
Yingda said frankly: How did Liang Huan, who has a mediocre appearance, capture his heart?

author:Butterfly Quest

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Yingda said frankly: How did Liang Huan, who has a mediocre appearance, capture his heart?

On a bright morning in 1997, Song Dandan stood tall in front of the camera, her eyes flashing with a light that had turned reddish from tears. She took a deep breath, tried her best to calm her emotions, and then began to speak calmly: "Dear friends from the media, I hereby solemnly announce that my marriage with Yingda has ended.

As soon as these words came out, there was an immediate uproar in the audience, and the breakup of the couple, who were once known as "screen couples", undoubtedly brought great shock to the reporters present.

Although Song Dandan's heart was full of grief, she still continued strongly: "The main reason for our divorce is that there was a relationship between Yingda and my sister Liang Huan."

She gently wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes with a handkerchief, and her tone was firm and forceful: "Although this is a heavy blow to me, I can no longer bear this relationship between them.

Yingda said frankly: How did Liang Huan, who has a mediocre appearance, capture his heart?

It's not just out of respect for marriage, it's about the future of our children."

Song Dandan's sincere statement caused the scene to fall into a brief silence, and only a few reporters cautiously asked: "You mean, Yingda once betrayed you?" Is his cheating partner your sister Liang Huan? Faced with such a predicament, Song Dandan showed extraordinary courage, she looked directly at the camera, and replied without hesitation: "That's right, Liang Huan is the third party who destroyed our family."

This explosive news undoubtedly caused an uproar in the entertainment industry. In the past, Song Dandan and Yingda were a model couple of love in the eyes of the audience, but who would have thought that even their biological sister would be involved in this dispute, which is really laughable.

To understand why Liang Huan chose this path of no return, we must go back to her childhood. In 1968, Liang Huan was born in a scholarly family in Nantong, Jiangsu. Her father, Liang Da, is an associate editor of the People's Daily, and her mother, Zhan Rong, is a well-known writer with a deep family background.

Yingda said frankly: How did Liang Huan, who has a mediocre appearance, capture his heart?

As the youngest child in the family, Liang Huan is not only favored by his parents, but also the pearl of his two elder brothers. In addition to her, there are two older brothers in the family, namely the famous screenwriter Liang Zuo and the actor Liang Tian.

In the face of this lone sister, the two brothers all regard her as a treasure and respond to their needs.

has always been like this, under the meticulous care of his brothers and the excessive care of his parents, Liang Huan has formed a unique and arrogant character charm since he was a child. She firmly believes that what her heart desires, there is no one to compete with, and she will get her wish.

Unexpectedly, Liang Huan is not the delicate rich daughter in the eyes of the world. Perhaps thanks to the excellent influence of her family environment, she showed extraordinary academic talent since she was a child, and finally successfully admitted to Peking University, a top university in China, and became a campus talent in the limelight.

Yingda said frankly: How did Liang Huan, who has a mediocre appearance, capture his heart?

Time is like an arrow, time is like a shuttle, and it has come to 1997 in a blink of an eye. Only a month after the official divorce from Song Dandan, Liang Huan did not hesitate to enter the marriage hall with Yingda. On the day of the wedding, Liang Huan clasped Yingda's hand, his face was full of joy, and his happiness was beyond words.

However, looking around, the faces of relatives and friends looked extremely heavy, and they sighed secretly.

Liang Huan didn't care about these. In her mind, as long as she can spend the rest of her life with the person she loves, everything else is irrelevant. Soon after their marriage, she conceived a lovely boy for Yingda, and the arrival of this new life undoubtedly bound their relationship closely.

Looking at the baby in his arms, Yingda was as excited as a child, and he shouted to the camera: "This symbolizes the birth of the fifth generation of our Ying family!" It seems that in his eyes, the two children born to Song Dandan have become insignificant.

Yingda said frankly: How did Liang Huan, who has a mediocre appearance, capture his heart?

Liang Huan, who was supposed to shine in his career, resolutely chose to return to his family and devote himself to trivial housework in the expectation of Yingda and his son.

Her decision naturally aroused strong dissatisfaction from her mother Zhan Rong.

"Do you know how much effort your father and I put into it to get you into Peking University and become a role model for outstanding women? Is it our expectation that you will be surrounded by pots and pans all day long, and become a housewife? Zhan Rong admonished with regret and helplessness.

"Mom, rest assured, I've thought it through." Liang Huan responded in a firm tone, "Yingda promises to bear all the living expenses of me and my children, and I just need to take care of the family wholeheartedly."

Yingda said frankly: How did Liang Huan, who has a mediocre appearance, capture his heart?

In the face of his mother's loving advice, Liang Huan seemed to turn a blind eye to these words, but devoted himself to the warm family life. Even though many people around her questioned her decision, Liang Huan was already indifferent to it.

However, just a few years after the sweet days when Liang Huan and Yingda entered the marriage hall, a catastrophic event thundered the Liang family, bringing heavy trauma to the entire family.

