense.

4. Express your thoughts without provoking the other party

01. The core essence is to change your way of thinking.

The standard way of thinking is "either ...... Either ......": both sides negotiate, either you are right or the opponent is right.

The alternative way of thinking is "...... both"...... and ......": in terms of the opponent's past experience, he is right; As far as your past experience is concerned, you are right.

Remember, every point of negotiation is pure profit! Practical secrets of advertising sales negotiation!

02. Don't say "but", but "yes...... And ......"

Even if you think things differently, you can say it in a tactful and inclusive way: "I see why you believe so strongly in your ideas.

However, allow me to elaborate on ...... from my own point of view" "I agree with what you wish to achieve. On this issue, you may also want to consider...... "Whatever language you use, the key is to make your ideas complementary to those of your opponents, rather than "tearing down new buildings and rebuilding them".

03. The subject of the point of view is "I" and not "you"

When expressing your thoughts, if you only state your thoughts instead of imposing them on the other person, it can also be effective in reducing the likelihood of angering the other person.

Imagine that one day your child promised to be home by 12 p.m., and he actually came home at 3 a.m. that night.

Parents usually express in this way: "You broke your promise!" You are so irresponsible! Or, "You just care about yourself." You've never thought about how your family feels. ”

This is known as "expressing an idea with 'you' as the subject". Often, children become angry and block their parents' "change the soup but not the medicine" preaching.

Imagine that you say something like this, "Morning, I was going crazy last night, and I was afraid that something would happen to you. "Instead of scolding your child, express your feelings and experiences. This is known as "expressing thoughts with 'I' as the subject".

Although the content is essentially the same, the latter will greatly increase the likelihood that your child will hear and understand your anxiety.

"Expressing an idea with 'I' as the subject" does not question the opponent's idea, but simply provides the opponent with a different perspective on the problem, that is, your perspective.

5. Don't refuse, refactor

1. Avoid the real and ignore the "stubborn wall".

2. Stop fighting and reconcile, and reinterpret the "stubborn wall" as a "vision".

3. Turn fiction into reality and test the opponent's truth and falsehood

Remember, every point of negotiation is pure profit! Practical secrets of advertising sales negotiation!


Remember, every point of negotiation is pure profit! Practical secrets of advertising sales negotiation!

® 12 Tips for Advertising Sales Negotiation

☞Guangzhanshe 广战神 ® I Teacher Peng 邀请彭小东®导师线下企业内训 I 即学即用,业绩倍增 I ☟

Remember, every point of negotiation is pure profit! Practical secrets of advertising sales negotiation!

1. Be well prepared

Gain a comprehensive understanding of your competitors' media, pricing, and ad sales strategies to demonstrate unique value and better respond to competitive questions your clients may have.

Develop a detailed negotiation plan, including possible negotiation options and alternatives.

2. Clarify the bottom line

In ad sales negotiations, the bottom line refers to the minimum conditions or minimum that you are willing to accept. This is the bottom line criterion that cannot or is unwilling to compromise, and once this bottom line is exceeded, it will be considered to abandon the deal.

The bottom line is not set in stone, and it can be adjusted based on the actual situation. During the negotiation process, use the bottom line flexibly and adjust according to the feedback of the other party and the progress of the negotiation to better reach an agreement.

3. Strike later

In ad sales negotiations, a late-mover strategy means being cautious about revealing the bottom line or key messages, and instead using the timing to better adapt to the other party's movements.

To be clear, pre-emptive action is not a means of fraud or concealment. Employing this strategy, based on confidence-building, helps to ensure that both parties are able to maximize their benefits in the negotiations.

Remember, every point of negotiation is pure profit! Practical secrets of advertising sales negotiation!

4. Avoid the scope of use

In ad sales negotiations, avoiding scope means that we shouldn't just offer multiple options on whether the "price" can be compromised, e.g., "Well, I'm trying to ask the company to reduce the price by 15%-20%".

There's a potential problem with such a statement: who would want to accept 15% when a 20% reduction is mentioned? To circumvent this situation, specific numbers should be taken and fine-tuned as needed, rather than given a range.

5. Refuse to "compromise"

In ad sales negotiations, refusing to compromise requires showing unwavering assertiveness.

