
The ratings are crazy! The call for not watching "Celebrating More Than Years 2" is getting higher and higher, what's the problem?

author:Bloody little cloth movement
The ratings are crazy! The call for not watching "Celebrating More Than Years 2" is getting higher and higher, what's the problem?

The second season of "Celebrating More Than Years" was launched, like a lit firework, which aroused the audience's expectation and enthusiasm.

CCTV 8 and Tencent Video and other platforms have been broadcast, but after the plot unfolded, the enthusiasm seemed to be worn out by a series of problems. On the Internet, the audience began to question one after another.

The ratings are crazy! The call for not watching "Celebrating More Than Years 2" is getting higher and higher, what's the problem?

"The pace is too slow!" Someone complained angrily in the comment section. Indeed, the plot is like a diluted cup of tea, which becomes sparse and bland, making people feel extremely bored when they watch it.

For example, the modern library scene caused by Fan Xian's fake death, as well as the excessively long scenes of Wang Qinian's wife and daughter in his family, are simply a waste of the audience's time.

The ratings are crazy! The call for not watching "Celebrating More Than Years 2" is getting higher and higher, what's the problem?

"How is this script written? Rotten stalks are flying all over the sky! Someone bluntly pointed out. Where's the fresh idea? The stalks of "bully" and "little year" in Wang Qinian's family can't help but make people wonder if the screenwriter has a brain in water.

Moreover, the character's behavior is too unreasonable, right? It's like a walking corpse, completely losing the original charm of the character.

The ratings are crazy! The call for not watching "Celebrating More Than Years 2" is getting higher and higher, what's the problem?

"What are the actors playing? His expression is as stiff as a puppet! Someone complained dissatisfied. The main characters in the play have become like the walking dead one by one, without the vitality and charm of the past.

Even Emperor Qing's reaction after hearing the news of Fan Xian's death was too illogical, right?

The ratings are crazy! The call for not watching "Celebrating More Than Years 2" is getting higher and higher, what's the problem?

"Is this plot going crazy?" Some people can't help but sigh. Compared with the first season, the plot of the second season is simply putting the cart before the horse. The audience began to wonder if the screenwriter was carried away by the heat and completely ignored the rationality of the plot.

Wang Qinian's actor Tian Yu presented a unique "Boss Yuan" to the audience on the stage in "Secret Love in Peach Blossom Spring" directed by Lai Shengchuan.

The ratings are crazy! The call for not watching "Celebrating More Than Years 2" is getting higher and higher, what's the problem?

Tian Yu used his unique style and skills to bring the role of Boss Yuan to life, which was completely different from the previous He Jiong.

This version of "Boss Yuan" made many fans of "Peach Blossom Spring" shine, and they rushed to the theater just to see his style.

The ratings are crazy! The call for not watching "Celebrating More Than Years 2" is getting higher and higher, what's the problem?

"This version of Boss Yuan is so charming!" A netizen expressed his opinion on social media, "Tian Yu's acting skills are too superb to make people intoxicated. ”

"Yes, I'm just going to Tian Yu!" Another netizen responded, "His performance is different from the past, more tense and dramatic." ”

The ratings are crazy! The call for not watching "Celebrating More Than Years 2" is getting higher and higher, what's the problem?

"Me too!" Another netizen joined the discussion, "Tian Yu made Boss Yuan's interpretation more complex and multi-dimensional, which made people impressed after watching it." ”

Outside the theater, the audience scrambled to buy tickets, hoping to witness the Boss Yuan portrayed by Tian Yu. Some people queue up early, and some people ask around the Internet for information about the performance, just not to miss this rare opportunity.

The ratings are crazy! The call for not watching "Celebrating More Than Years 2" is getting higher and higher, what's the problem?

Tian Yu's outstanding performance made this version of "Secret Love in Peach Blossom Spring" attract a lot of attention and attracted a large number of audiences to watch. His acting skills have not only won praise from fans, but also added new vitality and charm to the stage play.

In the face of these doubts, the audience expressed their hope that the second season of "Celebrating More Than Years" could make changes. After all, only through a reasonable plot and novel ideas can the enthusiasm of the audience be rekindled and the show can regain its successful trajectory.

The ratings are crazy! The call for not watching "Celebrating More Than Years 2" is getting higher and higher, what's the problem?

Viewers' disappointment with the second season of "Celebrating More Than Years" is not without reason. The actors seem to have regressed in their acting skills, which has sparked revulsion from the audience.

The main characters look exhausted and very different from the image they have created before. Their performance makes it feel as if they have lost control of their characters, and their reactions don't match the setting.

The ratings are crazy! The call for not watching "Celebrating More Than Years 2" is getting higher and higher, what's the problem?

For example, Emperor Qing's reaction after hearing the news of Fan Xian's death did not match his previous calm image at all. In terms of perception analysis, many viewers are delighted with the success of the second season and the continuation of the first season.

Some netizens wrote on social platforms: "Seeing the return of the original cast, I feel as if I have returned to the first season, and the familiar atmosphere is really touching!" Her words expressed many people's support and recognition for the crew.

The ratings are crazy! The call for not watching "Celebrating More Than Years 2" is getting higher and higher, what's the problem?

Worryingly, the plot of the second season seems to have lost its way. Compared to the first season, the plot has become fragmented and seems to have lost its original main line.

The audience began to wonder if the screenwriter was carried away by the heat and completely ignored the plausibility of the plot. They expressed their doubts about the plot in the comment area, hoping that the second season of "Celebrating More Than Years" could make changes.

The ratings are crazy! The call for not watching "Celebrating More Than Years 2" is getting higher and higher, what's the problem?

The second season of "Celebrating More Than Years" was a success in ratings and popularity, but it lost the trust of the audience in terms of the quality of the plot.

Only by restoring the rationality of the plot and injecting new and innovative elements can it be possible to rekindle the enthusiasm of the audience and achieve real success.

The ratings are crazy! The call for not watching "Celebrating More Than Years 2" is getting higher and higher, what's the problem?

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