
Global Climate Competition at the Same Latitude: Why is China's Winter So Cold?

author:Flying Raven Science

Each country has a unique role to play on the big chessboard of the global climate. However, when it comes to winter temperatures at the same latitude, China is undoubtedly a special presence. Why do the cold winds in winter seem to be more severe in China than elsewhere? This article will take you through the science behind this low temperature phenomenon.

Global Climate Competition at the Same Latitude: Why is China's Winter So Cold?

Comparison of global temperatures at the same latitude

1. Paris vs. Harbin

Paris, the romantic capital located at 48 degrees north latitude, has an average winter temperature of about 6 degrees Celsius, and the lowest temperature is only -10 degrees Celsius. In contrast, in Harbin, China, located at 46 degrees north latitude, the average winter temperature drops to minus 19 degrees Celsius, with the lowest temperature reaching a staggering minus 43.3 degrees Celsius.

Global Climate Competition at the Same Latitude: Why is China's Winter So Cold?

2. The temperature difference between London and Mohe

London, located at 51 degrees north latitude, has an average winter temperature between 2 degrees Celsius and 8 degrees Celsius, while Mohe, China, at the same latitude, has a winter temperature close to minus 30 degrees, showing extreme cold.

Global Climate Competition at the Same Latitude: Why is China's Winter So Cold?

Causes of low temperature phenomena

1. The effects of cold air in the Arctic

The low temperatures in winter in China are mainly influenced by the cold air from the Arctic. After the formation of the Arctic Ocean, these cold airs pass through the Siberian region and become colder due to the influence of topography and climatic conditions.

2. The role of high air currents

The high-altitude northwest airflow is the "accomplice" of the cold air moving south. It is like a conveyor belt in nature, guiding the cold wave to the south, accumulating strength, and eventually making China the coldest country in winter at the same latitude.

Global Climate Competition at the Same Latitude: Why is China's Winter So Cold?

A scientific division of the degree of coldness

1. Meteorological cold rating

Meteorology has a fine classification of cold, ranging from extremely cold below -40 degrees Celsius to extreme cold near zero, with a total of 8 grades. This division helps us to more accurately describe and understand how cold different regions are.

2. China's extremely cold land

China's extremely cold regions, such as Harbin and Mohe, are typical of the phenomenon of low temperatures. The low winter temperatures in these places are extremely rare in the same latitude region of the world.

Global Climate Competition at the Same Latitude: Why is China's Winter So Cold?

A specific example of the phenomenon of low temperatures

1. Harbin's Ice and Snow Festival

The ice and snow festival in Harbin is a direct product of the phenomenon of low temperatures. During this festival, artists carve a variety of beautiful sculptures out of ice cubes, attracting thousands of visitors.

Global Climate Competition at the Same Latitude: Why is China's Winter So Cold?

2. Rime in Jilin

Jilin's rime is a natural wonder formed at low temperatures and under specific climatic conditions. On the banks of the Songhua River, low temperatures condense water vapor on tree branches, creating a picturesque rime landscape.

Global Climate Competition at the Same Latitude: Why is China's Winter So Cold?

3. The polar night phenomenon of Mohe

As the northernmost city in China, Mohe is an excellent place to observe the polar night phenomenon. During the winter months, there are weeks of dark nights here, providing a unique opportunity for astronomical observations and polar experiences.

Global Climate Competition at the Same Latitude: Why is China's Winter So Cold?

Effect of low temperature phenomena

1. Impact on agriculture

Low temperatures have complex implications for China's agricultural production. On the one hand, it helps to reduce pests and diseases; On the other hand, excessively low temperatures also pose a challenge to crop growth.

Global Climate Competition at the Same Latitude: Why is China's Winter So Cold?

2. Impact on life

Low temperatures have a profound impact on the daily lives of residents. From dressing to heating, the winter lifestyle is very different from the summer, and people need to take various measures to adapt to the cold.

Global Climate Competition at the Same Latitude: Why is China's Winter So Cold?

3. Impact on tourism

The low temperature has also given rise to unique tourist landscapes, such as the Ice and Snow Festival in Harbin and the rime in Jilin, which have become highlights to attract tourists.

China's low winter temperatures are a unique climatic phenomenon endowed by nature. It has both negative side, but also good for agricultural production and reduces the occurrence of pests and diseases. At the same time, the low temperatures in winter have also created a unique ice and snow landscape in China, attracting a large number of tourists to come to see it.

Global Climate Competition at the Same Latitude: Why is China's Winter So Cold?

This is the wonder of the world at the same latitude, different regions, different climates, constitute a rich and colorful home on earth. Let's continue to be in awe and curiosity about nature and explore more unknown mysteries.

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