
Wang Jun is conducting research in Bayi District, Lang County, Milin City, Nyingchi

author:Main news in Tibet

Wang Jun is conducting research in Bayi District, Lang County, Milin City, Nyingchi

We should persistently grasp the four major issues of "stability, development, ecology, and strong borders".

Deepen reform and opening up and seize development opportunities

We will make greater contributions to promoting Tibet's long-term peace and stability and high-quality development

From May 14th to 16th, Wang Junzheng, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Autonomous Region, went deep into Nyingchi Milin City, Lang County, and Bayi District for investigation. He stressed that it is necessary to conscientiously implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on Tibet's work, completely, accurately and comprehensively implement the party's strategy for governing Tibet in the new era, persistently grasp the four major issues of "stability, development, ecology and strong borders", give full play to comprehensive advantages, deepen reform and opening up, and make greater contributions to promoting Tibet's long-term stability and high-quality development.

Leaders of the autonomous region, Yan Jinhai and Dawa Tsering, attended the relevant activities.

Wang Jun is conducting research in Bayi District, Lang County, Milin City, Nyingchi

From May 14 to 16, Wang Junzheng, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Tibet Autonomous Region, went to Milin City, Lang County, and Bayi District of Nyingchi to conduct research. This is Wang Jun is helping the middle of the resettlement site in Milin Town, Milin City, to learn about the employment and income increase of the masses driven by the "doorstep" industry on the spot. Photo by reporter Li Zhou

To promote rural revitalization, industrial prosperity is the focus. Wang Junzheng came to the resettlement site in Milin Town, Milin City, and the fritillary seedlings in the greenhouse were green and gratifying. "Have you learned all the technology? How much does it earn per year? When he learned that the villagers' annual income reached tens of thousands of yuan through investment, Wang Junzheng affirmed the practice of this "doorstep" industry to drive the masses to employment and increase income. In recent years, Zhuo Village, Dongga Town, Lang County, has organically combined the development of "courtyard economy" with the promotion of rural revitalization and the increase of income of farmers and herdsmen, turning "square inch idle land" into "treasure land for income increase". Wang Junzheng listened to Bazhu's account of the process of getting rich in Zhuo Village and his family, and hoped that he would actively play an exemplary role in leading the villagers to increase their income and become rich, and live a prosperous life with hard-working hands. It is pointed out that it is necessary to vigorously implement the action of strengthening agriculture with science and technology, strengthen agricultural science and technology innovation, increase the demonstration and application of agricultural technology, and help agricultural development, rural construction, and farmers' income. Increase the training of "soil experts" and "Tian Xiucai", and radiate and drive the surrounding farmers to improve planting and breeding technology. Vigorously develop leisure agriculture and rural tourism, expand the scale, extend the chain, and promote the quality and upgrading of rural revitalization.

Wang Jun is conducting research in Bayi District, Lang County, Milin City, Nyingchi

From May 14 to 16, Wang Junzheng, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Tibet Autonomous Region, went to Milin City, Lang County, and Bayi District of Nyingchi to conduct research. This is Wang Jun having a cordial conversation with villager Bazhu in Zhuo Village, Dongga Town, Lang County. Photo by reporter Li Zhou

Wang Junzheng attaches great importance to deepening reform and opening up and promoting high-quality development in Nyingchi City, and inspected the construction of major projects on the spot. It is pointed out that it is necessary to carefully organize, carefully deploy, strengthen scheduling, speed up progress, and ensure the quality of construction. We need productivity and production efficiency from advanced science and technology, accelerate the application of digitalization and intelligence, and build with high quality. Strengthen production safety, keep the alarm bell ringing, be vigilant, increase the investigation of hidden dangers, and improve the emergency response mechanism.

Wang Jun is conducting research in Bayi District, Lang County, Milin City, Nyingchi

From May 14 to 16, Wang Junzheng, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Tibet Autonomous Region, went to Milin City, Lang County, and Bayi District of Nyingchi to conduct research. This is Wang Jun learning about the production and living conditions of the masses at the resettlement site in Milin Town, Milin City. Photo by reporter Li Zhou

In Milin City and Bayi District, Wang Jun is looking at the exhibition boards, listening to reports, checking the progress, looking at the results, and learning more about the urban construction planning. It is pointed out that it is necessary to plan the construction of new urbanization with high standards and high starting points, pay attention to the coordination, integrity and difference of urban planning, adapt measures to local conditions, shape characteristics, improve urban quality, highlight urban features, and strive to build a small and special, small and beautiful, small and fine characteristic plateau city. Highlight the integration of industry and city and industrial support, do a good job in industrial planning at a high level, accelerate industrial cultivation, and make two-way efforts to promote the high-quality development of the service industry, so as to fundamentally solve the problem of urban development support.

During the investigation, Wang Junzheng affirmed the achievements of Nyingchi City's economic and social development. It is emphasized that Nyingchi City is blessed with unique resources and profound characteristic cultural heritage, and is facing rare development opportunities. It is necessary to obey the overall situation of service, highlight the key points of work, take the initiative to think and plan in the overall situation of the whole country and the whole region, constantly update concepts, seize strategic opportunities, and promote high-quality economic and social development. Based on regional advantages, adhere to green development, accelerate the green and low-carbon transformation of traditional industries, vigorously develop tourism, clean energy, and characteristic planting and breeding industries, and embark on a high-quality development path that is eco-friendly, green and low-carbon, and has plateau characteristics. To improve the level of opening up and strengthen connectivity, the most dynamic and open regions with the most open economy and the most competitive are the most open, we must continue to expand opening up, comprehensively improve the level of opening up, further release the dividends of reform and innovation, and make concerted efforts to promote reform and opening up first. We will continue to optimize the business environment, take investment promotion as an important task, implement various measures to stimulate the vitality of private investment, and continuously improve the level and effectiveness of investment promotion, so that market players are willing to come, stay and develop well. Earnestly protect and improve people's livelihood, adhere to the people-centered development philosophy, implement the general requirement of "three grants and one benefit", treat the small things around the masses as the major matters of party committees and governments at all levels, and do a solid job in education, medical care, employment, social security and other practical matters of people's livelihood, and firmly adhere to the bottom line of people's livelihood.

Wang Junzheng stressed that all departments at all levels should implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the work requirements of the Party Committee of the Autonomous Region, improve their political position, carry out party discipline study and education in a solid manner, adhere to the party spirit, party style and party discipline together, strengthen overall planning and integration, promote implementation as a whole, resolutely rectify the corruption problems and unhealthy trends around the masses, and strive to create a good political ecology of clean and upright conduct and entrepreneurship. We should persistently improve our work style, pay close attention to the implementation of work, further deepen the rectification of formalism, reduce the burden on the grassroots level, and let cadres have more energy to do practical things and grasp implementation. Strengthen the construction of grass-roots party organizations, promote the comprehensive and strict governance of the party, expand the construction of capacity and work style to the grass-roots level, improve the efficiency of grass-roots governance, promote the political style and bring the people's customs with a good party style, and ensure that party members are educated, the burden on the grass-roots is reduced, the masses are benefited, and the development is effective.

During the investigation, Wang Junzheng also supervised and inspected the implementation of the rectification of ecological and environmental protection problems in Nyingchi City.

Wang Jun is conducting research in Bayi District, Lang County, Milin City, Nyingchi
Wang Jun is conducting research in Bayi District, Lang County, Milin City, Nyingchi
Wang Jun is conducting research in Bayi District, Lang County, Milin City, Nyingchi

Reporter: Zhang Lili, Zhang Shanghua, Liu Wentao

Source: Tibet Daily WeChat public account