
Four poems of hypericum in early summer: Outside the plug is like looking at the flowers outside the plug, and the skullcap is idle in the summer

author:Hatsui Katsuyuki

Four poems of hyperico flowers to read: the favorite green plate is held high, and the five flowers are full of hardware lights

In the wetland park, there is a belt of shrubs on the side of the flowing water slope, and in early summer, May and June, a very bright yellow flower blooms. The flowers are five-petaled, like small lotus flowers, but the stamens are vigorous and upward. When this flower is in full bloom, it is extremely light and gorgeous, like thousands of yellow butterflies, covering the green leaves, and like a pocket lantern.

I always wonder, where did such a beautiful flower come from, and why are there so few descriptions in the poems of the past dynasties?

Actually, it's called hyperic.

In fact, hypericum is a common shrub wildflower in mountain forests. It was only before the Song Dynasty that the ornamental and medicinal value of this shrub mountain flower was not revealed, and it was rarely mentioned in official books. But as a folk herb is always around. Because it has another name, it is called St. John's Fort. Then forsythia is a kind of herbaceous plant with yellow flowers, at least before the Han Dynasty, it was widely used in medicine, and has an important role in clearing fire and detoxifying, such as the commonly used Lianhua Qingwen, which is an important medicinal material, is forsythia, not a lotus.

Why is hypericum called forsythia? Because the flowers of hypericum are like forsythia, they are yellow, and the fruits and branches of hypericum are earthwork in the mountainous areas, which are used to clear fire and detoxify, and have similar medicinal value as forsythia.

Four poems of hypericum in early summer: Outside the plug is like looking at the flowers outside the plug, and the skullcap is idle in the summer

"Fei Fei sent spring to the red and purple, and the summer was idle alone.

The Wenxian returned to his hometown, and the yellow crown went to Qiu Mountain. Song · Lu Benzhong "Hypericum"

In the Song Dynasty, there was the artificial cultivation and appreciation of hypericum.

For example, this song "Hypericum" has proved that this flower at that time already had the name of hypericum.

Why is it called hypericum? It's not about the fruit, but about the flower, which is large and five-petaled, like a peach blossom in spring, but the color is golden, and the stamens are as slender as silk. I guess it's called hypericone.

The peach is dying, scorching its brilliance, and it is also used on the hypericum to image, because when it blooms, it is golden and brilliant, bright and beautiful.

This is also related to the Song Dynasty's admiration of yellow aesthetics. The most noble color is yellow, which has become the mainstream of aesthetics, such as yellow peony, yellow lotus, yellow wax plum, and yellow chrysanthemum in the flowers, which were particularly loved in the Song Dynasty.

Therefore, this forsythia flower, which originally grew in the mountains, has also attracted attention.

The flowers of the actual hypericum are particularly delicate. Because each flower opens upwards, like a small yellow lotus.

Spring has passed, and the thousands of purples and reds have disappeared with spring, but only the yellow flowers of hypericum bloom in the quiet green summer.

It is like a friend living in seclusion in the mountains, waiting for the return of a friend, so that they can wear the yellow Taoist lotus crown together and become an immortal together.

This poem writes about the beauty of the fairy when the hyperico flowers bloom, it is like the lotus crown on the head of the fairy master, fresh and noble, and the forest is immortal.

Four poems of hypericum in early summer: Outside the plug is like looking at the flowers outside the plug, and the skullcap is idle in the summer

Wang Xiangjin of the Ming Dynasty "Qunfang Spectrum": "Hypericum, flowers such as peaches, and the heart has yellow whiskers, spread out the flowers like golden wires, and then split under the roots, and are easy to live." "The physical shape of the hypericum was written. The flower is like a peach blossom, and the stamens are scattered like golden threads. The easiest way to transplant is to plant from the roots, which also shows that the plant has a strong ability to grow roots. This is also the common denominator of most mountain herbs. In order to reproduce, the root system is well developed and has the function of thriving.

