
I can't laugh anymore, the Vietnamese man rescued himself with high difficulty and avoided the snake attack, and he died laughing in the comment area

author:Hot spot slippers
I can't laugh anymore, the Vietnamese man rescued himself with high difficulty and avoided the snake attack, and he died laughing in the comment area

On the day of work and work, we will lean west to see the hot slippers


Recently, a man in Vietnam had a thrilling experience after finishing his work and was almost attacked by a poisonous snake.

[You can watch the video]


It happened on May 14, when the man had just finished his work and swept it around when he suddenly noticed something moving behind him.

He instantly felt as if his body had been electrified, and he quickly reacted to the fact that a poisonous snake was quietly approaching him.

I can't laugh anymore, the Vietnamese man rescued himself with high difficulty and avoided the snake attack, and he died laughing in the comment area

The snake is like a lurking deadly dagger, ready to attack at any moment.

Luckily, the man reacted quickly, and he dodged the snake's swift blow with a difficult one-foot jump.

I can't laugh anymore, the Vietnamese man rescued himself with high difficulty and avoided the snake attack, and he died laughing in the comment area

Then, he picked up the things around him casually and began to fight back, driving the snake away, which really made people dare not take a breath.

I can't laugh anymore, the Vietnamese man rescued himself with high difficulty and avoided the snake attack, and he died laughing in the comment area

In such a situation, it is really remarkable that the man can detect the danger in time and react quickly.

I can't laugh anymore, the Vietnamese man rescued himself with high difficulty and avoided the snake attack, and he died laughing in the comment area

We also need to learn from his wit and bravery, but more importantly, we should pay more attention to safety, especially when encountering wild animals.

Let's take a look at what everyone is saying!

Netizen comments


I can't laugh anymore, the Vietnamese man rescued himself with high difficulty and avoided the snake attack, and he died laughing in the comment area

Just the ordinary cobra, the king snake is more than half a man tall when it stands up


I can't laugh anymore, the Vietnamese man rescued himself with high difficulty and avoided the snake attack, and he died laughing in the comment area

I've seen native cobras chasing people, running very fast, not far from me, scaring me to death [tears]


I can't laugh anymore, the Vietnamese man rescued himself with high difficulty and avoided the snake attack, and he died laughing in the comment area

[tears run]


I can't laugh anymore, the Vietnamese man rescued himself with high difficulty and avoided the snake attack, and he died laughing in the comment area

Then I can only say sorry to the old hen that I have raised for 5 years [look]


I can't laugh anymore, the Vietnamese man rescued himself with high difficulty and avoided the snake attack, and he died laughing in the comment area

So the human instinct may be divided into different parts [tears]

Write at the end

The man's ability to react quickly and successfully protect himself in the face of sudden danger illustrates how important an individual's ability to respond in an emergency situation is.

In fact, many similar emergencies often lead to more serious consequences because the parties do not respond in a timely manner or take improper response measures.

Therefore, each of us should learn some basic emergency knowledge and skills, such as how to protect ourselves when encountering wild animals, how to stay calm and take the right response measures in the event of an accident, etc.

This knowledge and skills can help us not only protect ourselves when danger strikes, but also help others in emergencies.

This incident is also a reminder that the relationship between wildlife and humans needs to be handled with care.

Wild animals have their right to survive in nature, and we should try not to disturb their lives when entering their habitats.

Keeping an appropriate distance and not actively touching them is a sign of respect for them and a guarantee of your own safety.

In modern society, more and more people enjoy outdoor activities, such as hiking and camping, which can bring us closer to nature, but also require us to have the knowledge and preparation to ensure our own safety.

Whether it's improving our safety awareness and emergency response capabilities, or maintaining due respect and caution when dealing with nature, these are all lessons we should learn from this.

The beauty and danger of nature coexist, and only by understanding and respecting it can we better enjoy our time with nature while keeping ourselves and others safe.

This is not only our own protection, but also the respect and protection of the natural environment.

I can't laugh anymore, the Vietnamese man rescued himself with high difficulty and avoided the snake attack, and he died laughing in the comment area

The comments of netizens in the article reflect the diverse voices and opinions of society, but do not represent the position of this article

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