
After waiting for two years, the anti-Japanese war film "Reinforcements Arrive Tomorrow" released a trailer and is scheduled to be released on June 28

author:Chiheido Kotei

Old Zhou

Abstract: Recently, the trailer of the film "Tomorrow's Reinforcements Arrive", which is based on the famous Hengyang Defense War during the Anti-Japanese War, was released, and it was officially announced that it will be released nationwide on June 28. This film will start in August 2022 and be completed in December of the same year, but due to various reasons, the release time has not been determined, so that many viewers who pay attention to this film have been waiting for nearly two years, and finally waited for the good news of the release, and this time node happens to be the 80th anniversary of the Hengyang Defense War, which is indeed the right time!

After waiting for two years, the anti-Japanese war film "Reinforcements Arrive Tomorrow" released a trailer and is scheduled to be released on June 28

Recently, the trailer of the film "Tomorrow's Reinforcements Arrive", which is based on the famous Hengyang Defense War during the Anti-Japanese War, was released, and it was officially announced that it will be released nationwide on June 28. This film will start in August 2022 and be completed in December of the same year, but due to various reasons, the release time has not been determined, so that many viewers who pay attention to this film have been waiting for nearly two years, and finally waited for the good news of the release, and this time node happens to be the 80th anniversary of the Hengyang Defense War, which is indeed the right time!

"Reinforcements Arrive Tomorrow" is written by Liu Heping and served as the chief producer and director, directed by Zhang Yang, co-directed by Qin Tianzhu, starring Yu Hewei, Yang Yang, Yin Fang, Wang Jinsong, Wan Qian, Li Guangjie, Hu Yajie, etc. After four years of script creation and two years of preliminary preparation, the film has a total investment of more than 500 million yuan, and the number of filming and participation is as high as 2,000 people.

The film shows a panoramic view of the most tragic maritime defense battle in the history of the Anti-Japanese War. This urban offensive and defensive battle was the "No. 1 operation" launched by the Japanese army in the second half of 1944, also known as the operation to open up the mainland communication line, which China called a battle in the Battle of Henan-Hunan-Guizhou. "Operation No. 1" the Japanese army invested 510,000 total troops, 1,500 artillery, 800 tanks, 15,500 cars, the scale of the campaign was unprecedented, it was the battle in which the Japanese army invested the most troops in the eight-year War of Resistance against Japan, 510,000, 1,500 artillery, 800 tanks, 15,500 cars, the scale of the campaign was unprecedented, and the Japanese army itself believed: "The Battle of Mukden during the Russo-Japanese War."

In 194, the Second World War had come to an end, and the Allied camp was advancing in various battlefields, but in the Battle of Yuxianggui on the Chinese battlefield, the Kuomintang army was defeated for thousands of miles, only in Hengyang, the 10th Army of the National Revolutionary Army guarding Hengyang, with a dissatisfied army (under the jurisdiction of the 3rd Division, the 190th Division, and the 10th Reserve Division, the 190th Division is a backward division, only 1 regiment, and the other 2 regiments are only officers and no soldiers), With the addition of one battalion of the provisional 54th Division and other units, the total strength is only 17,000.

The 68th Division and the 116th Division under the jurisdiction of the 11th Army (the only field army in the Chinese theater at that time) were directly used by the Japanese army to attack Hengyang, with a total strength of about 50,000 troops. Moreover, these two divisions have always been used as second-line corps before and have never participated in the war, so they have not lost their strength in the slightest, and they are the real new forces.

After waiting for two years, the anti-Japanese war film "Reinforcements Arrive Tomorrow" released a trailer and is scheduled to be released on June 28

You must know that during the Anti-Japanese War, 1 brigade of the Japanese army (equivalent to a reinforced battalion, about 1,000 people) usually had 1 division (about 8,000 people) of the Chinese army to fight, in other words, the Chinese army usually had a ratio of 8:1 strength. When the Japanese army formulates its battle plan, it usually deploys according to a 1:10 ratio of forces. In the Battle of Hengyang, the Japanese army participated in the battle for 2 divisions in the early stage, and reached 5 divisions in the later stage, but the Hengyang defenders only had 1 actual strength but only 2 divisions of the Tenth Army, the strength of the Japanese army and the national army in the Battle of Hengyang was 3:1, and the Japanese army increased its strength in the later stage of the campaign, and the casualties of the Tenth Army could not be replenished.