Then the Qing Dynasty's "Guangqun Fangpu Flower Spectrum Five: Hypericum": "Hypericum, there are many in the south, there are many outside the plug, the flowers are particularly gorgeous in June and July, the flowers are five-petaled, such as peach and long, the color is goose yellow, and the heart is slight. ”

Then the hypericum compiled in the Qing Dynasty wrote another wild production area of hypericum, that is, the vast northern Saiwai, high-altitude area. This is also in line with the characteristics of the mountain flower of hypericum, but in the northern grassland and mountains, the hypericum may not be as lush and large as the southern region, but this shrub mountain flower, relying on a huge root system, has survived the dry season, and blooms everywhere in the rainy season in June and July. It should be a broader beauty that is different from the South.

Therefore, Emperor Qianlong liked this kind of yellow flower very much, and wrote nearly 20 poems about the golden silk flower, which he also called the golden lotus.

Four poems of hypericum in early summer: Outside the plug is like looking at the flowers outside the plug, and the skullcap is idle in the summer

"The outside of the plug is like looking at the flowers outside the plug, and the shape in front of the steps is reflected horizontally.

Last year, I wrote ordinary things, and today I know how much I cherish. "He Shen "Hypericum"

This is the hypericum that He Shen accompanied Emperor Qianlong to parade outside the Saiwai and saw it.

He said, "I was in the palace outside the fortress, and I saw flowers outside the palace, and there were hypericus flowers blooming everywhere.

Even the palace is full of hypericum.

Last year, the emperor said, let me write about the ordinary scenery here, ordinary things, until today, I wake up to the most beautiful scenery here, is the hyperic, because this yellow flower blooms, symbolizing the emperor's grace, symbolizing the country has the four directions.

It is a golden lotus flower outside the plug, how can it not be cherished?

In fact, this bright yellow flower initially impressed the Qianlong Emperor, because there is a spice flower blooming outside the grassland, symbolizing his step by step lotus.

Four poems of hypericum in early summer: Outside the plug is like looking at the flowers outside the plug, and the skullcap is idle in the summer

"An example of the West Pond species, before the silk is divided into gold mothers.

The fairy root is cold and warm, and the calyx is always fresh.

Not only has the south been a partner, but also teaches the outside world.

If it will be given to Wang Yan, then it will be light. "Qing · Hongli its sixteenth hypericum "Twenty-four kinds of landscape flowers in Weicheng"

In fact, Emperor Qianlong knew the most about hypericum.

Because it was the hypericum everywhere that made him sigh.

He said that hypericum should be a type of peach blossom of the Queen Mother of the West. For Qianlong, who had already received Western education at this time, he preferred the origin of hypericum flowers, which was outside the Saiwai.

And the hypericum is not only found outside the bitter cold, but also in the high mountains of the interior.

So he said that hypericum is a fairy flower, whether it is born in the northern alpine region or the moist zone in the south, the flowers are always so bright.

Hypericum is planted everywhere in the south, but it is still burning brilliantly in the north.

I was going to give it to my important courtiers, but I was reluctant to do so, because where did they really cherish it?

Qianlong's aesthetic psychology, together with his closest He Shen, is also an afterthought.

Four poems of hypericum in early summer: Outside the plug is like looking at the flowers outside the plug, and the skullcap is idle in the summer

"The fluttering yellow butterfly is invincible, and the different people are heavier than Wuling.

The favorite green plate is held high, and the hardware lamps are full of flowers. "Qing · Hongli one "Hypericum Inscription Zou Yigui Sketch Volume Nine Songs"

Some people say that Qianlong's poems are not well written, and they are many but not precise.

However, I think it is commendable that he was able to leave so many poems, giving people a glimpse of the psychology and mood of an imperial poet. To a large extent, poetry is a kind of sustenance and adjustment, restoring his true emotions as a human being.

Among them, there is innocence, romance, and depression and sentimentality.

For example, this hypericum is very childlike.

Hyperico blossoms, just like butterflies swaying, a kind of swaying beauty, hyperico flowers, but not the kind of peach blossom flowing water that people often say.

I love the blooming of hypericure, the green leaves are like a green plate, and the hypericum is like a golden lantern, piled up on the plate, shining.

If you look at the hypericum flowers up close, you will definitely be attracted by the swaying golden threads, like light, like tassels, beautiful but fresh.

Four poems of hypericum in early summer: Outside the plug is like looking at the flowers outside the plug, and the skullcap is idle in the summer

It's the early summer when the hyperico flowers are in full bloom, do you have a better description, a more beautiful poem?

Hatsui Katsuyuki interprets the love and beauty in the poems for you.
