
Described as withered, the face is pale! This old man is actually Wang Jianlin, who paid off 600 billion debts?

author:The story of Nanci

Speaking of Wang Jianlin, the first thing that may come to mind is that he was once one of the richest people in China, and the famous saying: "Set a small goal that can be achieved first, for example, I will earn 100 million yuan first." ”

But in recent years, the news about him seems to revolve around debt and asset sales. However, the recent news has led to a new Wang Jianlin - a man who still stands firm after the storm.

Described as withered, the face is pale! This old man is actually Wang Jianlin, who paid off 600 billion debts?

Wang Jianlin has experienced a bump and fall that is rare in the business world.

At one point, his name and the Wanda brand were almost synonymous with business success in China, but the shadow of the debt crisis forced him to make difficult decisions.

To repay a debt of up to 600 billion yuan, Mr. Wang reportedly sold almost everything he could, including 16 Wanda Plazas, Beijing's Wanda headquarters, and even 77 hotels and stakes in the entire film business.

Such a shift is a huge blow to anyone, but especially for someone who once stood at the pinnacle of business. However, Wang Jianlin was not defeated by difficulties, but chose to face it bravely. Although the outside world saw him as haggard and exhausted on the outside, his actions showed an unusual strength and determination.

In just seven years, Wang Jianlin paid off all his debts.

This is not just a financial victory, but a victory of one's willpower and sense of responsibility. Netizens expressed their respect for this, believing that Wang Jianlin is worthy of being a soldier, and his spirit of integrity, courage and responsibility has been best reflected in the predicament.

Described as withered, the face is pale! This old man is actually Wang Jianlin, who paid off 600 billion debts?

In fact, Wang Jianlin's story has been a profound inspiration for many people.

In this uncertain business world, success isn't always easy. Everyone can experience setbacks at some point, but the key is how we deal with them. Wang Jianlin chose the most direct and powerful way: he chose responsibility, chose to face difficulties head-on, rather than evade.

Although Wang Jianlin has sold many assets, he has not sold his most important asset – his country.

In the most difficult moments, he still held on to his pride and self-esteem as a Chinese. This spirit has not only earned people's respect, but also given people hope.

Described as withered, the face is pale! This old man is actually Wang Jianlin, who paid off 600 billion debts?

Of course, Wang's journey is not over. Although he has paid off all his debts, he has more to do. He needs to rebuild his business empire and regain the image of the successful businessman he once admired by countless people.

It's a new beginning and an opportunity to prove yourself. In the world of business, success is not forever, and failure is not the end.

I wonder if his son Wang Sicong will take on this heavy responsibility? Let's wait and see!


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