
The universe is 13.82 billion years old, how did scientists calculate such an accurate age?



The concept of the "age of the universe", which was established in the twentieth century, was initially between 13.77 billion and 13.82 billion years, which is exactly the time from the Big Bang to the present.

Overall, however, the age of the universe is only about a century old.

The reason why there is such an accurate method of calculating the age of the universe and calculating the age of the universe so accurately is also closely related to the discovery of microwave background radiation in 1980.

Either way, we have to thank these scientists for being able to reduce the error of time to 0.6%.

However, in any field of science, as long as there is enough accumulated knowledge, there will always be problems that cannot be explained.

For example, in the 21st century, when people observe microwave background radiation, they have discovered some dark energy hidden in the background radiation, and in the future, more variables will continue to appear, and these variables may also have an impact on the clear understanding of the age of the universe.

So, we need to remember that what we know now is possible to change, and that is the purpose of this article, to explore the age of the universe.

The universe is 13.82 billion years old, how did scientists calculate such an accurate age?

1. The discovery of galactic gas.

In 1912, von Straurulu was observing the edge of the Milky Way when she spotted a nebula that looked like a bright star, but when she looked at them with a microscope, she was able to see something that looked like gas.

In 1913, Straurus observed and analysed the spectra of these clouds and was able to resolve the atoms contained in them.

In 1914, due to the outbreak of the First World War, von Straurulu had to stop her research, and some of her research results were published in journals, and her supervisor, William Henschel, completed her research and published it in journals.

The gas cloud at the edge of the Milky Way, where these studies were conducted, was thought to have been formed by the mutual attraction of stars in the Milky Way.

At that time, chemists believed that the ratio of hydrogen to helium contained in the universe should be similar to that of the Earth's atmosphere, because the Earth's atmosphere is mostly composed of nitrogen and oxygen.

So it seemed that such a combination would be more appropriate, but in 1931 Bolton's study of the abundance of hydrogen in the course of his chemical composition found that it was different from the theoretical one.

He found that helium is about 30% abundant in the Milky Way, while other atoms need 10% of the 100%.

At the time, most physicists believed that the composition of chemistry was stable and not like living organisms were unable to follow the rules.

The universe is 13.82 billion years old, how did scientists calculate such an accurate age?

In 1934, Theshinia used the concentrations of other substances to exclude the concentration of helium in the Milky Way to prove the abundance of helium as described by Bolton, but he found that helium accounted for 1.4% of the total 100% using this calculation.

When the data was made public, most physicists questioned it.

The universe is 13.82 billion years old, how did scientists calculate such an accurate age?

Physicists believed that such an abundance of helium would conflict with previous theories, so they tested this hypothesis.

This hypothesis was soon confirmed, and the data was due to the imprecision of the concentration reactions used in Thehnia.

Later, in 1939, Schmidt and Haas discovered that supernovae can only produce huge amounts of energy like in cartoons, and the gases emitted by these energies can only have light particles, so these gases should contain helium.

The universe is 13.82 billion years old, how did scientists calculate such an accurate age?

Therefore, Schmidt and Haas verified that Schmidt and Haas's present was correct by observing what elements were contained in these gases.

In 943, Mayfi and Benioff studied the abundance of hydrogen and helium in galaxy clusters by observing the few stellar spectra.

And their projections are consistent with what Schmidt and Haas have observed.

The universe is 13.82 billion years old, how did scientists calculate such an accurate age?

And when they published their findings, people were skeptical of the previous view, that perhaps we live in galaxies that are not only stars, but also have clouds between stars.

And when these clouds generate enough energy, they become supernovae-like and produce a huge amount of energy.

The reason why there is such a doubt about the galaxy we live in is that the abundance of helium is not equal to the abundance of hydrogen, and the abundance of helium is produced after the occurrence of stars.

The universe is 13.82 billion years old, how did scientists calculate such an accurate age?

And when stars are not yet born, then they are created by star clusters.

When the energy generated by these stars reaches a certain level, the atoms in the star will escape the attraction of the star and eventually lose into the space of the galaxy, and eventually the ratio of helium to hydrogen will become more even.

But the loss of these gases is not permanent, and in the final universe, they will eventually coalesce into stars.

The universe is 13.82 billion years old, how did scientists calculate such an accurate age?

However, the outbreak of World War II once again interrupted physicists' research on this "Big Bang".

In 1953, relying on the abundance of helium and hydrogen, Gaima et al. put forward the "Big Bang Hypothesis", arguing that the universe was at an extremely high temperature at that time, and the energy ignored at this temperature was extremely huge, so that nuclear fusion could easily occur between the nuclei of helium and hydrogen, and thus overturned the hypothesis that helium and hydrogen were composed of primitive gases.

