
What is "borax pork"? What's so scary about it? Butchers generally don't tell anyone

author:TCM doctors talk about health

In the hectic city life, food safety has always been the focus of attention. Driven by profits, some unscrupulous traders have adopted illegal means to "beautify" food, among which "borax pork" is a typical case that has attracted much attention in recent years.

What is "borax pork"? What's so scary about it? Butchers generally don't tell anyone

1. What is "borax pork"? – Unraveling the mystery of the food world.

"Borax pork" is not a medical term, but a colloquial term for a type of pork to which borax has been added illegally. Borax, or sodium tetraborate, is a colorless or white powder that blends easily into water and has a slightly alkaline character. In the field of industrial manufacturing, borax shows its diverse application value, whether as a highly effective disinfectant or as a preservative, it plays a vital role. Borax is not a food additive, nor is it a nutrient required by the human body.

Some unscrupulous pork traders illegally add borax to pork in order to make it more red, creamy and easier to preserve. They usually mix borax with soybean flour and the like to make a "dyeing" and then soak the pork in it to make it more vibrant in color and more appealing to look. This illegally processed pork is what we call "borax pork".

What is "borax pork"? What's so scary about it? Butchers generally don't tell anyone

2. The horror of "borax pork".

Health risks

Borax, a toxic inorganic substance with cumulative properties, poses a serious potential threat to human health. Borax ingestion has become the primary risk, which significantly disrupts the acid-base balance of the digestive tract, followed by a series of health risks such as loss of appetite and indigestion. Secondly, borax can also affect the body's absorption of minerals such as calcium and magnesium, and long-term intake may lead to problems such as osteoporosis and tooth loss. More severely, borax can cause acute poisoning, with symptoms such as severe headaches, frequent nausea, vomiting, uncontrollable diarrhea, shock, and unconsciousness, all of which pose a direct threat to life. Especially for infants and children, their bodies are not yet mature and have weak resistance, so they are more susceptible to the hazards of borax.

Borax is also regarded by the medical community as a potential carcinogen that poses a long-term threat to human health. Although there is no conclusive evidence of a direct link between borax and cancer, long-term consumption of foods containing borax is undoubtedly associated with an increased risk of cancer.

The potential security threat behind the diet

The existence of "borax pork" not only endangers the health of consumers, but also seriously undermines fair competition in the food market. Those law-abiding merchants are difficult to compete with illegal traders because of their higher costs and better quality, resulting in the phenomenon of "bad money driving out good money" in the market. At the same time, "borax pork" also brings great challenges to food safety supervision. Because borax is colorless and odorless, it is difficult to identify by the naked eye or simple detection methods, so the regulatory authorities need to use advanced instruments and equipment and professional technical means for testing. This undoubtedly makes the regulatory work more challenging and more expensive.

What is "borax pork"? What's so scary about it? Butchers generally don't tell anyone

3. Why are butchers silent and unwilling to reveal their internal information?

Why don't butchers tell outsiders that borax is added to their pork? This is actually the trade-off and pursuit of economic interests that plays a leading role behind the scenes. First of all, the addition of borax is intended to give pork a more attractive bright red color and smooth taste, so as to attract consumers' attention and desire to buy. In a highly competitive market, this "beautification" can undoubtedly increase the sales and price of pork. Secondly, the low-cost nature of borax allows merchants to reduce the production cost of pork, thereby increasing their profit margins. Driven by profits, some unscrupulous traders choose to illegally add borax to "camouflage" pork to attract consumers.

Such illegal acts not only trample on the dignity of laws and regulations, but also cause profound infringement of the rights and interests of consumers. We should be vigilant and learn to distinguish between "borax pork" to protect the health of ourselves and our families.

What is "borax pork"? What's so scary about it? Butchers generally don't tell anyone

Fourth, to explore the secret of identifying "borax camouflage" pork, what are the tricks?

Check the color: Authentic pork should be naturally bright red or pink, if it is too bright red, you need to be wary of whether it contains "borax pork".

Smell: Normal pork should have a natural meaty aroma, while "borax pork" may have a strange chemical smell.

Feel: Normal pork should have some elasticity and toughness, while "borax pork" may feel more creamy or sticky.

Purchasing channels: It is recommended to choose reputable supermarkets, standardized farmers' markets, etc. to buy pork, and carefully avoid pork products from unknown sources.

What is "borax pork"? What's so scary about it? Butchers generally don't tell anyone

"Borax pork", as an illegal addition of borax pork, not only endangers the health of consumers, but also undermines fair competition in the food market. We should be vigilant and learn to distinguish between "borax pork" to protect the health of ourselves and our families. At the same time, we should also call on the relevant authorities to strengthen supervision, crack down on illegal traders, and safeguard fair competition in the food market and the legitimate rights and interests of consumers.

I'm Dr. Xie, welcome everyone to like and follow, and say your views in the comment area, let's chat