
"The rain hits the small head, and the old cattle are killed in the sun", whether it is hot or not this summer, whether it rains much, it all depends on whether it is cloudy or sunny?

author:Sharp-eyed life

The ancients said: "In the middle of April, the small full, the things are so small and full." ”

As Xiaoman's footsteps quietly approach, we are at this turning point from spring to summer, feeling the subtle changes of the seasons.

However, as the seasons change, we are always curious: will this summer be extraordinarily hot? Will the rain be extraordinarily abundant? In fact, the answers to these questions may be hidden in the upcoming Little Full Solar Term.

"The rain hits the small head, and the old cattle are killed in the sun", whether it is hot or not this summer, whether it rains much, it all depends on whether it is cloudy or sunny?

In ancient Chinese farming culture, the relationship between solar terms and weather was endowed with profound significance.

Xiaoman, as the second solar term of summer, its arrival often indicates the initial manifestation of the summer climate. The weather on this day is regarded by the older generation as an important reference for predicting the climate throughout the summer.

So, how do we predict the next summer climate trend by observing the weather in Xiaoman? What kind of natural laws and farming wisdom are behind this?

"The rain hits the small head, and the old cattle are killed in the sun", whether it is hot or not this summer, whether it rains much, it all depends on whether it is cloudy or sunny?


Xiaoman, the second solar term of summer, marks the end of spring and the beginning of summer. As the spring breeze gradually subsides, the summer heat gradually appears.

At this time, life on the earth also began to show new vitality. The sound of cicadas, which announce the arrival of summer with their unique songs; The birds are singing happily in the branches, adding infinite vitality to the arrival of summer.

During this season, we can observe many changes in nature. The leaves become denser, the flowers begin to wither, and the fruits gradually ripen. These changes not only show the changing of seasons, but also reflect the cycles and evolution of life in nature.

"The rain hits the small head, and the old cattle are killed in the sun", whether it is hot or not this summer, whether it rains much, it all depends on whether it is cloudy or sunny?


1. "The rain hits the small head and kills the old scalper"

This proverb vividly depicts that if it rains on this day, the following days may face a drought situation.

This kind of drought is extremely detrimental to the growth of crops, especially in the summer days, and the hot and dry environment will make it difficult for drought-tolerant and heat-tolerant cattle to bear, let alone delicate crops.

Therefore, farmers pay special attention to the weather conditions during the small full season so that they can take timely countermeasures.

"The rain hits the small head, and the old cattle are killed in the sun", whether it is hot or not this summer, whether it rains much, it all depends on whether it is cloudy or sunny?

2. "Xiaoman is sun-dried, and the warehouse is full of wheat" and "Xiaoman has no sun, and there is no wheat in the warehouse"

These two proverbs reveal the impact of Xiaoman weather on crop yields. If the sun is shining during the small man, then the weather will be conducive to the growth of crops such as wheat for a period of time, indicating that a good harvest is in sight.

On the contrary, if it is rainy on this day, the growth of crops will be affected, which may lead to poor harvests. This change in weather is directly related to the harvest and livelihood of farmers.

3. "Ten days of work, every family sees white noodles"

This proverb further emphasizes the importance of sunny days for crop growth.

"The rain hits the small head, and the old cattle are killed in the sun", whether it is hot or not this summer, whether it rains much, it all depends on whether it is cloudy or sunny?

In the ten days before and after Xiaoman, if the weather is mainly sunny, then the crops are likely to thrive and bring the joy of a good harvest to the farmers.

It's also a good weather for farmers to look forward to, as it means that their hard work will be duly rewarded.

4. "Little can't afford garlic, leave it in the ground to rot"

In addition to crops such as wheat, the small full season is also an important time to harvest garlic. If the garlic is not harvested in time, the high temperature and humidity weather is likely to cause the garlic to rot in the ground, causing economic losses to farmers.

Therefore, garlic farmers will pay close attention to the changes in Xiaoman's weather in order to harvest garlic in time to ensure the quality of the harvest.

"The rain hits the small head, and the old cattle are killed in the sun", whether it is hot or not this summer, whether it rains much, it all depends on whether it is cloudy or sunny?

In this solar term, we can deeply feel the important impact of the weather on the growth of crops.

It is not difficult for us to find that this solar term is not only an important moment in nature, but also carries the deep understanding of the ancients on agricultural culture.

Xiaoman's cloudiness has become an interesting indicator for predicting the summer climate, reflecting the ancient people's meticulous observation and summary of the natural world.

Despite the rapid development of technology and the availability of more accurate weather forecasting, these old agricultural proverbs still have their own unique value, allowing us to slow down in our fast-paced lives and re-examine our relationship with nature.

"The rain hits the small head, and the old cattle are killed in the sun", whether it is hot or not this summer, whether it rains much, it all depends on whether it is cloudy or sunny?

Through the weather in Xiaoman, we may be able to get a glimpse of the climate trend throughout the summer, which is not only a reverence for nature, but also a heritage of traditional culture.

On this day, let us pay attention to the changes in the sky, feel the charm of solar terms, and at the same time do not forget to cherish and inherit the wisdom from our ancestors.