
World Hypertension Day

author:Yilong broadcast

May 17 every year

It is designated as World Hypertension Day

This year continues with:

The theme of "Accurate Measurement, Effective Control, Health and Longevity" is the theme

World Hypertension Day

High blood pressure is known as human health

"Silent killer" is a major risk factor for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases

It can lead to coronary heart disease, angina, and myocardial infarction

Heart failure, stroke, kidney disease

Aortic dissection and even sudden death

And focus on blood pressure health

It shouldn't be just today

How to tell if you have high blood pressure

High blood pressure (also known as elevated blood pressure) is a condition in which blood flows to the walls of blood vessels that is consistently higher than normal. Systolic blood pressure shows the pressure of blood vessels when the heart contracts or beats. Diastolic blood pressure shows how much pressure the heart has in the blood vessels when it relaxes between beats. Diagnostic grading is as follows:

World Hypertension Day

Hypertension is diagnosed if blood pressure is measured on three different days and systolic blood pressure ≥ 140 millimeters of mercury (mmHg) on three days and/or diastolic blood pressure ≥ 90 mm Hg on three days, and medical attention is recommended.

World Hypertension Day

5 Common High Blood Pressure "Signals"

World Hypertension Day


Dizziness: One of the most common symptoms is that high blood pressure can lead to insufficient blood supply to the brain, which can lead to dizziness. This is more noticeable when there is a sudden change of position (such as squatting or standing up).


Fatigue easily: Because the increase in blood pressure will affect the function of the heart, leading to a lack of oxygen in various tissues and organs of the body, causing fatigue.


Heart palpitations and insomnia: Heart palpitations and insomnia are more common in patients with high blood pressure, and insomnia is mostly difficulty falling asleep, waking up early, unsteady sleep, easy to have nightmares, easy to wake up, etc.


Limb numbness: numbness of fingers and toes or ant-like skin sensation is common, and some patients often feel that the fingers are inflexible.


Memory loss: Long-term high blood pressure can lead to hardening of cerebral arteries, resulting in insufficient blood supply to the brain, which can cause memory loss.

World Hypertension Day

How to standardize blood pressure measurements

Measuring blood pressure remains the only way to diagnose high blood pressure. All adults should have their blood pressure measured regularly. For patients with confirmed hypertension, early morning blood pressure monitoring is required. It is recommended to do it every morning within 1 hour after waking up, before taking antihypertensive drugs, before breakfast, and after emptying the bladder. After remaining at least 5 minutes, self-check your blood pressure at home in a sitting position.

World Hypertension Day

How to keep your blood pressure healthy

Keep moving

Regular physical activity, such as walking, swimming, tai chi, housework, etc., can prevent and control hypertension, and the amount of activity should generally reach moderate intensity.

Eat a healthy diet

A high-salt diet significantly increases the risk of hypertension, with an adult salt intake of no more than 5 grams per day; Reduce your intake of foods rich in fats and sugars, and avoid or reduce your intake of trans fats; Eat plenty of vegetables, fruits, and grains.

Quit smoking and limit alcohol

Smoking is harmful to health, and smokers should quit as soon as possible; Alcohol consumption should be limited.

Life has its ups and downs

Blood pressure can also be high and low

Strengthen the emphasis on healthy management of blood pressure

Take care of your health


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