Just looking at the numbers can be too boring, so let's take a practical example as a reference:

In the impression of many people, the Eighth Route Army, whose combat effectiveness far exceeds that of the National Army, in October 1940, in the Battle of Guanjiayuan in the Battle of the Hundred Regiments, the 129th Division of the Eighth Route Army invested 9 regiments (actually participated in the battle of 7 regiments), with a total strength of about 20,000 people, and was personally commanded by Peng Dehuai, deputy commander-in-chief of the Eighth Route Army, and besieged the Okazaki detachment of only 500 Japanese troops (the Okazaki detachment was composed of troops drawn from the garrison brigade of the Japanese army's second-line troops, and the eleventh army of the field army was a grade lower). Moreover, it was supported by the artillery of the artillery regiment of the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army, and a total of 300 mountain artillery shells were fired, which was already quite a big deal in the Eighth Route Army, and the result was that the siege for two days still could not solve the battle, due to the imminent reinforcements of the Japanese army on the outer line, they could only withdraw from the battle with hatred, and more than 100 people left in the remnants of the Okazaki detachment escaped under the reinforcements. The number of casualties of the Eighth Route Army in this battle was more than 2,000, which was one of the four major defeats in Peng Dehuai's life.

Generally, if the Chinese army encountered a Japanese army with five times its strength, it was basically annihilated or quickly collapsed, but the 10th Army stubbornly resisted for 47 days, which is also unique in the history of the Anti-Japanese War.

After waiting for two years, the anti-Japanese war film "Reinforcements Arrive Tomorrow" released a trailer and is scheduled to be released on June 28

After talking about the comparison of forces, let's talk about the casualty exchange ratio.

In the Battle of Hengyang, the Japanese army's war history recorded its own casualties of about 29,000, and as we all know, the Japanese army's war history has always been to reduce its own casualties, so it is usually believed that the Japanese casualties were more than 40,000, while the total strength of the Tenth Army was less than 18,000, with about 11,000 casualties, and the ratio of casualties between the enemy and us reached 3.6:1!

Let's compare the two victorious battles of the Chinese army in the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression: In September 1937, the main force of the 115th Division of the Eighth Route Army of about 6,000 people ambushed the baggage troops of more than 1,200 people of the 21st Brigade of the 5th Division of the Japanese Army, annihilated about 1,000 Japanese troops, and the Eighth Route Army suffered about 900 casualties. In March 1938, Taierzhuang won a great victory, and the national army invested about 150,000 people in the 2nd Army and the 20th Army to meet about 20,000 people in the 5th and 10th divisions of the Japanese army, annihilating about 7,000 Japanese troops and suffering about 10,000 casualties (excluding casualties in Linyi, Tengxian and other places).

From the above comparison, it can be seen that the combat effectiveness of the Tenth Army can indeed be called the top elite of the Chinese army.

The 10th Army, isolated and unsupported, fought a bloody battle for 47 days from June 23 to August 8 against the Japanese army, which had superior strength and firepower. Although the final settlement is somewhat embarrassing and deplorable, even decades later, some people still criticize the Tenth Army against the commander Fang Xianjue.

Let's take a look at how people evaluated the Battle of Hengyang back then.

