
The word "instigation" in "instigating" is not pronounced sóng, so what is the correct pronunciation?

author:A guest history said

On a sunny afternoon, when Xiao Ming was flipping through the dictionary, he happened to see a word that made him quite curious - "cowardice". He originally thought the character was pronounced "sóng", but the dictionary clearly states that its correct pronunciation is "sǒng".

Xiao Ming touched his chin and couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

The word "instigation" in "instigating" is not pronounced sóng, so what is the correct pronunciation?

What is the meaning of the word "cowardice"? Tom embarks on a journey of discovery. It turns out that the original meaning of the word "cowardice" is the appearance of "panic", which describes a person who shrinks his head and cowers because of panic. This kind of image made Xiao Ming laugh, he could imagine the appearance of being afraid of his head and tail.

And in the process of this exploration, Xiao Ming also found an interesting story.

In the distant Tang Dynasty, there was an old woman named Tan Ci. She is not timid because she has the word "cowardice" in her name, on the contrary, she is a kind elder with a charitable heart and kind eyes.

At a time when poverty and hardship were the norm in many people's lives, the Caring Woman was always helpful, and her home became a haven for many poor and orphans.

The word "instigation" in "instigating" is not pronounced sóng, so what is the correct pronunciation?

Whenever night falls, the lights of the house are always lit to provide warmth for those who are homeless. Although her home is simple, it is always full of laughter and the breath of life. The orphans sat around the fire and listened to the old legends and stories, and the poor found a temporary peace here.

Her eyes are always so kind, and her heart is always so charitable, as if an invisible force is driving her, making it impossible for her to turn a blind eye to the suffering of the world. Her story and kindness were widely praised in that era and became a beacon in people's hearts.

When Xiao Ming read this, he couldn't help but sigh: "It turns out that the word 'cowardice' still has such a profound connotation!" He began to understand that the stories and culture behind words are often much richer than what they literally mean.

The word "instigation" in "instigating" is not pronounced sóng, so what is the correct pronunciation?

The story of the cowardly woman gave Xiao Ming a new understanding of the word "cowardice". It is no longer just a word to describe the appearance of panic, but carries the memory and kindness of an era and a person.

Xiao Ming closed the dictionary, his heart full of emotion.

He decided that the next time someone joked about the word "cowardice", he would tell the story, telling everyone that behind every word there might be an untold story and deep meaning.

Since then, the word "cowardice" is no longer a simple Chinese character in Xiao Ming's heart, but a piece of history, a memory, and a cultural inheritance. And the image of the loving woman will always remain in his heart, reminding him to maintain a charitable and forgiving heart.