The first thing is to make sure you have a deep understanding of the media or service you are selling and a clear explanation of why the proposal is reasonable. Confidence is not only in words, but also in tone and posture.

It's important to note that self-confidence doesn't mean arrogance. When expressing a position, one should avoid overly strong language and instead emphasize the reasonableness and value of the position.

Remember, every point of negotiation is pure profit! Practical secrets of advertising sales negotiation!

6. Write terms at the right time

Of the multiple options proposed by both sides, some may be accepted, while others may be rejected. Once you've agreed on price, delivery times, and other key elements, it's an ideal time to work out the terms.

7. Dialogue with decision-makers

Obviously, but a common mistake that many ad sales make is failing to negotiate with the people who ultimately decide the outcome of the business.

To avoid this, make sure to communicate with decision-makers who are actually able to make decisions during the negotiation process. This helps ensure that your proposals and bargains are recognized at key levels of business decisions, enabling you to move the deal forward more favorably.

Remember, every point of negotiation is pure profit! Practical secrets of advertising sales negotiation!

8. Balance gains and losses

During the negotiation process, the situation may change. To cope with this change, ad sales need to be agile and adaptable, taking into account the needs of both parties and changing market conditions. Timely adaptation ensures that negotiations run smoothly while meeting the expectations of both parties.

9. Provide value

In the world of ad sales, price is closely related to value, while the value of media is directly related to customer perception and satisfaction with it. Therefore, ad sales should consider offering other additional perks or giveaways during the negotiation process, rather than just lowering the price.

Remember, every point of negotiation is pure profit! Practical secrets of advertising sales negotiation!

10. Maintain a relaxed conversation atmosphere

First, make the conversation more relatable by using a friendly tone and avoid overly aggressive or aggressive language. Second, focus on listening, understand the needs and concerns of the other person, and respect the opinions they express. Also, use some light-hearted humor at the right time to ease tension and bring the relationship closer.

11, Hold calm

Staying calm is key, and at the same time, calm expression is also a reflection of professionalism. Listen to the needs of your customers and express your views in a calm and rational manner. Avoid using emotional language to ensure professional communication.

Master the pace of negotiations and prevent them from taking too long. Not only does this help you focus, but it also helps you avoid losing your cool and keep your head clear during a long negotiation.

12. Give up immediately if necessary

Giving up immediately is not the same as giving up respect and professionalism. Learning to give up decisively at the right time will not only avoid unnecessary losses, but also potentially leave more room for future opportunities. In this highly competitive market, timely strategic concessions can be one of the keys to success.

Remember, every point of negotiation is pure profit! Practical secrets of advertising sales negotiation!


I am Mr. Peng Xiaodong, and I am especially grateful to all advertising media companies, advertising associations, advertising chambers of commerce, etc. for choosing to invite true love! I have been booked to attend the Annual Meeting and share the following topics:

1. "1 Second Cognition: Breaking Through the Stock Market Game and Building a Brand Growth Strategy"

2. Analysis of the Logical Thinking of China's Top Advertising Champion (Guang Zhanshen)

3. "Winning the Battle 2024 Advertising Media Performance Breakthrough Growth Road"

4. "2024 China Advertising Media Key Accounts Excellent Marketing Power"

5. "Winning the 2024 China Outdoor Advertising Sales Champion God of War Legion Secrets"...

At present, there are still a small number of itineraries that can be coordinated and arranged, welcome to book in advance, more surprises are waiting for you!

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Remember, every point of negotiation is pure profit! Practical secrets of advertising sales negotiation!


Remember, every point of negotiation is pure profit! Practical secrets of advertising sales negotiation!

7 Tips for Successful Negotiation in Advertising Sales ®

☞Guangzhanshe 广战神 ® I Teacher Peng 邀请彭小东®导师线下企业内训 I 即学即用,业绩倍增 I ☟

Remember, every point of negotiation is pure profit! Practical secrets of advertising sales negotiation!

First, leave your sense of self out the door.

Second, ask yourself: What does this person need me to do?

Third, don't just "be yourself".

Fourth, know when to be quiet.

Fifth, based on facts.