The editorial of the "Sweeping Daily" wrote: "Hengyang, the city that once became the center of the world's attention, once occupied a glorious page in the history of our War of Resistance Against Japan. When it comes to Hengyang, it is a household name, and everyone knows it; Abroad, the city's reputation for the bravery and skill of the Chinese army will always be passed on. …… In terms of time, Hengyang blocked the enemy for 47 days; If you consume the enemy's strength and frustrate the enemy's sharpness, Hengyang will stop the enemy for 47 days! …… If there is no defense of Hengyang, perhaps the enemy will be even more rampant. The value of the Battle of Hengyang was not only to delay the enemy's opening of inland communication lines, but also to help turn the tide of the battle in Qianbian. …… Because of the defense of Hengyang, the Guilin fortress has time to build. Although this kind of fortress did not have any effect, the stubbornness of Hengyang made the enemy feel the strength of the Chinese army; Coupled with the topography of Guilin and the fortification of the fortress, they stopped in the vicinity of Xing'an on the Great Banyan River for 40 days to be replenished. Because the enemy was afraid that his troops and firepower would not be enough, he would not be able to move south to Guilin in one go, which would frustrate his morale, so he had to complete the replenishment before daring to advance. If it weren't for Hengyang's hand to frustrate the enemy's spirit, the enemy wouldn't have to replenish it, and boldly drove straight in. Then, when the enemy invades Guizhou, it should be three months earlier, and the enemy will be even more rampant at that time. Although the defense of Hengyang is only 47 days, and the 40-day stay of Xing'an on the Great Banyan River is also the aftermath of Commander Fang. What is a great achievement to win three months in the military? …… For 40 days, the enemy has been striking you with great force; They even abuse poison gas and do barbaric things that are not worthy of human beings. And your equipment is inferior, your supplies are insufficient, it is difficult to receive reinforcements, you are wounded and lack of medicine, and all kinds of conditions are inferior to the enemy. You used your flesh and blood to resist the enemy's artillery fire, defended the famous city of the motherland with your flesh and blood, and spit out a sulk to 40,000 compatriots! With your battle, I feel that being a Chinese is the most noble. The compatriots in the rear are really grateful and revered to you! ”

After waiting for two years, the anti-Japanese war film "Reinforcements Arrive Tomorrow" released a trailer and is scheduled to be released on June 28

"Ta Kung Pao" editorial: "Although Hengyang has fallen to the enemy, the record of the Hengyang defenders is still there!" The 47 days of Hengyang is a huge price for the enemy, and the 47 days of Hengyang is a war of shame. The whole country should be ashamed to contribute too little to the country; And all Chinese soldiers must more generally reflect on whether their determination and efforts are also like the defenders of Hengyang, we think that the battle of Hengyang contributed greatly, not only to the enemy to ask the price, but also to set an example for the Chinese soldiers. ”

"National Salvation Daily" editorial: "Commander Fang Xianjue, led more than 10,000 tired soldiers, armed with rotten weapons, to resist the 200,000 Japanese who must advance, and they will fail, which is what he wants." Such a task with no hope of success, so that those who are greedy for life and fear of death, will flee when they hear the wind, and cannot support it for one or two days, and can see the speed of abandonment in Changsha, Quanzhou, Guilin, and other places where the terrain and conditions are better, which can be fully proved, but the commander of the army Fang resolutely fought to the end against the Great Wall of flesh and blood against the mortal Japanese invaders for such an arduous task, and made the enemy try all his methods and despicable means, but he still did not succeed. In the end, he asked the 'Emperor' to send an edict to motivate the soldiers, and he stormed for 5 days to break through our defense. Commander Fang was denied all the ammunition and could not be defended, so he was captured by the enemy. This is really 100 percent fulfilled by Commander Fang and his subordinates, and they are worthy of shame for the country, the commanders, and the people. …… During the 8 years of the Anti-Japanese War, at least 100,000 heroes and martyrs died on the battlefield; And there are not a few people who defend the country and die unyieldingly; However, its great contribution to the country and its decisive role in the overall victory or defeat should be the defenders of Hengyang. ”

In an editorial drafted by Mao Zedong for the Liberation Daily, he wrote: "The soldiers who defend Hengyang are heroic. ”

After waiting for two years, the anti-Japanese war film "Reinforcements Arrive Tomorrow" released a trailer and is scheduled to be released on June 28

Wang Shijie (then Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Nationalist Government) said in his diary that the Battle of Hengyang was defended: "It is definitely one of the great achievements since the Anti-Japanese War!" ”

The Battle of Hengyang was still ongoing, and more than 200,000 citizens of Chongqing signed to pay tribute to the 10th officers and soldiers who were guarding Hengyang.


