
Naying's live broadcast exploded and collapsed! Na Ying's heart: I'm under a lot of pressure!



Stress test of the live format

Na Ying, while recording "Cute Detective 2024", revealed that after participating in the live broadcast system of "Singer 2024", the pressure was so great that she almost collapsed. As we all know, the live broadcast is unobstructed and unrepaired, just like walking a tightrope, and one may fall into the abyss if you are not careful.

Naying's live broadcast exploded and collapsed! Na Ying's heart: I'm under a lot of pressure!

Na Ying's experience seems to have opened a mental stress test for all musicians. In the live broadcast room, the barrier between the star and the audience was completely destroyed, and without the beautification of post-production, everything was so naked. This kind of nakedness is not only a test of the singer's singing strength, but also a challenge to psychological endurance.

Naying's live broadcast exploded and collapsed! Na Ying's heart: I'm under a lot of pressure!

The battlefield of the view of the incomplete pentatonic sound

Audience comments on the music on social media can be described as varied, ranging from appreciative to relentless criticism. Those commenters who think very highly of themselves and speak wildly are constantly pointing fingers at the Internet.

Naying's live broadcast exploded and collapsed! Na Ying's heart: I'm under a lot of pressure!

In the face of these "expert-level" reviews, Na Ying's collapse seems to be reasonable. The cruelty of live broadcast is that even passers-by can comment on your singing strength at will.

Naying's live broadcast exploded and collapsed! Na Ying's heart: I'm under a lot of pressure!

Na Ying's situation undoubtedly sounded the alarm for all stars: on this stage, you have to not only face the camera, but also countless online reviewers.

Eiko's psychological monologue

Na Ying said in the comments: "It's great if you can go", which seems to be a challenge to all those who are pointing fingers behind their backs. Every singer standing on the stage tried his best, but he couldn't escape the fate of being criticized.

Naying's live broadcast exploded and collapsed! Na Ying's heart: I'm under a lot of pressure!

Na Ying's public voice this time also made fans feel her hardship. In the high-pressure environment of live broadcasting, every note may become the focus of external evaluation, and every performance is a test of one's confidence.

Naying's live broadcast exploded and collapsed! Na Ying's heart: I'm under a lot of pressure!

I can't help but ask, is such an unreserved display a spur or a constraint for the artist?

The "responsibility" of the Chinese music scene


Na Ying's mood swings are not just a personal problem, but more like a manifestation of carrying the burden of the entire Chinese music scene. When she says that the pressure is too much, she can't help but wonder if this veteran musician really feels some kind of invisible responsibility and expectation.

Naying's live broadcast exploded and collapsed! Na Ying's heart: I'm under a lot of pressure!

After all, every live performance is not only a personal show, but also a showcase for the entire Chinese music market. On such a stage, every mistake can be magnified, and every success can be seen as a victory for the entire industry.

Naying's live broadcast exploded and collapsed! Na Ying's heart: I'm under a lot of pressure!

Operation "Protect" Yingzi

Fans half-jokingly said that they would "find a few security guards" for Na Ying to make sure she wouldn't "run away". Behind this is not only sympathy for Na Ying's pressure, but also reflects fans' concern and desire to protect their idols.

Naying's live broadcast exploded and collapsed! Na Ying's heart: I'm under a lot of pressure!

In the tide of public opinion, celebrities are easy targets of attack, and fans naturally become the "escort team" of idols. Even a powerful singer like Na Ying needs this extra layer of "protection" in the face of the ruthless display of the live broadcast.

Naying's live broadcast exploded and collapsed! Na Ying's heart: I'm under a lot of pressure!

Sister Na's stability

Despite the huge pressure brought by the live broadcast, Na Ying still maintained her consistent stability on the scene. No matter how turbulent her heart is, facing the camera and the audience, she is still that professional and calm musician.

Naying's live broadcast exploded and collapsed! Na Ying's heart: I'm under a lot of pressure!

This kind of professionalism and composure may be one of the important reasons why she has been able to establish herself in the Chinese music scene for many years. Despite the noise from the outside world, Na Ying still proved with her actions that she can maintain her style and quality even in front of the "naked" live broadcast.

Naying's live broadcast exploded and collapsed! Na Ying's heart: I'm under a lot of pressure!

The joys, sorrows and sorrows of netizens

Viewers in the age of social media are not only viewers, but also participants. Their comments and reactions can often have an immediate impact on the atmosphere of the scene. From "doting on a giant baby" to "2.08 million is really a mix", these comments with strong irony reveal netizens' complex emotions towards the entertainment industry.

Naying's live broadcast exploded and collapsed! Na Ying's heart: I'm under a lot of pressure!

Some netizens joked, while others were genuinely worried and supportive. All of this constitutes an indispensable part of the big stage of the entertainment industry.

The true meaning of art in the debate

In the face of all the pressures and challenges brought about by live broadcasting, we can't help but wonder: does the display of art really need such "unobstructed"? Does Na Ying's collapse tell us that instant truth is not the only way to express art?

Naying's live broadcast exploded and collapsed! Na Ying's heart: I'm under a lot of pressure!

While appreciating art, can we give artists more understanding and space? Let's share your views in the comment section, do you support the live broadcast format without revision?

Naying's live broadcast exploded and collapsed! Na Ying's heart: I'm under a lot of pressure!

Or do you think artists should be given more creative freedom? Let's explore the meaning and form of art in modern society.

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