
Zhengjiayi Town, Taoyuan County: Children's hearts work together to draw minors and protect "concentric circles"

author:Hunan newspaper culture

Minors are the future of the country and the hope of the nation. The healthy growth of minors is related to the happiness and tranquility of the family and the harmony and stability of society, and the protection of minors is the joint responsibility of families, schools, society and the government. In recent years, the Party Committee and Government of Zhengjiayi Town, Taoyuan County, have coordinated the care and protection of minors with the protection of people's livelihood and the maintenance of social stability, continuously improving working mechanisms for the protection of minors, and uniting all departments to care for the healthy growth of minors, and drawing "concentric circles" for the protection of minors.

Supervise the "seedling keepers" and guard the "responsibility field"

"Principal Chen, food safety is the top priority of the school, as the school's 'seedling', how to ensure the children's 'safety on the tip of the tongue', you are an old expert. But at no time should we take it lightly. The person in charge of the town said jokingly to Principal Chen of Siping School. It is reported that in order to better guard the "responsibility field" for the protection of minors, we should start by supervising the "seedlings", and take the method of going deep into the schools in the jurisdiction from time to time to check and supervise the food quality and food safety management of students, and check the work of students' mental health education, anti-bullying education and anti-drowning education, inquire in detail about the current situation and psychological counseling of students with psychological problems, check the content of anti-aggression and anti-bullying education and anti-drowning education courses, and understand the school's work of reminding students of after-school safety education.

"For a long time, our town has taken the protection of minors as the focus of its work, supervised and supervised from the family, school and community, strengthened the daily management and care of students by schools and families, especially for students with special circumstances in their families, and created a safe learning and living environment for the healthy growth of minors, and jointly guarded this 'responsibility field'." The main person in charge of Zhengjiayi Town also emphasized that it is necessary to do a good job in the protection of minors, further strengthen the school's sense of responsibility, pay special attention to the healthy growth of students, and always remain vigilant and vigilant for daily diet, and must not be careless to ensure the health and safety of students' food.

Zhengjiayi Town, Taoyuan County: Children's hearts work together to draw minors and protect "concentric circles"

The town leader went to the school cafeteria to inspect the ingredients and hygiene

Grasp the "source water" and weave a "protective net"

"Brother Xiang, your son is very good and competitive. Now it is the child's adolescence, I hope you can communicate more with him, we have connected with the relevant caring people on the tuition issue, you can rest assured to take care of the child, after all, the children of single-parent families need more care...... "Starting from the source, Zhengjiayi Town" has a way to protect the seedlings. The town's uninsured station, social work station, women's federation, youth league committee and other relevant departments formed a joint force to carry out visits and investigations, find out the bottom number, establish basic information files for children and families in difficulty, ensure that they are discovered and reported as soon as possible, and then according to the actual needs of children in difficulty, cooperate with relevant departments and social professional forces to provide diversified and comprehensive assistance such as economic assistance, resumption of school and employment, and legal assistance. Use town cadres to sink to protect the village package group, conduct visits to key personnel, and use methods such as the director of civil affairs children's homes to remind them to achieve effective connections between grids, joint households, and families, and further weave a grassroots network for the protection of minors; Weaving a dense "protection net" for minors.

Take a good "three lessons" and tighten the "safety valve"

Minors have a weak sense of the rule of law, lack the ability to distinguish between right and wrong, are easily influenced by negative trends and go astray, or are harmed and do not know how to take up the weapon of the law to protect themselves, which is not conducive to the physical and mental health of minors and their academic progress. Therefore, in carrying out the "three lessons" in depth, strengthening the publicity and education of the rule of law for minors, and enhancing the awareness of the rule of law among minors, it has become the key work of the town's continuous promotion.

Take a good legal education and publicity class. "Students, you are the rising sun and the hope of the future, and we are your strong backing to escort your healthy growth. I hope that you will respect the law, learn the law, abide by the law, and use the law, and strive to be a good teenager in a society ruled by law in the new era. "The juvenile legal popularization propaganda team, composed of volunteers from the town's judicial office, the social affairs comprehensive service center, the social work station, the town's women's federation and the town's Communist Youth League, held a vivid legal popularization education activity in two schools in the district, with a total of more than 300 teachers and students participating.

Zhengjiayi Town, Taoyuan County: Children's hearts work together to draw minors and protect "concentric circles"

Volunteers go to schools to conduct legal training classes

Take a good safety production self-prevention class. Organize schools in the jurisdiction to design teaching content for different age groups, carry out safety education and safety reminders once a day, and carry out a safety-themed education class once a week, strengthen students' self-protection education on drowning prevention, transportation, fire and electricity, and sexual assault prevention, enhance self-safety awareness, and reduce the occurrence of safety accidents involving minors from the source.

"What do you think is bullying in schools?" "What should we do when faced with bullying in schools?" "What are our private parts?" Through the form of questions and answers, students can enhance their awareness of the rule of law, improve their legal literacy, and guide them not to be hateful perpetrators, silent victims, and indifferent bystanders.

Zhengjiayi Town, Taoyuan County: Children's hearts work together to draw minors and protect "concentric circles"

Town social workers and volunteers went to the school to conduct safety training classes

Take good mental health education and family education counseling classes. The Township Women's Federation invites senior psychological tutors from the county to conduct systematic and professional counseling for special students with high pressure to go on to higher education, tense family relationships, and sub-health psychological health in the jurisdiction, as well as guardians with a weak sense of family guardianship. Conduct individual counseling for minors with individual key behavioral deviations, guiding minors to establish a correct world view, outlook on life, and values, and minimizing the occurrence of accidents caused by mental health problems and family conflicts. "Parents should pay attention to teaching by word and deed, for example, when children are writing homework, don't swipe their mobile phones next to them, you can take a book to read, not only accompany the child, but also set a good example, and create a good learning atmosphere for the child." In the classroom of Siping Middle School, teacher Ge Lizhen is giving an example of how to accompany and educate parents and children in life.

Zhengjiayi Town, Taoyuan County: Children's hearts work together to draw minors and protect "concentric circles"

Volunteers of the County Psychological Association carry out "Parent Class"

In the next step, Zhengjiayi Town will continue to shoulder its mission, make overall coordination, cohesion, and form a joint force, continue to weave a dense and tightly woven "protective net" for the safety of minors, implement the comprehensive protection of minors, and make every effort to escort the healthy growth of minors.

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