Our evaluation of Hengyang is so high, so what does the Japanese army as an opponent say? The Japanese army believed that "there has never been a stubborn resistance of Ruosi", and its war history says: "The Battle of Hengyang, if it wants to attract attention, can be called the 'Battle of Lushun in South China'." This analogy is a bit exaggerated, but it is absolutely correct to call it "the only bitter and memorable siege battle in the eight years of Sino-Japanese warfare." ”

"The enemy's head general, General Fang Xianjue, is a brave and warlike tiger general; The three divisions of the 10th Army all fought stubbornly with the determination to die, fighting for every inch of land, and their spirit of fighting in a lonely city is truly admirable."

At that time, Staff Officer Takeuchi, the envoy of the 11th Army of the Japanese Army, who approached the 10th Army to surrender, said: "The heroic fighting of the Chinese army is not only admired by the Japanese army here, but also heard of by the Japanese emperor and the base camp. ”

Now, there is finally such a big movie that reproduces the Battle of Hengyang in a panoramic way, and as a researcher of the Battle of Hengyang, I am naturally very gratified. In 2009, before Wuhan University Press published Lao Zhou's "Bloody Lonely City: The Battle of Hengyang", Lao Zhou once went to Hengyang to visit the old battlefield of the year, and there were not many people who knew about the defense of Hengyang at that time. However, a few years later, in 2015, when I went to Hengyang, there were many more people who knew about the Hengyang Defense War and studied the Hengyang Defense War.

After waiting for two years, the anti-Japanese war film "Reinforcements Arrive Tomorrow" released a trailer and is scheduled to be released on June 28

The trailer released this time, for the purpose of declaring war, is the editing and splicing of some wonderful shots, mainly emphasizing the visual impact, it seems that the war scene is still very grand, but I saw the officers and soldiers of the Tenth Army wearing German M35 steel helmets. In many film and television dramas of the Anti-Japanese War, the M35 steel helmet was built as a symbol of the national army during the Anti-Japanese War. Indeed, China ordered about 315,000 M35 steel helmets from Germany around 1936, which was also the first batch of M35 steel helmets mass-produced in Germany, and even the German Wehrmacht sold them to China without equipment. At that time, German armourers who received training from German military advisers and were equipped with German-style weapons (German armourers are popular names among the people, and the official name is the 1935 adjustment division) were naturally given priority, and some units of the Central Army were also issued M35 steel helmets. But after the Battle of Wuhan in 1938, the most elite German armor divisions were lost, and the M35 steel helmet was also lost in the battle. After that, in addition to the sporadic M35 steel helmets, there were basically no units wearing M35 steel helmets in large numbers. Therefore, the 800 brave men who stuck to the Sixing warehouse were indeed wearing M35 steel helmets, and they belonged to the Di 88th Division and were one of the first German armor divisions. But by the time of the defense of Hengyang in 1944, even the 10th Army of the Central Army did not have M35 steel helmets.

After waiting for two years, the anti-Japanese war film "Reinforcements Arrive Tomorrow" released a trailer and is scheduled to be released on June 28

In addition, there were Japanese planes that indiscriminately bombed the defenders' positions, which is also not historical. At that time, the air supremacy of the Chinese battlefield was already in the hands of the Chinese and US air forces. During the defense of Hengyang, there were not many cases of bombing by Japanese aircraft, but the Chinese and American air forces often bombed and strafed the Japanese army and airdropped supplies to the defenders. Air support was also the only foreign aid received by the defenders of Hengyang.

However, the flaws are not hidden, and it is still worth looking forward to seeing such an anti-Japanese war blockbuster released on the 80th anniversary of the Hengyang Defense War. This also shows that 80 years have passed, and as future generations, we still have not forgotten those martyrs who were not afraid of strong enemies, with the heart of "I die and the country is alive", and used our flesh and blood to resist foreign insults!

(The picture in this article comes from the Internet)

Lao Zhou, whose real name is Zhou Ming, once used the screen name Guangting, has been engaged in the study of military war history for a long time, and has served as a guest on military columns on Phoenix Satellite TV and Shanghai TV many times. He has published more than 20 military books, which can be consulted and purchased on the micro-store "Zhibingtang Bookstore" and a treasure online store "Zhibingtang Bookstore". Now there is a personal column "Lao Zhou Military" on Himalaya, which produces military audio programs. The "Old Zhou New Observation" video account has been set up on major video platforms to interpret military hot spots, please support.