
Several foreign drunks on the train were making trouble, and my comrades-in-arms and I stepped forward to stop me, but they stopped me when we got off the train

author:Zero Seven Story Meeting

This article is a novel story, some of the plots are fictional, if there are similarities are purely coincidental, the picture comes from the Internet, invaded and deleted.

Text | Zero Seven Story Meeting

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On the long-distance train from Beijing to Guangzhou, my comrade-in-arms Zhang Dongrong and I were immersed in a special task that was about to be completed - to receive the latest military equipment.

Several foreign drunks on the train were making trouble, and my comrades-in-arms and I stepped forward to stop me, but they stopped me when we got off the train

The picture comes from the Internet

The train slowly moved away from Beijing Station, and our conversation and the scenery outside the window intertwined into a peaceful picture. But the tranquility didn't last long.

Soon, the calm in the carriage was broken by the loud noises of several foreign drunks. Their words and actions are clearly under the influence of alcohol, completely ignoring the feelings of those around them.

What started out was just an occasional commotion, but soon the situation quickly escalated. They began to wander around the carriage, disturbing other passengers with their clumsy gestures and loud voices.

Seeing the helpless passengers and busy conductors swelled up in my heart. As soldiers, we are trained to maintain order and protect the population. Despite knowing that a direct confrontation could cause more trouble, I felt compelled to act.

As the train slowly moves south, the drunks behave more and more unbridled. Their laughter, loud conversations, and even singing interrupted every silence in the carriage.

As military personnel, Zhang Dongrong and I feel we have a responsibility to stop this chaos, even if it may complicate the situation.

For the first time, we tried to communicate with them in our English, hoping that they would understand and respect the feelings of other passengers. However, the first attempt was unsuccessful.

Instead of reining in, they responded to us with exaggerated gestures and ridicule, and the situation seems to be getting worse. At this time, Zhang Dongrong's eyes flashed with an unyielding light, he was more determined than me, determined to make these people stop.

Several foreign drunks on the train were making trouble, and my comrades-in-arms and I stepped forward to stop me, but they stopped me when we got off the train

The picture comes from the Internet

We decided to approach them again, this time more firmly and seriously. Zhang Dongrong said in his deep voice, almost commandingly: "Please be quiet. Your actions are disrespectful to other people. ”

Although his words were simple, the momentum of his military force made the drunks feel the pressure. This time, they seem to be beginning to realize that their actions have crossed the line.

At the same time, I noticed that several passengers were looking at us with worried eyes, their expressions were both grateful and worried, as if they were worried about how this conflict would develop. I soothed them with my gaze while praying in my heart that it would all settle.

After several rounds of negotiations, the drunks finally began to restrain their behavior. The atmosphere in the carriage slowly shifted from tense to relaxed, and there were reassuring smiles on the faces of the other passengers.

At this time, I deeply felt that the responsibility of a soldier is not only to defend the country on the battlefield, but also to maintain social harmony and order in daily life.

However, just when we thought it was over, a drunk man suddenly became emotional, and he seemed angry at our interference. He argued with us loudly, and his emotions seemed uncontrollable.

Zhang Dongrong and I had to be more careful with this unexpected situation in case his emotions affected the other passengers. Just then, the conductor came to our aid, and they persuaded the drunk to stay as calm as possible, and he was eventually guided back to his seat.

This experience made me deeply realize that as soldiers, one of our responsibilities is to stand up when needed, not only on the glorious battlefield, but also in ordinary life. Every challenge is a test of our resolve and ability, as well as an opportunity for us to serve our people.

Several foreign drunks on the train were making trouble, and my comrades-in-arms and I stepped forward to stop me, but they stopped me when we got off the train

The picture comes from the Internet

Although order in the carriage had been initially restored, the agitated drunk man did not seem to have completely subsided. As the train approached its terminus, Guangzhou, he suddenly stood up and walked towards us, his eyes shining with a look of challenge.

The air around them seemed to freeze again, and the eyes of the other passengers were focused, fearing that this could turn into a larger conflict.

Zhang Dongrong and I quickly stood up, ready to deal with what might happen. Although we are prepared in our hearts, we still hope that we can solve the problem in a peaceful way.

I whispered to Zhang Dongrong, "Keep calm, we can handle this situation." "Our chemistry allows us to stay calm during this tense time.

The drunk walked not far from us, stopped abruptly, looked us in the eye, and seemed to assess our intentions.

Zhang Dongrong said in his firm and calm voice: "We don't want to have any conflict with you, we just want you to be quiet like other passengers." His words were concise and powerful, with unquestionable authority.

At this point, the drunkard's expression began to change, from anger to confusion, and then to a look that seemed to understand. He was silent for a moment, took a deep breath, and then nodded slowly.

At this moment, the atmosphere in the carriage was significantly relaxed, and the other passengers gradually let go of the tension in their hearts. The drunk returned to his seat and did not get up again. Calm returned to the carriage.

Zhang Dongrong and I looked at each other and smiled, feeling an indescribable sense of accomplishment. We know that this is not just because a conflict was avoided, but also because in the process, we have earned the understanding and respect of the other party.

Several foreign drunks on the train were making trouble, and my comrades-in-arms and I stepped forward to stop me, but they stopped me when we got off the train

The picture comes from the Internet

This clashing at the summit not only tested our courage and wisdom, but also made me deeply realize that people from all cultures crave to be understood and respected.

And we, as soldiers, not only use force, but also use our hearts and emotions to protect peace. This power is sometimes more powerful and lasting than force.

The train slowly entered Guangzhou Station, and Zhang Dongrong and I packed up and prepared to get off the train to complete our mission. Just as we were walking towards the platform, the unexpected happened. The drunks were waiting for us on the platform, and my heart tightened, fearing another clash.

However, unexpectedly, the leading drunk man stepped forward, his expression with a hint of embarrassment, and apologized to us in his broken Chinese: "I'm sorry, thank you." His voice was deep and sincere, and I felt an unexpected warmth.

Zhang Dongrong and I looked at each other and smiled, and responded in simple English: "It's okay, have a safe journey." "Watching them leave, our hearts are filled with mixed emotions.

This experience is not only the completion of a task, but also a profound experience of our responsibility and honor. We not only protect the safety of the carriages, but also achieve true communication through understanding and respect, overcoming cultural and language barriers.

Several foreign drunks on the train were making trouble, and my comrades-in-arms and I stepped forward to stop me, but they stopped me when we got off the train

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