
In order to better promote exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations, colleges and universities will contribute to the strength

author:Study Times

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has actively advocated promoting exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations, advocating the promotion of the common values of all mankind, and putting forward the Global Civilization Initiative, contributing China's wisdom and spiritual strength to promoting the progress of human civilization and addressing common global challenges. As the humanistic foundation and cultural foundation for building a community with a shared future for mankind, exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations are the due meaning of Chinese modernization in the context of the accelerated transformation of the international order, the increasing interaction between different civilizations of mankind, and the emergence of contradictions and conflicts.

Higher education is the leader in the construction of an educational power, and is a typical symbol of the international image of education and the embodiment of competitiveness, we must look at the world while cherishing the homeland and country, deeply understand and grasp the great significance of exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations with a broader international vision and higher value pursuit, promote the harmonious coexistence of Chinese civilization and other civilizations, and promote the construction of Chinese-style modernization through exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations.

Undertake the mission of promoting Chinese-style modernization through exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations

Colleges and universities are the main positions for talent training and an important base for theoretical innovation, with the advantages of cultural accumulation and talent reserves, so they should strengthen their sense of responsibility, integrate all kinds of resources, shoulder the mission of "researchers", "inheritors", "narrators" and "connectors", and contribute to the promotion of exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations.

Shouldering the mission of "researcher", he leads the way for exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations. The new concept of civilization of exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations, based on the theoretical precipitation of China's excellent traditional culture and based on the theoretical innovation and practical experience of the Communist Party of China, is the inheritance and development of the Marxist concept of social history, and is a "major innovation in the theory and practice of world modernization". As an important center of philosophical and social science research, colleges and universities should strengthen in-depth research on the practical path, value implication and theoretical basis of exchanges and mutual learning between civilizations, systematically sort out the historical process of exchanges and mutual learning between Chinese and foreign civilizations, restore the main content and experience enlightenment of exchanges and mutual learning between Chinese and foreign civilizations, and provide research results for reference in order to deeply grasp the Chinese characteristics of Chinese-style modernization and its important position in the world modernization pattern, and to better promote the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind and create a new form of human civilization.

Shouldering the mission of "inheritor", we will explore the source of exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations. The excellent traditional Chinese culture is the root and soul of the Chinese nation. Colleges and universities shoulder the important functions of cultural inheritance, innovation and cultural education, and should take root in the land of China, be a good watchman of Chinese civilization, take root in cultural self-confidence and self-improvement genes, integrate China and foreign countries, connect ancient and modern, be open and inclusive, uphold integrity and innovation, strengthen the alliance with domestic and foreign universities, social science research institutions, important think tanks, experts and scholars, and do a good job in the creative transformation and innovative development of Chinese excellent traditional culture, so as to make Chinese culture more attractive, appealing and influential, on the basis of inheriting and carrying forward the excellent traditional Chinese culture. Promote the construction of modern civilization and socialist culture of the Chinese nation.

Shouldering the mission of "narrator", it is a strong voice for exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations. General Secretary Xi Jinping clearly put forward the requirements of "seven efforts" in his important instructions on propaganda, ideological and cultural work, one of which is to "focus on strengthening international communication capacity building and promoting exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations". As the center of knowledge, talent, cultural production and dissemination, universities are an extremely critical link in the communication chain, covering all elements, the whole process and the whole space of international communication, and have unique advantages in improving international communication capabilities. Colleges and universities should make a difference in innovating China's discourse and narrative system, taking it as an important part of constructing China's independent knowledge system, refining more spiritual signs and cultural essences of Chinese civilization, and better interpreting China's practice with Chinese theory. It is also necessary to tell China's story well through various channels such as talent training and education opening to the outside world, and widely publicize China's ideas, wisdom and solutions, so that the international community can better understand China and Chinese modernization, and enhance the dissemination and influence of Chinese civilization.

Shouldering the mission of "connector", we will set up a platform for exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations. Universities serve as a bridge for dialogue between China and the rest of the world, as well as a link for exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations. In recent years, the educational institutions, programs and cultural exchanges of foreign cooperation of universities have developed steadily, and a wide range of cooperation platforms and communication channels have been established around the world, with partners all over the world, increasing in fields and improving their level, forming an all-round, wide-ranging and multi-level pattern of opening up to the outside world. Colleges and universities should facilitate international exchanges and interactions between university teachers and students, carry out various forms of academic and cultural dialogues, make full use of the world's important educational resources in a more inclusive manner, and create a campus cultural atmosphere conducive to exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations. At the same time, it is necessary to pay more attention to dialogue and exchanges at the level of culture and civilization, broaden the exchange channels of high-end think tanks, promote spiritual inheritance and spiritual integration, better serve the dialogue of world civilizations, and better build a bridge for exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations through a higher level of education and opening up to the outside world.

