
Beria, the demon of power: Hundreds of women were brutally abused, and their bodies were killed by 5 bullets, and their whereabouts are unknown

author:Jingyuan history said

The Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic, Lavrenty Beria, a man who came out of a small Georgian town, has used his life to interpret a jaw-dropping legend.

He was a celebrity at Stalin's side, and he was in power; He is also a notorious pervert with a horde of mistresses. However, this powerful political strongman ended up being shot. What's the story behind this? Let's walk into the life of this "red capital demon".

Beria, the demon of power: Hundreds of women were brutally abused, and their bodies were killed by 5 bullets, and their whereabouts are unknown

Lavrenti Pavlovich Beria was born in 1899 in the town of Melkhul in the Russian Empire. In this remote town, Beria spent his teenage years. His father was an unmotivated drunkard who often punched and kicked his mother. Whenever his father returned drunk, Beria could hear her mother's heart-rending cries.

His mother, on the other hand, was a flirtatious woman who often flirted with other men in the town. The mother's behavior also made the young Beria feel extremely ashamed. In such an unhealthy family environment, Beria's personality began to twist. He becomes sensitive and suspicious, full of morbid fantasies about women.

Beria, the demon of power: Hundreds of women were brutally abused, and their bodies were killed by 5 bullets, and their whereabouts are unknown

Despite the poor family environment, Beria showed intelligence beyond the ordinary. He was admitted to the prestigious Baku Secondary Technical School with excellent grades. While at school, he met his first wife, Nina Gergoberidze. Nina is not only beautiful and generous, but also has a wealthy family, and her father has a high status in Soviet politics. This marriage undoubtedly laid the foundation for Beria's future career.

However, after the marriage, Beria did not settle down. He began to mess around outside and engage in extramarital affairs. According to historical records, Beria got involved with a charming female landlady in a tavern near the school. In the tavern, the smoke is filled, and the men and women are sexually sounded.

It was in such a smoky place that Beria and the female boss fell in love for a long time. However, the good times did not last long, and Beria's affair was soon discovered by Nina. Nina is grief-stricken and threatens to inform the school of this. Beria panicked and hurriedly begged Nina for forgiveness.

Beria, the demon of power: Hundreds of women were brutally abused, and their bodies were killed by 5 bullets, and their whereabouts are unknown

In order to save the marriage, he even knelt down for Nina. Nina was finally moved by Beria's sincerity and chose to forgive. This affair almost ruined his studies and future. Fortunately, he was clever and cunning, and eventually escaped the fate of being expelled.

In 1919, Beria joined the Bolshevik Party. With his outstanding intellect and ambition, he quickly rose to prominence within the party. In 1926, he was appointed Secretary General of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Georgia. In this position, Beria showed his ruthless side.

He ruthlessly suppressed anyone who opposed Stalin, creating countless unjust cases. Beria often interrogated the so-called "counter-revolutionaries" in the middle of the night. In the interrogation room, he was vicious, holding a leather whip in his hand, punching and kicking the prisoners. Many had to give in under his whip and confess to the trump of the crime.

Beria, the demon of power: Hundreds of women were brutally abused, and their bodies were killed by 5 bullets, and their whereabouts are unknown

In 1934, Beria was promoted to first secretary of the Transcaucasian regional party committee. This year, he committed heinous crimes. According to historical records, when Beria was inspecting a university, he took a fancy to a female college student named Nina.

Nina is not only young and beautiful, but also talented, and is the school's man of the hour. However, Nina already has a fiancé, a young talent named Victor. Beria was furious and determined to get rid of Victor.

Late one night, Victor rode home, down a remote path. Suddenly, several men in black rushed out of the shadows and dragged Victor off the car. Victor struggled desperately, but he couldn't match four or five big men. Soon, he was pinned to the ground, unable to move.

The man in black at the head took out a dagger, and without saying a word, stabbed Victor in the heart. Blood stained the trail red, and Victor's eyes widened in disbelief that it had happened to him. When his life was about to burn out, he seemed to see a familiar figure. That's right, that's exactly Beria! It turned out that Beria had planned all of this.

Beria, the demon of power: Hundreds of women were brutally abused, and their bodies were killed by 5 bullets, and their whereabouts are unknown

Victor's death plunged Nina into great grief. She washed her face with tears all day long, and almost ended her own life. Just then, Beria appeared. He pretended to comfort Nina, but in fact, he used coercion and temptation to force Nina to comply. Nina was supposed to be a strong woman, but under Belial's obscenity, she eventually gave in.

From then on, Nina became Belial's mistress and gave birth to a child for him. And this poor child will not escape a tragic fate in the future.

In 1938, Beria was appointed head of the NKVD, in charge of the Soviet state security apparatus and the secret police. From then on, he completely entered Stalin's inner circle and became powerful for a while. Beria abused his power to the fullest, building lavish villas in Moscow and Sochi, in splendor, and luxury.

Beria, the demon of power: Hundreds of women were brutally abused, and their bodies were killed by 5 bullets, and their whereabouts are unknown

Every day, Beria would summon young and beautiful women to these villas to enjoy themselves. In the bedroom of the villa, the delicate gasps of women and the heavy gasps of Beria echoed. Sometimes, Beria would even play with several women at once, making them naked and performing nasty deeds for him.

According to incomplete statistics, Beria had hundreds of mistresses, many of whom were underage girls. He even built a special "love nest" in the villa to imprison women who refused to give in. In that dungeon, where there was no light of day, the women were subjected to inhuman torture and humiliation, and their cries would never be heard by outsiders.

