
Resist online rumors and protect cyber security

author:Browse the horizon

In order to further strengthen network security precautions, further promote publicity activities to combat and rectify online rumors, and create a good campus atmosphere of "no rumors, no rumors, and no rumors", on the morning of May 13, Ge Weidong, a police officer from the Chengnan Police Station of the Hai'an Municipal Public Security Bureau, the vice principal of the rule of law of Changjiang Road Kindergarten in Hai'an, Jiangsu Province, came to the park to carry out publicity and education activities on combating online rumors for all personnel.

Resist online rumors and protect cyber security

During the event, Officer Ge explained the definition, characteristics, and types of online rumors to everyone in simple terms, and explained how to identify online rumors, prevent online fraud, and prevent personal information leakage in combination with actual cases, and guide everyone to establish a correct concept of network security, consciously resist online rumors and bad information, and do not trust, publish, forward, or comment on online information that has not been officially confirmed, and strive to be the defender of a clear cyberspace.

Resist online rumors and protect cyber security
Resist online rumors and protect cyber security

After the event, the kindergarten departments of Changjiang Road Kindergarten guided all teachers and parents to master the knowledge content of "skills to identify online rumors, understand typical cases of online rumors, the importance of combating the spread of online rumors, and the impact and harm of online violence" through various forms such as class WeChat groups, electronic billboards, and brochures, so that everyone understands that the Internet is not a place outside the law, and calls on everyone to be cautious in words and deeds, and strive to be law-abiding and good citizens.

Resist online rumors and protect cyber security
Resist online rumors and protect cyber security
Resist online rumors and protect cyber security
Resist online rumors and protect cyber security
Resist online rumors and protect cyber security
Resist online rumors and protect cyber security

Through this campaign to resist cyber security rumors, everyone has deepened their understanding of cyber security, improved their ability to identify online rumors, and further enhanced the concept of the rule of law.

Tips for spotting online rumors

Online rumors have the characteristics of exaggerating the seriousness of incidents, taking quotes out of context, and shifting flowers, and how to distinguish whether the events seen are true can be judged from the following perspectives:

1. The authority of the article release.

Pay attention to whether there is a signature or source at the end of the article, and judge whether it is published by authoritative media or institutions, so as to avoid being biased by the author's subjective speculation.

2. Objectivity of the content point of view.

When reading, you should pay attention to whether the article has exaggerated facts, generalized generalizations, taken out of context, extreme remarks, and inappropriate expressions.

3. Browse the health of the page.

In order to attract attention, some platforms set pornographic, exaggerated and other types of images as covers, or pages contain a large number of ads, links to online novels and other unhealthy content. (Peng Yan, Ge Xiaomin, Cheng Ce, etc.)

Editor in charge: Wang Wei

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