Find out the right paths and channels to earnestly deepen exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations

Exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations is a long-term undertaking and a systematic project. Each university has different historical inheritance and advantageous characteristics, and should combine its own development reality in this undertaking, grasp the key points, find the right path and channel, form a collective force, effectively deepen the exchange and mutual learning of civilizations, and promote Chinese culture to the world.

Grab the areas that matter. First, it is necessary to closely focus on the national strategic needs. The construction of the "Belt and Road" is a vivid practice of the concept of exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations, and colleges and universities should take the initiative to implement the "Belt and Road" education action, build a "Belt and Road" education community, promote people-to-people bonds, provide talent support, and achieve common development and win-win cooperation. Second, it is necessary to closely focus on the needs of regional development. Promoting exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations is a systematic project, colleges and universities not only cultivate talents but also gather talents, and should actively integrate into the relevant work in regional and urban construction planning, do a good job in talent, academic support and scientific and technological services, and gather strength to deepen exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations. Third, it is necessary to closely integrate with the actual development of the school. Universities should have different positions and emphases in discipline construction and international exchanges, so as to form a joint force and play an important role in promoting exchanges and mutual learning between civilizations and relevant regions.

Grab the important objects. People are the best carriers of exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations, and colleges and universities should pay attention to three types of subjects in promoting exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations. The first is the cultivation of language talents. It is necessary to pay attention to cultivating the feelings of home and country and global vision of language talents, improve cultural understanding and cross-cultural communication skills, vigorously cultivate international organizations and cross-cultural communication talents, and send more high-end talents who are good at spreading Chinese voices, showing Chinese style, and have the ability to deeply participate in global governance. The second is the cultivation of international students in China. In 2023, General Secretary Xi Jinping sent a congratulatory letter to the 3rd Dialogue on Exchanges and Mutual Learning among Civilizations and the First World Congress of Sinologists, hoping that sinologists from all over the world, as messengers of integrating Chinese and foreign civilizations, will make more active efforts to communicate Chinese and foreign cultures and enhance understanding, friendship and cooperation. Colleges and universities should pay more attention to cultivating sinologists who are proficient in Chinese and foreign languages and cultures and have an international academic vision, cultivate more young sinologists through the "New Sinology Program", systematically sort out the research works of famous sinologists from all over the world, and establish a normalized exchange mechanism between sinologists and sinology institutions around the world, so that sinologists can play a more active role in communicating Chinese and foreign cultures and enhancing cooperation. The third is the training of international Chinese teachers. Every international Chinese teacher is on the front line of exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations, and we should strive to cultivate more outstanding Chinese teachers with both ability and political integrity, strengthen the training of overseas local Chinese teachers, and make international Chinese teachers an important carrier for telling Chinese stories well and promoting exchanges and mutual learning between Chinese culture and diverse civilizations in the world.

Catch the trends that matter. Today, with the acceleration of global digital transformation, it is of great significance to enhance the effectiveness of language and cultural exchanges through digital technology to enhance mutual learning among different civilizations and help build a community with a shared future for mankind. Higher education should enthusiastically embrace digital technology and deepen exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations with the help of digital means and platforms. First, in terms of the inheritance and innovation of excellent traditional Chinese culture, we can create carriers that meet the needs of the audience through modern technology, enrich the presentation form of Chinese civilization by digital means in the way of presentation, and present rich language and cultural resources in digital form, so as to convey the deep historical foundation and vivid contemporary value of excellent traditional Chinese culture to the world. Second, in terms of improving international communication capabilities, we should strive to build a new pattern of all-media communication, strive to build foreign media clusters with international influence, move from flat communication to three-dimensional communication, adopt precise communication methods, promote the globalization, regionalization and focus communication of Chinese civilization, enhance the affinity and effectiveness of cultural communication, and improve the efficiency of international communication. Third, in terms of the development and application of digital learning resources, we will strengthen the construction of digital resource platforms, empower the reform of international Chinese education and teaching through the research and development of international Chinese smart teaching systems, and share the digital experience of Chinese and Chinese language education with the world.

Higher education, as the leader of the entire education system, is a typical symbol of the international image and competitiveness of education. Colleges and universities should not only be interpreters of the theory of exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations, but also practitioners of exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations, give full play to the unique endowments and advantages of different types of colleges and universities, deepen exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations, and work together to make greater contributions to drawing a new picture of modernization.

(The author is president of Beijing Language and Culture University)