Beria, the demon of power: Hundreds of women were brutally abused, and their bodies were killed by 5 bullets, and their whereabouts are unknown

Beria's madness caused outrage in Moscow. On the streets and alleys, people are talking about this "pervert" in private. However, under the patronage of Stalin, no one dared to say no to Beria. Even those in high positions were afraid of Beria. Beria is like a ticking time bomb ready to explode at any moment, and no one knows who his next target will be.

It was not until 1949 that the fate of a swimmer named Lyudmila brought Beria's crimes to light. The 19-year-old female athlete was unfortunately spotted by Beria after a training session.

Beria sent her to his villa, drunk her with alcohol, and raped her while she was unconscious. When she woke up, Lyudmila found herself naked on an unfamiliar bed, with Beria's disgusting face lying beside her.

Beria, the demon of power: Hundreds of women were brutally abused, and their bodies were killed by 5 bullets, and their whereabouts are unknown

Since then, Lyudmila has been under house arrest by Beria in a dacha on the outskirts of Moscow. The villa was guarded by armed soldiers, and she couldn't escape. Every day, Beria would come to the dacha and force Lyudmila to have sex with him. If Lyudmila dared to refuse, Beria whipped her with a leather whip until she gave in.

However, Lyudmila's family did not give in. They went around and even risked their lives to tell Stalin the truth. Enraged, Stalin ordered a secret investigation into the matter.

Still, Beria went his own way. In 1952, he fell in love with Dagiana, a 12-year-old girl from the Moscow Ballet School. Beria ordered his men to kidnap the girl to his villa. That night, Beria drunkenly came to the girl's room and tore her clothes open.

Beria, the demon of power: Hundreds of women were brutally abused, and their bodies were killed by 5 bullets, and their whereabouts are unknown

The girl struggled desperately, but she couldn't match the strength of the adult man. Just then, Dagiana's father rushed in out of nowhere. It turned out that the girl's disappearance attracted the attention of her father. He searched the streets of Moscow and finally found traces of his daughter outside the villa.

Seeing his daughter being humiliated in this way, Dagiana's father was furious. He pounced on him and fought with Beria. Despite his small stature, Beria is a trained martial artist. Soon, Dagiana's father was subdued by Beria.

Beria pulled out a pistol from under his pillow and aimed it at his father's head. Gunshots rang out, blood splattered on the walls, and Dagiana's father fell to the ground. Frightened, Dagiana was dragged to bed by Beria and brutally ravaged.

This time, Beria's crimes could no longer be hidden. The Soviet top brass was furious and demanded that Stalin punish Beria severely. Stalin summoned Beria and questioned him sharply. However, the cunning Beria did not panic. He pretended to be heartbroken, lying that he was also a victim and that everything was framed by the enemy.

Beria, the demon of power: Hundreds of women were brutally abused, and their bodies were killed by 5 bullets, and their whereabouts are unknown

Beria's lies deceived Stalin. Stalin, though suspicious of the matter, ultimately decided to protect Beria. In Stalin's view, Beria, although morally corrupt, was a rare political talent. In order to maintain the stability of the regime, Stalin chose to temporarily protect Beria.

It was not until Stalin's death in 1953 that Beria lost his last asylum. Immediately after Stalin's death, Khrushchev and others launched a reckoning with Beria. Late one night, KGB agents broke into the door and dragged Beria, who was in a boudoir, out of the villa. Beria was tied up and stuffed into a black sedan. The sedan sped all the way to a secret interrogation room outside Moscow.

Beria, the demon of power: Hundreds of women were brutally abused, and their bodies were killed by 5 bullets, and their whereabouts are unknown

In the interrogation room, Khrushchev and others interrogated Beria for several hours. They exposed Beria's crimes, ranging from rape to murder. In the face of ironclad evidence, Beria could no longer quibble. He sat down in his chair in a gloomy state, his face pale and in a cold sweat.

In the end, Beria was forced to admit what he had done. But he did not show any remorse, but said viciously: "This is the way this world is, it is just a matter of winning and losing." If I win, I'll be the one to interrogate you now. "

Beria's outrageous remarks completely angered everyone present. Khrushchev immediately announced that Beria had committed crimes against humanity, counter-revolution, treason, and other crimes, and decided to refer them to the Supreme Court for trial.

Beria, the demon of power: Hundreds of women were brutally abused, and their bodies were killed by 5 bullets, and their whereabouts are unknown

On 23 December, the Supreme Court convened a special tribunal and sentenced Beria to death on charges of supreme treason, depriving him of all his medals, titles and positions. When Beria heard the verdict, his face was bloodied and his legs trembled uncontrollably.

On the day of the execution, the sky was overcast and snowflakes were falling. Beria was escorted by soldiers into a military vehicle and driven to an abandoned execution ground on the outskirts of Moscow. Beria was dressed in prison uniform and his hands were handcuffed behind his back.

He scolded and cursed, but he never pleaded guilty. The soldier pushed Beria in front of a ruined wall, where blood could still be faintly seen. It seems that countless people have lost their lives here.

Beria, the demon of power: Hundreds of women were brutally abused, and their bodies were killed by 5 bullets, and their whereabouts are unknown

The executing soldier raised his gun, and the muzzle of the black hole was aimed at Beria's heart. Beria's eyes widened, a look of fear and despair on her face. He trembled and said, "No, no, you can't kill me!" I still have a lot of secrets that I haven't told, and there are many things that only I know the truth! If you kill me, you'll regret it! "

However, no one paid any more attention to Beria's threats. The order sounded, and the soldier pulled the trigger. With a loud bang, Beria fell to the ground, blood gushing out of his chest, and a bright red flower of blood bloomed on the snow. Beria's eyes widened, blood spilled from the corners of her mouth, and she struggled a few times before never moving again. His body was packed into wooden crates, carried away along with a large number of secret documents, and disappeared into the mists of history.

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