
The 39-year-old unmarried girl failed on three blind dates a day, and the other party turned around and left after listening to the mate selection criteria.

author:Our country will be strong, and our generation will be self-reliant

Foreword: Is the world changing too fast, or is my pace and soul not keeping up with the times? Outdated?

Every day, new "nouns" appear, and "new" things emerge in an endless stream, which is dazzling. I don't know if it's a hundred flowers blooming, or if it's a distinct personality?

It's still 24 hours a day, it's still 365 days a year, and the earth still revolves around the sun.

Saying goes:

The heavens do not change, and neither does the Tao.

If there is love in the sky, the sky is also old, and the right way in the world is the vicissitudes of life.

But some things don't seem to be the case anymore. Some things can be unpredictable and unpredictable. Some of the ideas are unimaginable, even unreasonable.

As the wheels of the times roll forward, in this complex world, the moon in the water and the flower in the mirror are unexpectedly regarded as reality by some people. Living in their ethereal world every day, they can't extricate themselves. Living in the world of oneself all day long, is this the so-called "soul sustenance"?

I don't know when the word girlfriend appeared, which god invented it.

Girlfriends, that is, close friends in the boudoir, honey, has the meaning of Xiaomi. Making up girlfriends is the new name that women have for their girlfriends at this moment. Girlfriends sound like a ray of sunshine shining on the bottom of their hearts, a different kind of warmth.

Between girlfriends, no matter how far apart the circumstances are, they can be sincerely blessed. Girlfriends are an important role in a girl's life, the most trusted friend, and the best person to listen to her heart. When women reach the level of girlfriends, they usually talk about everything.

But now the word girlfriend seems to have a different flavor. There is a saying that it is fireproof, anti-theft, and anti-secret.


But I don't know when there will be a "landscape" of male girlfriends again.

"Leftover men and women" is not a new word. There is a complex historical background and reasons for this, which will not be repeated in this article.

But what is the specific reason for this? Now all kinds of hitchhikers are starting to be popular again. Meal ride, travel ride, and XX ride, only what you can't think of, nothing you can't ride.

Nowadays, many families seem to have become accustomed to their children being treated in the boudoir.

Waiting for the word boudoir in the wooden pen flower,

The fragrance of the faint medicine reflects the time.

I'm proud to have a daughter,

The emperor's daughter does not worry about getting married.

Many families have a daughter, it seems that they have infinite fun and endless motivation. What China Merchants Bank? What a "little lover", many videos show off how happy they are to have a daughter, which makes those who do not have daughters envious. Maybe families without daughters really don't experience that kind of happiness.

Do you feel after reading the following story?

During the May Day holiday, a beautiful 39-year-old unmarried girl told about her blind date process, and the blind date result disappointed the girl.

This girl has a master's degree. The education is not low.

She said that she arranged a blind date in the morning, a blind date at noon, and another blind date in the evening. Is the frequency of this blind date high or low, do you know?

The 39-year-old unmarried girl failed on three blind dates a day, and the other party turned around and left after listening to the mate selection criteria.

She said that according to the convention, both parties first introduce themselves and then say their own criteria for choosing a mate. She said she had only mentioned three of the more important criteria.

The 39-year-old unmarried girl failed on three blind dates a day, and the other party turned around and left after listening to the mate selection criteria.
The 39-year-old unmarried girl failed on three blind dates a day, and the other party turned around and left after listening to the mate selection criteria.
The 39-year-old unmarried girl failed on three blind dates a day, and the other party turned around and left after listening to the mate selection criteria.
The 39-year-old unmarried girl failed on three blind dates a day, and the other party turned around and left after listening to the mate selection criteria.
The 39-year-old unmarried girl failed on three blind dates a day, and the other party turned around and left after listening to the mate selection criteria.
The 39-year-old unmarried girl failed on three blind dates a day, and the other party turned around and left after listening to the mate selection criteria.
The 39-year-old unmarried girl failed on three blind dates a day, and the other party turned around and left after listening to the mate selection criteria.
The 39-year-old unmarried girl failed on three blind dates a day, and the other party turned around and left after listening to the mate selection criteria.

