
Huawei dares to say that it is far ahead? The M9 intelligent driving version of the world can't handle smart driving, and frequently calls for the owner to take over

Huawei dares to say that it is far ahead? The M9 intelligent driving version of the world can't handle smart driving, and frequently calls for the owner to take over

Zhiyi Automobile

2024-05-17 18:15Posted in Hunan


Huawei no longer says that its intelligent driving is "far ahead".

Recently, a Wenjie M9 (intelligent driving version S15) has started intelligent driving in urban areas, but the intelligent driving system has dropped the chain. After setting up the navigation, the owner was supposed to turn right at the intersection, but the M9 drove to the left-turn/straight lane, and then the M9's intelligent driving found that it would violate traffic laws, so it prompted the alarm sound and notified "take over immediately".

Huawei dares to say that it is far ahead? The M9 intelligent driving version of the world can't handle smart driving, and frequently calls for the owner to take over

However, after careful analysis, Zhiyi Automobile found that the real "chain drop" of the intelligent driving of the M9 is not as simple as taking the wrong lane. The video is very short, there is not much useful information that can be extracted, and we also use the intelligent driving system that has asked the world, although the urban NOA is complicated, but it is unlikely to make such a basic mistake to ask the world.

Huawei dares to say that it is far ahead? The M9 intelligent driving version of the world can't handle smart driving, and frequently calls for the owner to take over

At the end of the video, we see a black car on the right, and Zhiyi Auto deduces that it may be that the black car has been occupying the right-turn lane during the driving process and hindering the M9's early lane change, resulting in the video car being "squeezed" into the left-turn/straight lane. Due to the problem of road navigation planning, the program of the vehicle machine system is out of order, and the driver can only be prompted to "take over immediately".

Huawei dares to say that it is far ahead? The M9 intelligent driving version of the world can't handle smart driving, and frequently calls for the owner to take over

Let's not speculate about whether this incident was "deliberate" for the time being, as far as the intelligent driving system itself is concerned, Huawei's urban NOA is not perfect.

The road conditions shown in the video are not congested, and even if there is a deliberate pressure on the car, it should be possible to complete the steering after active deceleration, and even if you take the wrong road, it is feasible to re-plan the road and start a "new round" of intelligent navigation driving after passing the intersection.

Huawei dares to say that it is far ahead? The M9 intelligent driving version of the world can't handle smart driving, and frequently calls for the owner to take over

The "far ahead" intelligent driving system still puts this problem on the driver, and the above "demand" is not strict for Huawei's current L2++ autonomous driving system. Xpeng's XNGP will take the lead in trying to avoid the rear car when changing lanes, and if it avoids, it will change lanes quickly and accurately, and if there is no courtesy, it will return to the original lane. The question in the videoM9 did not even appear to slow down, hit the turn signal and other attempts, and did not change lanes in advance, and has entered the solid line range and is still driving in the original lane, which is really a bit unreasonable.

Huawei dares to say that it is far ahead? The M9 intelligent driving version of the world can't handle smart driving, and frequently calls for the owner to take over

Even though this incident may be deliberately smeared, it also exposes Huawei's shortcomings in intelligent driving. Exaggerated propaganda will only make consumers trust technology too much and stop shouting "far ahead" slogans.

Zhiyi Automobile's original article, if you need to reprint, please contact us

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  • Huawei dares to say that it is far ahead? The M9 intelligent driving version of the world can't handle smart driving, and frequently calls for the owner to take over
  • Huawei dares to say that it is far ahead? The M9 intelligent driving version of the world can't handle smart driving, and frequently calls for the owner to take over
  • Huawei dares to say that it is far ahead? The M9 intelligent driving version of the world can't handle smart driving, and frequently calls for the owner to take over
  • Huawei dares to say that it is far ahead? The M9 intelligent driving version of the world can't handle smart driving, and frequently calls for the owner to take over
  • Huawei dares to say that it is far ahead? The M9 intelligent driving version of the world can't handle smart driving, and frequently calls for the owner to take over

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