
"Salt in three places, it is difficult to go smoothly at home", salt can not be placed in the home, especially in these three places, it is really not superstition

author:Sharp-eyed life

The word "salt" originally meant "to boil and marinate in a vessel". It is recorded in the "Sayings": "Those who are born are salted, and those who are boiled are salt." ”

Since ancient times, salt has been known as the first of all flavors and an indispensable condiment on our table. However, did you know that this ordinary salt actually contains profound knowledge and wisdom in daily life?

"Salt in three places, it is difficult to go smoothly at home", salt can not be placed in the home, especially in these three places, it is really not superstition

The ancients said: "If you put salt in three places, it will be difficult to go smoothly at home." "In our daily lives, we probably never pay much attention to the placement of salt.

However, the placement of salt is actually very important, and it is related to the quality and preservation of salt. So, how exactly should salt be placed? How do we understand the deeper meaning behind this ancient saying?

"Salt in three places, it is difficult to go smoothly at home", salt can not be placed in the home, especially in these three places, it is really not superstition


In the kitchen, the stove is a source of heat and moisture. Placing salt next to the stove is undoubtedly exposing it to a high temperature and humidity environment.

Such conditions are extremely unfavorable for salt, because high temperatures can destroy the chemical composition of salt, resulting in the destruction of trace elements and minerals in it, thus reducing the nutritional value of salt.

At the same time, during the cooking process, the water vapor and oil smoke produced by the stove can also make the salt damp and even polluted by the oil smoke.

Once the salt is wet, it will clump and lose its original loose state, which not only affects the use, but also may breed bacteria, posing a potential threat to health.

In addition, the harmful substances in the oil smoke may also adhere to the salt, further deteriorating its quality.

"Salt in three places, it is difficult to go smoothly at home", salt can not be placed in the home, especially in these three places, it is really not superstition

Therefore, in order to maintain the quality and nutritional value of salt, we should avoid placing it next to the stove and instead choose a dry, cool place to store it properly.

This not only ensures that the quality of the salt is not compromised, but also makes our cooking healthier and more delicious.


Metal containers, while strong and durable, are not suitable for storing salt. This is because undesirable chemical reactions can occur between metals and salts.

Salt, especially sea salt or salt that contains more minerals and impurities, is corrosive.

In prolonged contact with metal containers, the chemicals in the salt may react with the metal, causing metal ions to leach out, which not only changes the taste and quality of the salt, but can also pose potential health risks.

"Salt in three places, it is difficult to go smoothly at home", salt can not be placed in the home, especially in these three places, it is really not superstition

What's more, metal containers are prone to rust in a humid environment, and the rust produced can contaminate the salt, make it smell metallic, and even introduce harmful substances.

In addition, the thermal conductivity of metal is strong, and if the storage environment is not appropriate, the salt in the metal container is easy to get wet, which will affect its preservation effect.

Therefore, in order to maintain the quality and safety of salt, we should avoid using metal containers to store salt. It is wiser to choose non-metallic containers, such as ceramic jars, glass bottles or plastic boxes.

These containers are made of stable materials that do not affect the quality of the salt, while also providing a better seal and moisture resistance, ensuring that the salt is preserved for a long time.


When storing salt, choosing a container without a lid is a common mistake. Containers without lids are not effective at insulating outside air, moisture and dust, making salt susceptible to contamination and moisture.

"Salt in three places, it is difficult to go smoothly at home", salt can not be placed in the home, especially in these three places, it is really not superstition

Moisture in the air gradually seeps into the salt, causing it to lose its original dry state, resulting in agglomeration and deterioration of quality.

At the same time, dust and dirt can also drift into the container with the wind and adhere to the salt, which not only affects its purity, but can also introduce microorganisms and harmful substances.

More critically, unlidded containers do not prevent the infestation of small animals or insects. These critters may forage or lay eggs in the salt, further contaminating the salt and spreading disease.

In addition, salt that is exposed to the air for a long time is also susceptible to the effects of light and oxidation, gradually losing its original nutritional value and flavor.

Therefore, in order to maintain the purity and quality of salt, we should avoid using containers without lids to store salt.

Choose containers with tight lids, such as airtight jars or screw-top plastic boxes, to better protect the salt from external contamination and moisture.

"Salt in three places, it is difficult to go smoothly at home", salt can not be placed in the home, especially in these three places, it is really not superstition


Choosing the right place to store your salt is crucial to maintaining the quality of your salt. The ideal storage location should be a dry, cool, and well-ventilated place.

This ensures that the salt is kept away from humidity and heat, keeping it dry and preventing clumping and deterioration of quality. At the same time, the shady environment helps to slow down the oxidation process of salt, maintaining its original nutritional value and flavor.

In addition to avoiding humidity and heat, the storage location should also be kept away from sources of contamination such as dust, dirt, and small animals.

This requires us to choose a relatively closed but well-ventilated space, such as a dedicated spice rack or an enclosed cabinet. In such an environment, salt can be effectively protected from external contamination.

"Salt in three places, it is difficult to go smoothly at home", salt can not be placed in the home, especially in these three places, it is really not superstition

Also, for easy access, store as close to the cooking area as possible, but make sure to stay away from heat sources such as stovetops. This preserves the quality of the salt and improves cooking efficiency.

For the sake of the health and harmony of our families, let's start today and store salt more scientifically to avoid those mistakes that are easy to ignore.

Remember, the devil is in the details, and small changes can make a big difference in family life.