
Doing this one thing often hurts your breasts! A lot of women have been tricked

author:Sharp-eyed life

Xiaohui is a beautiful urban white-collar worker. I am busy every day, but I always like to nest in the sofa at night and scroll through my phone until late at night. She felt so relaxed, but she didn't know that there was actually a hidden danger.

One day, Xiaohui felt something wrong with her breasts when she was taking a shower, and she chuckled in her heart. She went to the hospital to check, and the doctor told her that lowering her head to play with her mobile phone for a long time and leaning forward with her neck not only hurt the cervical spine, but also affected the blood circulation in the chest, which was very bad for the breast!

Doing this one thing often hurts your breasts! A lot of women have been tricked

"Doing this one thing a lot, it hurts your breasts! A lot of women have been tricked. Xiaohui suddenly realized that healthy habits are so important. She decided to change herself, but what to do next? Let's move on.


Why do I have breast tenderness before menstruation?

The four stages of a woman's menstrual cycle

A woman's menstrual cycle is usually divided into four phases: menstrual phase, follicular phase, ovulation phase, and luteal phase. Each phase is accompanied by different hormone level changes, especially fluctuations in estrogen and progesterone. Estrogen and progesterone play an important role in a woman's menstrual cycle, and fluctuations in these two hormones directly affect the condition of the breasts.

Doing this one thing often hurts your breasts! A lot of women have been tricked

The role of estrogen

Before ovulation and during the luteal phase, estrogen production peaks. One of the main effects of estrogen is to promote the proliferation of the milk ducts, which causes the lumen of the milk ducts to dilate, causing the breast tissue to become congested. Due to the effects of estrogen, the breasts will experience sodium and water retention before menstruation, and they will feel full. As a result, many women experience breast tenderness before menstruation.

The role of progestogens

Similar to estrogen, progesterone secretion also peaks during the luteal phase. The main role of progesterone is to promote the development of mammary acinar and further increase the feeling of fullness in the breast. Therefore, the changes in the breasts before menstruation are the result of a combination of estrogen and progesterone.

Doing this one thing often hurts your breasts! A lot of women have been tricked

The relationship between breast size and breast cancer

The determinant of breast size

The size of the breasts is mainly determined by the fat content. Women with larger breasts have more body fat, while women with smaller breasts have less body fat. The occurrence of breast cancer is mainly related to the breast glands and not to the fat content. Therefore, breast size is not directly related to the risk of breast cancer.

Misconceptions about breast size and breast cancer risk

Some people think that women with larger breasts are more likely to develop breast cancer, which is actually a misconception. Clinically, women can develop breast cancer regardless of the size of their breasts. In addition, men are also at risk of developing breast cancer, which further suggests that the occurrence of breast cancer is not related to breast size. Therefore, women do not need to worry excessively about breast cancer risk because of breast size.

Doing this one thing often hurts your breasts! A lot of women have been tricked

Early symptoms of breast cancer

Breast discharge

Breast discharge is a possible symptom of breast cancer, especially during non-lactating periods. The type of discharge may include discharge similar to milk, water or blood. If these conditions occur, it is necessary to be highly vigilant and seek medical attention in a timely manner.

Breast mass

One of the typical symptoms of breast cancer is an abnormal lump in the breast. The lump is usually hard, non-painful to the touch, ill-defined, rough, and difficult to push. The lump may grow rapidly in a short period of time, and if similar symptoms are found, a medical examination should be done as soon as possible.

Doing this one thing often hurts your breasts! A lot of women have been tricked

Skin changes

Breast cancer can cause a dimpled surface of the breast skin that resembles a dimple or orange peel and, in severe cases, skin ulcers. These changes are due to the traction of the lesions inside the breast on the skin and need attention.

Swollen lymph nodes in the armpits

If lymphadenopathy is found in the ipsilateral axilla in the absence of other conditions, it may be caused by metastasis of the breast cancer to the lymph and needs to be examined and treated as soon as possible.

Doing this one thing often hurts your breasts! A lot of women have been tricked

The importance of wearing a bra

Choose the right bra

Wearing the right bra is essential for breast health. A bra that is too tight can have a number of negative effects on the breasts, including friction of the nipple causing blockage of the milk ducts, affecting lymphatic reflux and increasing the risk of breast disease, and affecting blood circulation in the chest leading to breast ischemia and cramping. Therefore, women should choose a bra that is the right size and comfortable.

Tips for choosing a bra


When choosing a cup, make sure that the cup covers the breasts completely, so that the breasts fit on the inside of the underwear and there is no gap. There should be a moderate amount of elasticity above the cups to increase the stability of the underwear.

Doing this one thing often hurts your breasts! A lot of women have been tricked

Bottom circumference

The bottom circumference is the main support point of the bra, and materials with good elasticity and toughness should be chosen. When trying on, raise your hands, if the bra moves up, it means that the bottom circumference is too loose and needs to be adjusted. If it is too tight, it will feel uncomfortable.

Shoulder straps

The shoulder straps are the second largest support point of the bra, and you should choose a material with good elasticity to not compress the shoulders. Wider shoulder straps can be chosen for added comfort.