
The "笺" of "note note" does not read qiān, nor does it read jiàn, so what is the correct pronunciation?

author:A guest history said

In ancient times, people didn't have mobile phones, they didn't have email, and even paper was a luxury.

At that time, how did people communicate and record important things? The answer is "note".

Today, we will talk about this seemingly simple, but rich cultural Chinese character "謺".

The "笺" of "note note" does not read qiān, nor does it read jiàn, so what is the correct pronunciation?

First, let's reveal the correct pronunciation of "note". This character is not pronounced qiān, nor jiàn, but jiān.

That's right, it's the one that sounds like "sharp". Don't underestimate this word, it played a pivotal role in ancient times.

The word "note", literally, has an indissoluble relationship with paper and writing.

In ancient times, people used paper to refer to a kind of paper with a better texture, which was light and delicate, and very suitable for writing.

Therefore, the quality of the letterhead often represents respect and attention to the recipient.

Imagine that your friend sent a letter written on beautiful letterhead from afar, and the anticipation and joy were much stronger than receiving a WeChat message now?

The "笺" of "note note" does not read qiān, nor does it read jiàn, so what is the correct pronunciation?

Not only that, but "note" was a special way of annotation in ancient times.

When scholars were studying the classics, they would write down their opinions and annotations on noteboard, which were often incisive and provided a valuable reference for future generations to understand the ancient texts. It can be said that the "note" is an important carrier of academic inheritance and the crystallization of wisdom.

In daily life, "sticky notes" and "letterheads" are familiar words.

Sticky notes, as the name suggests, are small pieces of paper that are easy to carry, they are lightweight, small, and can record the little inspirations in life at any time.

The letterhead is the representative of the letter culture, and each letterhead carries distant thoughts and sincere emotions.

In addition, "note" also refers to letters, such as "note" refers to letters, and "note" refers to long paper used for writing. These words reveal the unique charm of ancient epistolary culture.

The "笺" of "note note" does not read qiān, nor does it read jiàn, so what is the correct pronunciation?

When it comes to charm, we have to mention "Hua Paper". It is a richly decorated and well-textured epistolary paper. In ancient society, Chinese paper was often a tool of communication between nobles or scholars. A letter written on Chinese paper not only conveys information, but also shows the writer's taste and cultural accomplishment.

In ancient society, Chinese paper was an important tool for communication between aristocratic literati, which not only reflected the taste of the writer, but also respected and respected the recipient.

The "笺" of "note note" does not read qiān, nor does it read jiàn, so what is the correct pronunciation?

Today, despite the popularity of modern means of communication such as e-mail and social media, the culture of letters still has an irreplaceable charm. The exquisite letterheads, the lines of sincere words, can still transcend time and space, and convey the deep emotions between people.

Although the word "note" is small, it contains a big culture. From sticky notes to letterheads, from academic notes to ornate letterheads, the character "note" shines brightly in the world of Chinese characters.

Next time you pick up the pen, you might as well choose a beautiful letterhead and use your pen to continue this thousand-year-old epistle relationship!