In April 2001, in the bright spring season, Liang Huan's beloved father, Mr. Liang Da, died suddenly, and the whole family was instantly immersed in a sea of grief. However, the tricks of fate did not stop there, and even greater tragedies awaited them.

Only a month after his father's death, Liang Huan's eldest brother Liang Zuo also passed away due to myocardial infarction, and his mother Zhan Rong lost her beloved son and almost collapsed.

Yingda said frankly: How did Liang Huan, who has a mediocre appearance, capture his heart?

Just when the whole family was in deep grief, when Liang Tian was sorting out the relics of his eldest brother Liang Zuo, he accidentally found a huge IOU of up to one million yuan. Faced with such a huge number, Liang Tian was shocked, and immediately asked Liang Zuo's relatives and friends before his death, trying to understand the truth of the matter.

It turned out that this astonishing debt was actually accumulated by Liang Zuo during the creation of the TV series "I Love My Home".

After careful consideration, Liang Tian finally came up with a solution - Liang Zuo had left a large number of precious documents in his computer during his lifetime, and if these works could be successfully sold, it would be enough to pay off all his debts.

So, Liang Tian began to look for the computer where the manuscript was stored. However, to his surprise, the computer had already been quietly taken away by Yingda without a sound.

Yingda said frankly: How did Liang Huan, who has a mediocre appearance, capture his heart?

After learning the news, Liang Tian immediately rushed to Yingda's home, hoping to properly handle the matter.

"Yingda, I understand that these manuscripts are of great value to you, but you are also aware of the current situation." Liang Tian said in a sincere tone, "I can assure you that we will return all the proceeds from the sale of these manuscripts to you, and only use them as temporary loans.

In the face of Yingda's indifference and ruthlessness to the Liang family, Liang Huan chose to remain silent and did not say a word to fight for justice for his family. This undoubtedly made the entire Liang family feel extremely disappointed and painful.

In order to shoulder the heavy responsibility of the family and repay the millions of debts, Liang Tian had to start devoting himself to the acting business day and night, and at the same time actively invested in the establishment of companies to earn more wealth.

Yingda said frankly: How did Liang Huan, who has a mediocre appearance, capture his heart?

"Brother Tian, please rest assured! I will always be by your side to help you solve your problems. When faced with distress and danger, Liang Tian expressed his heart to his mother Zhan Rong sonorously. What is even more touching is that his wife, Sun Fengying, resolutely hugged her husband tightly and firmly promised to go through this difficult time with him.

With the selfless support and deep understanding of his family, Liang Tian successfully repaid all the huge debts with his unremitting efforts in the following years, thus effectively alleviating the crisis faced by the family.

The emotional entanglement between Liang Huan and Yingda originated from a crew many years ago. At that time, Yingda was in full swing preparing for the sitcom "I Love My Home", and Liang Huan's brother Liang Zuo served as the screenwriter of the show.

Therefore, Liang Zuo naturally recommended his sister Liang Huan to Yingda, hoping that she could play an inconspicuous small role in the play.

Yingda said frankly: How did Liang Huan, who has a mediocre appearance, capture his heart?

When they first met, Yingda's first impression of Liang Huan was not very good. In an interview, he frankly expressed: "Liang Huan's appearance is not outstanding, and his figure is not particularly attractive.

Indeed, compared with Song Dandan's petite, exquisite, beautiful and moving image, Liang Huan's appearance and figure are indeed a little ordinary.

However, just when Yingda was prejudiced against Liang Huan, an unexpected discovery completely subverted his cognition. It turned out that unconsciously, Yingda found that Liang Huan not only had a gentle and kind personality, but also had an excellent temper.

Every time they communicated, Liang Huan always smiled and never showed the slightest dissatisfaction.

Yingda said frankly: How did Liang Huan, who has a mediocre appearance, capture his heart?

This unique personality makes Yingda feel refreshed. As a director, he has seen countless characters who are gentle on the surface and dark on the inside. And the appearance of Liang Huan undoubtedly brought him a new feeling.

In this way, Yingda's good impression of Liang Huan is like a snowball. As the amount of time the two spent together on the set gradually increased, the intimacy between them deepened.

Although everyone has long been aware of the delicate relationship between them, considering Yingda's high status in the entertainment industry, no one dares to comment on it.

Facing his brother's questioning, Liang Huan calmly responded calmly: "Brother, I understand very well that Yingda has promised me that he will divorce Song Dandan and then marry me in a dignified manner.

Yingda said frankly: How did Liang Huan, who has a mediocre appearance, capture his heart?

For a long time, Liang Tian, as Liang Huan's most beloved brother, always did not hesitate to fulfill her wishes. However, this time, Liang Huan's opposition surprised Liang Huan.

What she didn't expect was that this deep-seated admiration would attract strong opposition from relatives and friends, and even lead to fierce family quarrels.

However, it was this unexpected encounter that made the originally unknown relationship between Liang Huan and Yingda instantly exposed in front of everyone. For Song Dandan, this is undoubtedly a heavy blow, when she learned the news, she was immediately furious, and resolutely decided to divorce Yingda to end this painful marriage process.

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