
Bin firmly believes that BLG can take revenge on GEN, and winning the S championship in the all-Chinese class is a career motivation

Bin firmly believes that BLG can take revenge on GEN, and winning the S championship in the all-Chinese class is a career motivation


2024-05-17 17:27Published in Guangdong game creators

On May 16, League of Legends ushered in the MSI Upper Bracket Finals, and BLG failed to defeat the LCK No. 1 seed GEN, unfortunately falling into the lower bracket. However, in this tense and intense match, Bin's performance was still remarkable, playing a scene of lane suppression and single kills. After the match, he was interviewed by Brazilian media outlet Mais Esports to share his thoughts and feelings.

When asked about the most difficult points of the series with GEN, Bin said that GEN has always been considered a very operational team, and their teamfight pulling ability is very strong, and every player is difficult to kill, these two points are GEN's biggest strengths.

Bin firmly believes that BLG can take revenge on GEN, and winning the S championship in the all-Chinese class is a career motivation

Although BLG failed to defeat GEN in this encounter, Bin remained confident that he still had a chance. As the only team in the LPL that has not been eliminated, Bin did not feel too much pressure, he replied: "First of all, we have a repechage first, even if we lose this time, we can still win an opponent and still enter the MSI finals." And it's just MSI, take 10,000 steps back and say, even if we are really eliminated this time, our performance in the World Championship is the most important thing. ”

Bin has always been known for his self-confidence, and when talking about how to stay confident in the professional arena, Bin shared his experience: "First and foremost, you have to believe in your own strength and your level. Personally, from the very beginning of my professional career, I believed that my talent was definitely the number one top laner. Secondly, I think you have to be confident when you play, because if you don't have confidence, you will regret it later. ”

Bin, who has participated in MSI three times in a row, doesn't feel that he has any opponents in MSI this time that impresses him, and the toughest opponents of his career may be Nuguri and TheShy. However, he also believes that GEN is a very strong opponent, and Bin believes that BLG will be able to beat his opponent in future matches after completing the form.

Bin firmly believes that BLG can take revenge on GEN, and winning the S championship in the all-Chinese class is a career motivation

BLG, who fell into the lower bracket, will face the winner of T1 and G2 next, who have yet to meet G2 in this MSI. Bin said that G2's Brokenblade is one of the top laners in the world, and is currently the No. 1 top laner in Europe, and the opponent has performed very well in this MSI, but it is still necessary to see who plays better in G2 and T1 to know who is better. Although BLG couldn't take on G2, Bin is looking forward to taking them toe.

When asked if he aspires to be the pride of the nation when participating in international competitions as a Chinese, Bin shared his views on this topic: "First of all, I think that a team like ours, all five of us are Chinese, plus the coaches are all Chinese, so we are burdened, or there will be a national mission, to let us work hard, and we also feel that we are representing China." And this year's MSI is playing in China, and we really want to lift the trophy in China, so we will definitely feel this pressure and then shoulder this responsibility. ”

When asked why he has been able to perform so well throughout his career, Bin said that the only thing he is good at now is playing League of Legends, so he must play his best and play to the top level, which is the biggest motivation for him to play professionally. Another reason is that Bin wants to win the World Finals, after all, he only won the runner-up in 2020, and he feels that the Chinese class needs a World Championship champion, so this is also one of his motivations.

Bin firmly believes that BLG can take revenge on GEN, and winning the S championship in the all-Chinese class is a career motivation

Overall, Bin still performed well at MSI, and his tank hero played well, and although he failed to lead BLG to victory over GEN, he still maintained his confidence and anticipation for the future. Bin also updated his personal profile at the end of the interview, saying that if BLG meets GEN again in the finals, they will definitely win. Hopefully, in future competitions, we can see Bin lead BLG to better results, win more honors for the LPL, and show the momentum of the MSI host.

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  • Bin firmly believes that BLG can take revenge on GEN, and winning the S championship in the all-Chinese class is a career motivation
  • Bin firmly believes that BLG can take revenge on GEN, and winning the S championship in the all-Chinese class is a career motivation
  • Bin firmly believes that BLG can take revenge on GEN, and winning the S championship in the all-Chinese class is a career motivation

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