What do you think of these three standards?

She said that when she said this, the other party just smiled coldly. The man said that out of politeness, he would buy the order and leave.

The 39-year-old unmarried girl failed on three blind dates a day, and the other party turned around and left after listening to the mate selection criteria.
The 39-year-old unmarried girl failed on three blind dates a day, and the other party turned around and left after listening to the mate selection criteria.
The 39-year-old unmarried girl failed on three blind dates a day, and the other party turned around and left after listening to the mate selection criteria.
The 39-year-old unmarried girl failed on three blind dates a day, and the other party turned around and left after listening to the mate selection criteria.
The 39-year-old unmarried girl failed on three blind dates a day, and the other party turned around and left after listening to the mate selection criteria.

The man paid the bill and left the girl alone in the restaurant. The girl looked a little lost and aggrieved, thinking about a bright future.

The 39-year-old unmarried girl failed on three blind dates a day, and the other party turned around and left after listening to the mate selection criteria.
The 39-year-old unmarried girl failed on three blind dates a day, and the other party turned around and left after listening to the mate selection criteria.


There are different heights and distances.


It's just because I'm in this mountain.

The authorities are confused, and the bystanders are clear.

Many netizens left messages in the message area and expressed their opinions.

This girl couldn't help but look at the comments of netizens.

Listening to different voices, looking at different points of view, and looking at things from different angles is sometimes a good thing for yourself. Although it may be a word of advice, the medicine is indeed bitter.

This phrase applies to each of us.

The 39-year-old unmarried girl failed on three blind dates a day, and the other party turned around and left after listening to the mate selection criteria.

What gave her the courage to prescribe such a rebellious condition [covering her face]

The 39-year-old unmarried girl failed on three blind dates a day, and the other party turned around and left after listening to the mate selection criteria.

Did she treat the blind date man as a ** of the wishing pool? I'm also a woman, and I think the other party smiled coldly and bought the bill very, very well.

The 39-year-old unmarried girl failed on three blind dates a day, and the other party turned around and left after listening to the mate selection criteria.

A netizen left a message:

I also have three criteria for choosing a mate,

First, if it's a **big girl

Second, it is not allowed to **, and divorce is not allowed (whoever is wrong, who is clean and out of the house)

Third, virtuous and virtuous, empathetic, filial piety to both parents, work hard together, and take care of the baby together.

The 39-year-old unmarried girl failed on three blind dates a day, and the other party turned around and left after listening to the mate selection criteria.

Some netizens left a message to summarize:

I think the reasons for the failure of the blind date are as follows:

First, the man dislikes that the bride price is too small, and less than 1 million is purely insulting

Second: a 150-square-meter house also underestimates the level of the man

Third: As long as the husband's salary, don't want the husband's salary, and underestimate the man's sincerity in marrying his wife.

The 39-year-old unmarried girl failed on three blind dates a day, and the other party turned around and left after listening to the mate selection criteria.

This video has reached 3.9 comments and 19,000 likes. It shows that everyone has their own opinion on this matter.

Girl, I want you to read the comments of netizens.

Although many people are ridiculing, I sincerely wish you to find the Prince Charming in your heart as soon as possible, meet your lover as soon as possible, find your other half and happiness as soon as possible, and spend the rest of your life together.


The video source of the article is "Xianning News Network" and "Rizhao Daily".

Written at the end: I hope that each of our lives can be treated gently, as gorgeous as summer flowers, as eternal as diamonds! [Rose] [Rose] [Rose]

How do you feel after reading this? I hope that all teachers will give a thumbs up and express your opinions. Welcome to exchange and discuss!

The 39-year-old unmarried girl failed on three blind dates a day, and the other party turned around and left after listening to the mate selection criteria.

(Disclaimer) The process and pictures described in the article are from the Internet, and this article aims to advocate positive social energy and no vulgar and other bad guidance. If it involves copyright or character infringement issues, please contact me in time, and I will delete the content as soon as possible! If there is any suspicious part of the incident, delete or change it immediately after contacting!

Disclaimer: The content is taken from the Internet, personal opinions, for reference only

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