
The "癣" in "癣繥之病" does not read xiān, nor does it read xiǎn, so what is the correct pronunciation

author:A guest history said

One day, when Xiao Ming was reading ancient books, he came across an interesting idiom - "ringworm scabies". Curious, he checked the dictionary and found that the pronunciation of the character "ringworm" was neither "xiān" nor "xiǎn", but "xuǎn".

This surprised him very much, because the word was not common in everyday life, and the pronunciation was different from what he had previously recognized.

The "癣" in "癣繥之病" does not read xiān, nor does it read xiǎn, so what is the correct pronunciation

Xiao Ming is an inquisitive person, so he began to delve into this idiom. He found that the original meaning of "ringworm scabies" was scabies, a skin disease like scabies, just like a small illness and pain in our daily life, although annoying, but not fatal.

In ancient texts, this idiom is often used as a metaphor for seemingly inconsequential minor problems, or for some ugly phenomena and morally corrupt behaviors in society.

This reminded Xiao Ming of the society he lived in. In his opinion, there are indeed some "ringworm scabies" in society. For example, some people litter at will, which not only affects the aesthetics of the city, but also increases the unnecessary workload of sanitation workers.

The "癣" in "癣繥之病" does not read xiān, nor does it read xiǎn, so what is the correct pronunciation

There are also people who make loud noises in public places and disturb the rest of others. Although these problems may seem trivial, they are as unpleasant as "ringworm scabies".

Xiao Ming feels that although these problems are small, they cannot be ignored. Just like the ancients said, "Fu Qi is to Wu Ye, and the disease of scabies is also", which means that Qi is like a disease like scabies for Wu State, although it is not fatal, it also needs to be treated in time, otherwise it will bring a lot of trouble.

So, Xiao Ming decided to start from himself and strive to eliminate these "social scabies". He began to actively participate in environmental protection activities in the community, advocating for everyone to take care of the environment and not litter. He also launched an online initiative calling on everyone to be quiet in public places and respect the right of others to rest.

Xiao Ming's action has received a response and support from many people. Everyone said that they should start from themselves and work together to eliminate these "ringworm scabies" and make our society better.

The "癣" in "癣繥之病" does not read xiān, nor does it read xiǎn, so what is the correct pronunciation

Through this idiom, Xiao Ming deeply realized that many times, the problem is not about the size, but about our attitude. Even small problems can gradually become big problems if we ignore them.

On the contrary, if we can start with small things, face and solve them positively, then our society will become more harmonious and beautiful.

Therefore, the idiom "ringworm scabies" is not only a medical term, but also a social allegory. It reminds us not to ignore any seemingly small problems, but to identify and solve them in a timely manner, so that our society can develop more healthily and harmoniously.

The "癣" in "癣繥之病" does not read xiān, nor does it read xiǎn, so what is the correct pronunciation

And Xiao Ming also drew strength from this idiom, and he decided to continue his environmental protection and public welfare activities to contribute to the elimination of "social scabies".

He hopes that through his own efforts, more people can realize the importance of these small problems and participate in the action to solve them.