
5 cold knowledge about the "sex life" of men and women, I don't know how many people have been deceived, don't be ashamed

author:TCM doctors talk about health

Many people believe that the frequency of married life is directly related to physical health, and some even believe that frequent married life can lead to physical exhaustion or illness. Modern medicine has revealed that there is no direct causal chain between the frequency of married life and physical health. Everyone's libido and marital life needs are different, so the frequency of marital life should also be based on individual circumstances.

5 cold knowledge about the "sex life" of men and women, I don't know how many people have been deceived, don't be ashamed

Xiao Li and Xiao Wang are a loving couple, and they arrange married life several times a week. At first, Xiao Li was worried that frequent marital life would affect his health, but after a period of time, he found that his physical condition did not deteriorate, but became healthier. This is because they find the right couple life frequency for them and make each other feel satisfied and happy.

Moderate love reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. Love promotes blood flow, improves cardiopulmonary vitality, and ensures healthy circulation. Of course, excessively frequent couples can cause a certain burden on the body, so it is crucial to find a frequency that suits you.

Pain problems in the life of the couple

Pain is a common problem in couples' lives. Many people think that pain is inevitable or that pain is a normal part of a couple's life. Modern medicine has revealed that pain during sex often stems from illness or underlying problems.

Ms. Zhang often feels pain in her married life, which she thinks is normal and does not pay attention to it. As time passed, the pain intensified and daily life became more and more disrupted. She was diagnosed with endometriosis. After treatment, her pain was relieved.

Loving pains can be due to multiple causes, such as endometriosis, vaginal dryness, or sexually transmitted diseases. If the pain is sudden, it is advisable to seek medical attention quickly to find out the source and treat it quickly.

5 cold knowledge about the "sex life" of men and women, I don't know how many people have been deceived, don't be ashamed

When it comes to sex, the value of mental health is crucial.

Sex is both full of physical desires and contains the desires of the soul. Many people think that marital life is just physical contact and ignore the importance of the psychological aspect. Modern medicine has revealed that sex plays a pivotal role in mental health.

Mr. Zhao and his wife have been married for many years, but their married life is not harmonious. Mr. Chiu is often frustrated and disappointed, and his self-worth is questioned. Later, they attended a psychosexual counseling course together and learned how to communicate and communicate better. After a period of hard work, their married life has improved, and Mr. Zhao's psychological state has become more positive.

Sex enhances intimacy and trust between partners, and helps relieve negative emotions such as anxiety and depression. Problems in marital life may damage the relationship and even induce mental illness. Mental health in sex is key.

The changes that couples exhibit at the physiological level.

As the years passed, the body changed, and the function of the sexual organs and sexual desire also took on a new look. Many people think that they don't need to live as a couple when they get older, or that they will gradually disappear as they get older. Modern medicine has revealed that age is not a stumbling block to sex.

Mr. Liu and his wife are in their 60s, but they still maintain an active married life. Mr. Liu said that through mutual care and communication, they made their married life a kind of enjoyment in their later years.

As time goes by, the function of the sexual organs may decrease, but the desire may not dissipate. Through proper exercise, maintaining good lifestyle habits and mentality, you can delay the decline of sexual organ function and maintain a healthy married life.

5 cold knowledge about the "sex life" of men and women, I don't know how many people have been deceived, don't be ashamed

Safety and hygiene in sex.

Safety and hygiene issues in conjugal life are often overlooked. These issues have a direct impact on our physical and mental well-being and the safety of our lives. It is important to pay attention to the safety and hygiene of the couple's life.

Xiao Chen contracted an STD after an unclean sexual encounter, which caused a lot of trouble in his life. Later, he learned to use protective measures such as condoms correctly to avoid the risk of reinfection.

In couples, we should pay attention to the use of condoms and other protective measures to avoid the occurrence of sexually transmitted diseases. At the same time, good hygiene practices are essential, including cleaning the vulva regularly and staying away from places such as public baths. The importance of sexual health check-ups is self-evident, and regular implementation is the key to maintaining good health.

5 cold knowledge about the "sex life" of men and women, I don't know how many people have been deceived, don't be ashamed

Protect your physical and mental health and enjoy a more harmonious and satisfying married life. At the same time, we should also pay attention to the safety and hygiene of the couple's life to avoid unnecessary risks.

I'm Dr. Xie, welcome everyone to like and follow, and say your views in the comment area, let's chat

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