
"National Uncle" Wang Yaoqing: Spent 40,000 yuan on filming with glasses, and spoiled his wife without scandals for 22 years

author:Sweet Academy
"National Uncle" Wang Yaoqing: Spent 40,000 yuan on filming with glasses, and spoiled his wife without scandals for 22 years

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In that sunny high school time, Wang Yaoqing and Guo Yanqing once became close friends with hearts and sympathies, although they have not yet established a clear relationship, but the slightest tacit understanding and emotional exchange between each other has revealed an incomparably warm and sweet taste.

They once clasped their hands and solemnly promised that when they were admitted to the same ideal university together in the future, they would naturally walk hand in hand into the sacred temple of love.

However, fate always seems to like to play tricks on those who desire happiness, and in the crucial college entrance examination volunteer filling process, Wang Yaoqing was negligent for a while, and actually chose the drama school by mistake, and the bright future agreed with Guo Yanqing came to naught in an instant.

In this way, they were originally childhood sweethearts, but they had to embark on a completely different life path that was about to "part ways". Although the years have passed, time flies, and they have made good achievements in their respective fields, the secret love that failed to blossom has always been like a thorn deep in their hearts and cannot be erased.

"National Uncle" Wang Yaoqing: Spent 40,000 yuan on filming with glasses, and spoiled his wife without scandals for 22 years

In the face of such regrets, people often comfort themselves by saying that "in the prime of life, it is normal to miss some opportunities". However, for Wang Yaoqing and Guo Yanqing, this deep relationship has long taken root and turned into an indelible seed.

Maybe it's God's favor that he doesn't want to see this pair of lovers pass by. A few years later, by chance, a class reunion brought them together again.

Like old friends who "reunited after a long absence", the two quickly ignited the flame of blazing love, regained the innocent and beautiful feelings of the year, and quickly determined the relationship between lovers.

From the first acquaintance, acquaintance to falling in love, and then to entering the palace of marriage hand in hand, everything seems to be so natural, as if it is a destined marriage.

"National Uncle" Wang Yaoqing: Spent 40,000 yuan on filming with glasses, and spoiled his wife without scandals for 22 years

In this process, we can clearly feel that Wang Yaoqing is an affectionate and self-sacrificing romantic. Perhaps it is precisely because of this firm belief in true love that he never gave up in the long wait after the crush, and finally got his wish to tie the knot with his sweetheart.

As a dedicated actor, Wang Yaoqing is full of admiration and awe for every role, and he regards acting as his life, tirelessly and persistently pursuing excellence.

In order to be able to show the image of the character more vividly in front of the audience, he did not hesitate to invest a lot of time and money in all-round character preparation, and strive to achieve perfection.

Looking back on the wonderful moments during the filming of the hit series "Entrepreneurial Era", in order to go deeper into the role and get closer to the real life trajectory of the high-end entrepreneur in the TV series, Wang Yaoqing deliberately went to meet a real executive friend and spent three to four days with him for three to four days of in-depth time, carefully observing and studying the details of the other party's daily life and behavior.

"National Uncle" Wang Yaoqing: Spent 40,000 yuan on filming with glasses, and spoiled his wife without scandals for 22 years

From the selection and matching of the watch to the way the cufflinks are worn, from the delicate handling of the cuffs to the natural display of wrist movements, Wang Yaoqing can accurately capture and grasp every seemingly insignificant small detail.

It is this extreme emphasis on the role and in-depth research that allowed him to finally portray the elite president in the TV series vividly and vividly.

What's even more shocking is that in order to perfectly interpret the role of the founder of a technology company based on Ma Huateng, Wang Yaoqing not only put a lot of effort into his line skills, but even made full preparations for the glasses often worn by the character prototype.

In order to better fit Ma Huateng's own image and temperament, he specially selected a pair of glasses of the same style as Ma Huateng for himself, when he learned that the price of this glasses was as high as 220,000 yuan, although Wang Yaoqing was surprised, but for the perfect presentation of the character, he resolutely decided to spend 40,000 yuan to buy a pair of imitations.

"National Uncle" Wang Yaoqing: Spent 40,000 yuan on filming with glasses, and spoiled his wife without scandals for 22 years

As expected, after wearing these glasses, his whole temperament changed dramatically, and he looked more and more like a successful person. From these little-known behind-the-scenes stories, it is not difficult to find that in order to create a more realistic and deeply rooted character image, Wang Yaoqing has paid countless efforts and money.

Even if it is a seemingly bland accessory, he always gives his all and pays full attention to the reality of the character. It can be said that it is with this persistent pursuit and professionalism of true presentation that Wang Yaoqing has repeatedly presented outstanding works to the audience in the film and television industry.

As a dedicated actor, Wang Yaoqing devotes most of his energy to his acting career. In the minds of the audience, he is often portrayed as a serious and elite image.

However, Wang Yaoqing's personality is not as restrained and calm as the screen image, on the contrary, he has a warm and honest heart, and is better at letting go of his reserve in daily life, showing his humorous, witty, independent and lively side! It is precisely in this way that when Wang Yaoqing participates in various variety shows, he can always bring endless laughter and a relaxed and happy atmosphere to the audience.

"National Uncle" Wang Yaoqing: Spent 40,000 yuan on filming with glasses, and spoiled his wife without scandals for 22 years

Who can forget his excellent stage performance of "Uncle King" in the popular variety show "Brother 3"? the dance moves that are full of old money style; The irresistible melodic soundtrack is like poisoning; and Wang Yaoqing's confused and intoxicated expression, all made the atmosphere of the audience boil to the top! This wonderful performance has been broadcast on major short video platforms for three days, and no one can resist the temptation of its unique charm.

