
Wisdom empowers the guardian of "fireworks", and it is more reassuring to buy vegetables in this vegetable farm

author:Shanghai Huangpu

"The smell of fireworks in the world is the most soothing to the hearts of mortals." The surrounding vegetable market is connected to the "vegetable basket" of ordinary people's homes, carrying the comfort and comfort of residents' lives. The transformation and upgrading of vegetable farms is not only a detail of urban renewal, but also a vivid interpretation of the people's city.

In the process of promoting the continuous transformation and upgrading of the construction of vegetable markets in Huangpu District, a series of effective measures have been put into practice.

Recently, the intelligent construction of Jiangnan vegetable farm has ushered in an update again. In terms of transaction equipment for business households, it has achieved full coverage of all merchants' AI identification smart retail all-in-one machines; In terms of large-screen information display, the display content is optimized, and the information that consumers care about is comprehensively displayed, such as affordable vegetable stalls, affordable vegetable varieties and prices, pesticide residue test results, recent price changes of hot-selling main and sideline foods, advance compensation system, and contact information of the field manager, and at the same time increase market stalls, promotional offers, traceability inquiries, convenient services and other information to enhance the convenience of consumer shopping; In terms of system construction, we will deepen the work of "system into the system", transform a series of management measures and management actions agreed in the daily management system into the system, and realize the whole process of daily on-site management measures "on the cloud", that is, it can realize the management plan formulation, regular push reminders, mobile record punching in the execution process, continuous early warning of unfinished matters, and real-time data linkage transmission background to complete the management closed loop.

Wisdom empowers the guardian of "fireworks", and it is more reassuring to buy vegetables in this vegetable farm

Many merchants said, "We can now understand the daily sales data through the smart scale merchant applet, accurately adjust the purchase strategy, and improve the revenue rate of the booth!" ”

Wisdom empowers the guardian of "fireworks", and it is more reassuring to buy vegetables in this vegetable farm

For the public, it also brings real convenience. By scanning the QR code on the checkout receipt, the public can understand the specific weight, price, supply, origin and other information of the goods, so as to truly buy with peace of mind and buy with confidence.

At the same time, the newly enabled "safety production management code" will be required by the relevant regulatory departments to import the ledger, inspection records, training records, etc. into the background of the smart management system, and the relevant regulatory departments only need to scan the code to check the relevant ledger records during daily on-site supervision. For all kinds of hidden dangers found in the daily on-site supervision, the relevant regulatory departments can also scan the code for registration feedback, and remind the market management party to rectify in time through the continuous early warning function of the smart management system.

Wisdom empowers the guardian of "fireworks", and it is more reassuring to buy vegetables in this vegetable farm

The District Commission of Commerce said that Huangpu will continue to promote the transformation and upgrading of the existing standardized vegetable market and plan the new construction of the standardized vegetable market, improve the software and hardware facilities, standardize the business order, and let the citizens' sense of gain and happiness be "visible and touchable" in the quality assurance of the "vegetable basket".

Reporter / Fan Yuhao

Editor / Fan Lujia

Photo / Fan Yuhao

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