
On the way to visit my family, I met a very beautiful girl, and I personally came to the door to propose but was rejected

author:Zero Seven Story Meeting

This article is a novel story, some of the plots are fictional, if there are similarities are purely coincidental, the picture comes from the Internet, invaded and deleted.

Text | Zero Seven Story Meeting

Edit | Zero Seven Story Meeting

In the steel forest of the city, I am an ordinary worker, racing against time and pressure every day.

On the way to visit my family, I met a very beautiful girl, and I personally came to the door to propose but was rejected

The picture comes from the Internet

The tranquility and warmth of my hometown, which I have not set foot in for a long time, always calls to me in my most exhausting moments. As spring approached, I finally decided to take advantage of my vacation and return to that land of memories.

As the train slowly moves out of the busy city, the scenery outside the window unfolds like a picture scroll, gradually transitioning from cold and hard high-rises to soft fields. I leaned against the window, my mood gradually relaxing as the scenery changed.

Those memories of home, like old movies, slowly played in my heart. The train stopped at a small station, and I was carrying my luggage and stepping onto the country road leading home.

The trail is lined with verdant fields, the air is filled with the scent of earth and flowers, everything is so familiar and fresh. I was so immersed in the tranquility that my pace slowed down involuntarily.

At this moment, the landscape in front of me was lit up by a woman who was drawing. She is Li Lanfang.

The first time I met Li Lanfang on a country road, she was sitting on a rock, holding a paintbrush in her hand, and the sketchboard in front of her was painted with the scenery of the stream next to her.

I couldn't help but slow down, not wanting to disturb her creation. However, she seemed to sense my gaze and looked up at me with those clear eyes, revealing a gentle smile.

"Hello, I'm Zhang Zhenyue who came back from the city." I tried my best to be polite, even though the excitement in my heart was hard to quell.

"My name is Li Lanfang, and I'm from here." Her voice is soft and powerful, and I find myself already drawn to her temperament.

On the way to visit my family, I met a very beautiful girl, and I personally came to the door to propose but was rejected

The picture comes from the Internet

We started small talking, from drawing to our lives. I told her about my busyness and stress in the city, and she shared her love for art and her yearning for a free life.

Every word she said made me even more fascinated by this unusual woman. Li Lanfang not only loves her art, but also has a clear plan for her life, and this independence and persistence make me respect.

In the next few days, I found excuses to visit the countryside, and I often came across Li Lanfang by the stream or in the field, who was concentrating on painting. We talked more and more, and I began to understand, despite her apparent apparent contentment.

But she also has her own confusion and challenges, such as how she balances her love of art with her responsibilities to her family. Every time we talked, I tried to convince her that living in the city also had the space to pursue art, especially with someone to share the weight of life.

As time went on, I found myself looking forward to every encounter with Li Lanfang more and more. Her smile, her words, her perspective on life touched me deeply.

Finally, one day, after a long conversation, I realized that I was not only attracted to her beauty and talent, but also truly fell in love with her soul.

I began to envision a future together, imagining taking her to see the cityscapes I was familiar with, imagining the two of us finding a balance between art and life together.

Driven by such thoughts, I decided to take action. On a sunny afternoon, I plucked up the courage, bought a bouquet of flowers, and stood at the door of Li Lanfang's house, ready to express my heart to her.

When she opened the door and saw me standing outside the door with flowers in my hand, she smiled and invited me into the house. My heart was racing, and after taking a deep breath, I handed her the flowers.

On the way to visit my family, I met a very beautiful girl, and I personally came to the door to propose but was rejected

The picture comes from the Internet

Then he said the words that were suppressed in his heart: "Li Lanfang, the past few days of getting along make me feel that you are the person I want to spend the rest of my life with."

I know it sounds sudden, but I really hope you'll consider living in the city with me and building our future together. ”

She looked at me with a flash of surprise in her eyes, then shook her head gently. My heart sank at once, but I respected her choice and patiently listened to her explanations.

Li Lanfang looked at me with a smile, her eyes revealing a gentle firmness. "Zhang Zhenyue, I am grateful for your emotion and sincerity, you are an amazing person.

But I can't go with you. She said softly. My heart tightened, as if all the air had been suddenly drained. She continued: "Here I am, with my paintings, my land and a life I don't want to leave.

I love everything here, they make up the whole of my life. City life was too noisy and complicated for me. What I needed was the tranquility and freedom to be able to paint freely. ”

I listened to her words, and although my heart was full of disappointment, it was more of a respect for her choice. I have come to understand that true love is not only the companionship of two people, but also the support and respect for each other's dreams.

I held her hand and tried my best to keep my voice calm: "Li Lanfang, I understand you and respect your decision. Whatever your choice, I'm here to support you. ”

On the way to visit my family, I met a very beautiful girl, and I personally came to the door to propose but was rejected

The picture comes from the Internet

The two of us stood in front of her house, surrounded by gorgeous fields and mountains in the distance, and everything seemed eerily peaceful. At this moment, despite the unspeakable pain in my heart, I also felt a calmness that I had never felt before.

This peace comes from truly understanding and letting go of someone you love. That day, I didn't say anything more. We walked together for a while, along the trails she used to walk, through the landscapes she had painted.

We are no longer talking about the future, but about the little things about art, about life. When the sun began to sink in the west, we said goodbye at the end of the path.

Li Lanfang turned around and walked back to her cottage dyed red by the sunset, while I slowly walked back to my own world with a complicated mood.

Walking on the way back to the city, I recalled every detail of Li Lanfang, her firm eyes, the gentleness of her refusal, and her uncompromising dream.

She taught me that there is some love that needs to be learned to let go. At that moment, despite the regrets in my heart, I felt fortunate to have met Li Lanfang.

When I returned to the city, my state of mind was different. Although I was not able to build a future with Li Lanfang, this experience taught me what true respect and love are. I began to value each person's right to choose their own lives even more, no matter how different they were.

As time went by, I lost contact with Li Lanfang, but I often received paintings from her. Each painting is a moment of her perception and beauty in rural life, they are like windows, and I can vaguely feel her happiness and ease.

This experience, although it did not bring "fulfillment" in the traditional sense, gave me a more mature and tolerant heart. I learned to love, not just to have, but to understand and support.

In Li Lanfang's paintings, I see her world and reflect on my own heart. This journey eventually became a beautiful and precious memory in my life.

On the way to visit my family, I met a very beautiful girl, and I personally came to the door to propose but was rejected