After that, Wang Yaoqing frequently showed his skills in other variety shows, showing his unique "magic dance posture", allowing the audience to appreciate his humorous and witty demeanor again.

For example, in a talk show, while complaining sharply, he crossed his legs and swayed as much as he wanted, coupled with a domineering action of a void "wall knock", every detail revealed his deep sense of humor, and even sometimes, the program team would take the initiative to hand him a small blanket for a lady, so that he could experience a "actress treatment", but he never regarded this as a big event, but always cast a "king's contempt" look, which caused the audience to laugh.

From these show pictures, it is not difficult to find that Wang Yaoqing is actually an actor with a great sense of humor, he knows how to put down the serious character mask at the right time and show his witty and funny side.

"National Uncle" Wang Yaoqing: Spent 40,000 yuan on filming with glasses, and spoiled his wife without scandals for 22 years

Perhaps it is this love and optimism of life that allows him to enjoy a rich and colorful life experience while succeeding in his career, avoiding the monotony of the life circle, and it is no exaggeration to say that Wang Yaoqing has made remarkable achievements in these two important aspects of life.

However, while his career is thriving, Wang Yaoqing has also experienced a low period in his life. According to his own recollection, there was a time when he was immersed in the virtual world of computer games.

During that time, Wang Yaoqing used eight computers and 20 accounts to carry out crazy operations, almost without leaving home, and never set foot out of the house for three consecutive months.

Faced with her husband's overindulgence and intoxication, Guo Yanqing's heart was deeply stabbed, and the flame of anger was suddenly ignited. She tried to remind Wang Yaoqing to temporarily put down the game equipment in her hand in a subtle and tactful way many times, but every time he ignored it.

"National Uncle" Wang Yaoqing: Spent 40,000 yuan on filming with glasses, and spoiled his wife without scandals for 22 years

It wasn't until he saw the anger and helplessness on his wife's face that Wang Yaoqing suddenly realized, quickly regained his senses as if he had woken up in a dream, quickly packed up his game equipment, and sincerely apologized to his wife with full guilt.

Fortunately, although Wang Yaoqing's behavior did violate the promise between the husband and wife, Guo Yanqing finally chose to forgive him and did not leave because of this.

It is precisely because of this that they can regain the direction of their lives and avoid the tragedy of a family breakdown.

This experience undoubtedly taught Wang Yaoqing an unforgettable life lesson, making him deeply realize how easily he fell into the virtual game world and lost his grasp of real life.

"National Uncle" Wang Yaoqing: Spent 40,000 yuan on filming with glasses, and spoiled his wife without scandals for 22 years

Fortunately, at this critical moment, he has a virtuous and intelligent wife by his side who has always supported him silently, and without her patient teaching, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Since that painful experience, Wang Yaoqing cherishes this hard-won beautiful marriage even more, and his love for his wife has become more and more profound, and he is determined not to let similar things happen again.

A brief game addiction almost puts the loving couple on the tragic path of a breakup. Fortunately, Wang Yaoqing was able to wake up in time, which gave him the opportunity to start a happy life with his wife again.

This episode made him deeply realize that once he loses control of his life, it is easy to make a wrong step and make an irreparable mistake. With this painful lesson, Wang Yaoqing will definitely act more cautiously in the future, avoid going astray again, and manage his career and family with all his heart.

"National Uncle" Wang Yaoqing: Spent 40,000 yuan on filming with glasses, and spoiled his wife without scandals for 22 years

When talking about the process of establishing a relationship between Wang Yaoqing and his wife Guo Yanqing, it is really unbearable. It turned out that Wang Yaoqing's original intention of proposing to Guo Yanqing was to "save rent"! At that time, he was at the beginning of his career, and his financial situation was very tight, which can be described as stretched.

In order to alleviate the pressure of life, his girlfriend Guo Yanqing offered to let him move in with him, hoping to save some of the rent expenses.

However, Guo Yanqing's decision aroused great disgust and opposition from his mother. Perhaps influenced by the more conservative traditional ideas of the older generation, Guo's mother firmly believes that it is really unethical for two people to live under the same roof before the relationship is formalized.

Faced with the imminent loss of a precious opportunity to live together, Wang Yaoqing did not hesitate to make a jaw-dropping decision - he took the initiative to propose to Guo Yanqing, hoping to win her mother's trust and approval.

"National Uncle" Wang Yaoqing: Spent 40,000 yuan on filming with glasses, and spoiled his wife without scandals for 22 years

As a result, this proposal, which was originally just to "save rent", led the lovers into a warm and beautiful marriage. Judging from the original intention of the marriage proposal, Wang Yaoqing's behavior seems to be too direct and candid.

However, we can't deny that he is indeed full of deep feelings for Guo Yanqing in his heart.

In fact, Wang Yaoqing and Guo Yanqing's marriage has been closely intertwined as early as high school. At that time, they were classmates and friends, and they both had a subtle affection for each other.

They had agreed to go to the same university together in the future, and then they would be together openly. Although an accidental mistake led to years of separation, that young and innocent feeling has always been deeply engraved in the depths of their hearts, like an inexhaustible seed.

"National Uncle" Wang Yaoqing: Spent 40,000 yuan on filming with glasses, and spoiled his wife without scandals for 22 years

Perhaps, it is this deep relationship from high school that has become a strong driving force for Wang Yaoqing's marriage proposal. A marriage proposal that originated from "saving rent" finally forged their eternal love for a hundred years, which is really emotional.

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