This is especially true when you're asking for a raise or promotion. Keep a record of the work you do so that when you negotiate with your boss, you can make a list. That's the truth, and you can't argue with the logical facts. You can't just go in and say to the boss I'm doing a great job, you're backed by solid facts and figures, not 'I need' or 'I want', but 'you see what I've done'. ”

Remember, every point of negotiation is pure profit! Practical secrets of advertising sales negotiation!

Sixth, accept conflict.

Conflict doesn't mean someone yelling at you, it means that there is an objection between you that needs to be discussed.

Seventh, use the TED rule to find the cause.

There will always be people who disagree with you, and most importantly, you need to understand why. You can find out why using the TED Rule, which stands for tell me, explain, and describe.

It can be used like this: Tell me why. Explain your own thoughts. Describe to me what the problem is.


Remember, every point of negotiation is pure profit! Practical secrets of advertising sales negotiation!

® There are 10 rules that must be mastered in advertising sales

☞Guangzhanshe 广战神 ® I Teacher Peng invited Peng Xiaodong ® tutor offline enterprise internal training I Ready-to-use, performance multiplied I☟

Remember, every point of negotiation is pure profit! Practical secrets of advertising sales negotiation!

1. Recognize yourself: Ask yourself 5 questions

1. What problem do I want to solve?

The first question to ask yourself in a negotiation is, "What problem do I want to solve?" "Remember, negotiation is about leading.

2. What do I need?

3. How do I feel?

4. How did I successfully handle this in the past?

5. What is my first step?

2. See others clearly: Ask them 5 questions

1. Tell me your problem

2. What do you need?

3. What are your concerns?

The next step in the negotiation is to ask the other party what their concerns are.

4. How have you successfully handled this in the past?

5. What was your first step?

Remember, every point of negotiation is pure profit! Practical secrets of advertising sales negotiation!

3. How to make concessions in negotiations to get the most benefits?

1. Gradually reduce the amount of concessions

2. Make multiple concessions

3. Grasp the margin of concessions

4. Send a bottom-line signal


Remember, every point of negotiation is pure profit! Practical secrets of advertising sales negotiation!

Guang Zhanshen ® advertising sales negotiation master reads other people's micro-expressions

☞Guangzhanshe 广战神 ® I Teacher Peng 邀请彭小东®导师线下企业内训 I 即学即用,业绩倍增 I ☟

Remember, every point of negotiation is pure profit! Practical secrets of advertising sales negotiation!

1. Focus on observing the other person's face

Focus your attention on the other person's face for at least 4 seconds.

2. Tell a story at the right time

3. Provide the other party with a variety of options

Five-tier mentality

Communication tools

→ minimal words of encouragement, very brief verbal prompts, "What else?" "Really?" "And then?" "Um", "Aha", "Continue", "Interesting", etc., don't get distracted by using the wrong words of encouragement or overusing words like "good" and "OK", as these words imply that you understand or agree and will make the other person stop.

→ Open-ended questions encourage people to speak freely and share their opinions, revealing more about what they think is important or unimportant, the boundaries they can't or won't cross, and where they might compromise.

→ Remembering or mimicking a few words or key phrases that the other person just said is another way to prove that you've heard them, get them on talking, and build a relationship.

Remember, every point of negotiation is pure profit! Practical secrets of advertising sales negotiation!

→ Emotional annotation can help your peers control their emotions (as well as their behaviors, biases, or entrenched opinions) so that they can think objectively and rationally.

→ paraphrasing involves translating your own understanding of the other person's words into your own words to ensure that your views are on the same page. Focus on the content, rather than trying to retell it word for word (that's the summary, I'll talk about it shortly).

→ "I" statements allow you to explain the situation, or communicate the impact on you, and encourage them to change without blaming the other person. These include 3 elements: behavior or situation (describing what the other person did or happened), feelings (the effect on you), and consequences (what the outcome was).

→ An effective pause can give the other person room to gather their thoughts, continue the conversation, or even vent the message in your favor.

→ Summarizing, like paraphrasing, is about presenting your own understanding of what someone has just said, but instead of using your own words, you want to repeat the other person's argument and help the other person understand their argument more clearly and build trust.

Remember, every point of negotiation is pure profit! Practical secrets of advertising sales negotiation!

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