
"Celebrating More Than Years 2": 10+ advertisements per episode that members can't bear! "Kindergarten Plot"!

author:Quzhou small gossip

Since the hit of the first season of "Celebrating More Than Years", it has become a favorite of many viewers. Now, the return of the second season is full of anticipation. However, in addition to rejoicing, the audience can't help but be troubled by the amount of advertising in the play. Members can't stand this wave of advertising, and it seems to have become a common cry of the audience.

"Celebrating More Than Years 2": 10+ advertisements per episode that members can't bear! "Kindergarten Plot"!

While "Celebrating More Than Years 2" continues the excitement of the first season, it has troubled the audience due to the increase in advertising. Advertisements are no longer a review of the past or a short insertion of the characters in the play, but appear in a large number and frequently in the plot, and even directly insert into the feature film, which greatly affects the audience's viewing experience. Many viewers said that this approach is more dramatic than the plot and actors, which makes their attention to the plot greatly reduced.

"Celebrating More Than Years 2": 10+ advertisements per episode that members can't bear! "Kindergarten Plot"!

Although the first season of "Celebrating More Than Years" was loved by the audience, the plot of the second season felt a little tricky. I was expecting to see more storyline and character development in the second season, but it turned out that the plot seemed too simple and even a little naïve. Many viewers said that the plot of the second season felt good kindergarten plot, which was in stark contrast to the depth and breadth of the first season.

"Celebrating More Than Years 2": 10+ advertisements per episode that members can't bear! "Kindergarten Plot"!

For the broadcast of "Celebrating More Than Years 2", the audience has been looking forward to it for a long time. However, when they actually watched it, they found that the plot was not as expected and there were too many advertisements, which led to the disappointment of many viewers. Some loyal fans are still trying to support and hope to see a better ending, but most viewers don't rate the second season very highly.

"Celebrating More Than Years 2": 10+ advertisements per episode that members can't bear! "Kindergarten Plot"!

In the face of the advertising tide in "Celebrating More Than Years 2", the audience obviously can't adapt. First of all, the crew needs to re-examine the method and amount of ad placement to minimize the interference to the plot. Second, consider adopting some more innovative ways to place ads, such as presenting ad content naturally through plot twists, character dialogues, etc., so as to make it more acceptable to the audience. Finally, you can also try to have more in-depth cooperation with advertisers to provide advertisers with more creative and valuable promotion plans to meet the needs of advertisers.

"Celebrating More Than Years 2": 10+ advertisements per episode that members can't bear! "Kindergarten Plot"!

In general, although "Celebrating More Than Years 2" continues the style and character settings of the first season in terms of story, it has brought a lot of trouble to the audience in terms of advertising placement. For the crew, how to balance commercial interests and audience experience will be a problem they need to think about in the future. I hope that in the future works, we can see more exciting stories and more humanized advertising placement.

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