
The Great Reversal! The urine test results of the size S are released: the results match the prescription drugs, and the drug abuse case is officially closed

author:Three-five entertainment


Yesterday's rumors and today's truth, the size of the S urine test storm is all over the place

Last year, Huang Zijiao fell into the whirlpool of public opinion due to the sexual harassment incident, and it seems that he was in a predicament, and he chose an extreme way to fight back - publicly broke the news on the Internet, pointing out that six artists including Big and Small S were suspected of drug use. This accusation is like dropping a bombshell on a calm lake, which has sparked widespread public attention and heated discussion.

The Great Reversal! The urine test results of the size S are released: the results match the prescription drugs, and the drug abuse case is officially closed

With the intervention of the Taipei District Prosecutor's Office, the matter gradually became clear. The investigation showed that tranquilizers were detected in the hair and urine samples of Size S and Fan Xiaoxuan, but these ingredients were consistent with their outpatient prescriptions, and there was no illegal drug abuse.

The Great Reversal! The urine test results of the size S are released: the results match the prescription drugs, and the drug abuse case is officially closed

Gu Junye, who was accused of being a "drug supplier", tested negative for a urine test, which washed away the stigma on his body. As for Huang Zijiao himself, he was prosecuted for possessing sexual images of minors, and it seems that this impulsive artist himself has not been spared.

The Great Reversal! The urine test results of the size S are released: the results match the prescription drugs, and the drug abuse case is officially closed

The agent came forward to slap his face, and netizens knelt down and begged for the next episode update

After a series of embarrassing accusations and investigations, Big S Studios responded quickly. They expressed their gratitude to the prosecution for clearing their names and making it clear that there was no substance abuse. This statement is like a shot in the arm for netizens, making the faces of those keyboard warriors who have made groundless accusations against Big S dull.

The Great Reversal! The urine test results of the size S are released: the results match the prescription drugs, and the drug abuse case is officially closed

The discussion on social networks set sail again, and someone joked: "This plot is more exciting than the TV series, director, please take my money!" At the same time, some netizens joked: "Those who spread rumors should go to the corner to draw circles now." At this time, the discussion area has already become a lively market for netizens to ridicule each other and wait for the next "episode update".

The Great Reversal! The urine test results of the size S are released: the results match the prescription drugs, and the drug abuse case is officially closed

The artist's situation and netizens joked, and the public opinion field was in an uproar

In this turmoil, Gu Junye and several other artists were not spared the battle of words. Although Gu Junye's urine test came back negative, he was already under a lot of pressure and doubts before things became clear. On the other hand, Liu Hanya and Zhou Junwei, who have been mentioned many times, have been decoupled from the on-site evidence because they have been overseas for a long time, which has added a bit of fog to this turmoil.

The Great Reversal! The urine test results of the size S are released: the results match the prescription drugs, and the drug abuse case is officially closed

Netizens lost no time in joining the discussion, and some people said in a funny tone of storytelling: "Liu Hanya and Zhou Junwei are 'fleeing abroad' rhythm?" What's next, Land of Doom? Such comments not only add a touch of light-hearted atmosphere to the incident, but also reflect the public's numbness and playful attitude towards this kind of "celebrity scandal" incident.

The Great Reversal! The urine test results of the size S are released: the results match the prescription drugs, and the drug abuse case is officially closed

The silence behind the chicken feathers, who will calculate the price of cyberbullying

With the announcement of the results of the investigation, the originally lively public opinion field suddenly fell into a dead silence. Those netizens who once swore and committed online violence against big and small S seem to suddenly can't find their voices.

The Great Reversal! The urine test results of the size S are released: the results match the prescription drugs, and the drug abuse case is officially closed

This online storm caused by rumors not only shows the public's great concern about the private lives of celebrities, but also reflects the confusion of the truth and falsity of information and the lack of public opinion supervision in the current society. Many netizens reflected in the discussion area: "Are we being teased again this time? At the same time, some voices questioned: "Who will bear the cost of online violence?" ”

The Great Reversal! The urine test results of the size S are released: the results match the prescription drugs, and the drug abuse case is officially closed

Innocence is proven, but how the scars are healed

In fact, although the innocence of Big and Small S has been proven, it is undeniable that the negative impact of this turmoil on them is incalculable. In the age of the Internet, an unverified piece of information can spread throughout social networks in an instant, and when the truth is revealed, not many people care about those who have been misunderstood and hurt.

The Great Reversal! The urine test results of the size S are released: the results match the prescription drugs, and the drug abuse case is officially closed

For them, proving their innocence is only the first step, and healing their doubts is a long and difficult process. In the discussion area, netizens expressed their views on this matter in various ways, some sympathetic, some sarcastic, and more thoughtful. They participated in the topic in their own way, and the discussion was not limited to the event itself, but also expanded to the discussion of the online public opinion environment and the privacy rights of public figures.

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