II. Hubble's Observations.

Hubble was a very gifted man, and at that time he was already working at an observatory in Virginia, USA.

In 1923, through the astronomical telescope he used, he studied the spectrum of celestial bodies, and the celestial bodies he studied were much higher than the cells he studied, so that in the spectrum of his research, each peak represented the spectrum of radiation from the object, and the wavelengths produced by these peaks were directly related to the direction of movement of the object, and the wavelengths produced by these peaks could also be obtained through the research carried out by people, so when he studied several galaxies, He found something interesting.

At that time, the wavelengths produced by the spectra of the galaxies he studied would have been slightly off, and these deviations, which were generally believed by astronomers at the time, were due to instruments.

However, Hubble does not think so, he thinks that this is due to the creation of the closest galaxies to the Earth, so it is possible that these galaxies are closer to the Earth because it will make them move forward in the space where the Earth is located, but when people study these galaxies, they only study the spectra, not go deeper.

So, based on his research, he developed this hypothesis, and he also summarized the galaxies based on the data from the research carried out at the time.

He found that when these galaxies are closer to Earth, the spectrum they emit produces shorter wavelengths, and this deviation is consistent with the hypothesis of the existence of the galaxies we live in.

Therefore, it also confirms his hypothesis from the side.

The universe is 13.82 billion years old, how did scientists calculate such an accurate age?

Many years later, he came to work at the Virginia Observatory in the United States, but he did not work in the field of astronomy for long, and in 1923 he saw a note from Yunma in a scientific report, which was written and published by Slefa, and he believed that when galaxies interact with each other, they bring some of them closer to Earth, so when we observe these galaxies, some interesting phenomena will be produced.

The universe is 13.82 billion years old, how did scientists calculate such an accurate age?

Hubble is a very young physicist, he likes to read popular science books, looks like information, and his curiosity is also very heavy.

At the time, most astronomers were skeptical of Slefa's research.

However, Hubble did not think that such suspicions were well-founded, and when Hubble came to work in the field of astronomy, he became interested in Slefa's views, and when he finished reading the work, he read the ideas he put forward repeatedly, and when he did, he found that these deviations were exactly in line with Slaifa's ideas.

The anomalies in the galaxies he studied made him suspicious of Slefa's questioning.

In 1929, Hubble met with Spikes.

In his publication of Twenty-First Century Physics, Spices mentioned the phenomenon of redshift, which Hubble observed, the so-called galaxial regression, which confirmed Slefal's view, and this also attracted Spices to the content of Hubble's research.

The universe is 13.82 billion years old, how did scientists calculate such an accurate age?

And in 1926, they collaborated, and then Hubble came up with Hubble's law.

The universe is 13.82 billion years old, how did scientists calculate such an accurate age?

3. Microwave background radiation.

In 1965, Wilson and Peziso observed radio frequency light in the sky, and finally, the radio light they discovered also answered the previous view of "who polishes" and "ultrashort wave light", and they finally gave the explanation that those lights were due to microwave radiation produced after the Big Bang.

The frequencies produced by these radiations coincide with those produced by the Big Bang, and the reason why the age of the universe can be obtained is through the observation of these frequencies, and the results of these observations are consistent with the results obtained by Hubble's previous law of cosmic expansion.

Therefore, the microwave background radiation they found is considered to be a very strong evidence.

In addition, the discovery of microwave background radiation also provides an important basis for the calculation of the age of the universe in the future.

In the end, human scientists relied on the observations developed by Hubble and relied on the data of microwave background radiation to calculate the age of the universe.

However, as the scope of human cognition continues to expand, we will find that the world is more complex than we know.

Take dark energy, for example, dark energy was discovered in the eighties of the twentieth century, and the phenomena produced by dark energy do not change over time.

The universe is 13.82 billion years old, how did scientists calculate such an accurate age?

Therefore, if dark energy is considered to be a fluctuating phenomenon, then the perception of the age of the universe will inevitably change, and the age of the universe will probably change to 12.8 billion years.

This also explains why the universe produced the phenomenon of dark energy in the beginning if dark energy is a phenomenon that can fluctuate in time, but the reality is not like this, the exploration of the universe is still ongoing, and it is very likely that the mystery hidden in it will be discovered in the future.

The universe is 13.82 billion years old, how did scientists calculate such an accurate age?


In any case, this is the business of the universe, and human beings are still trying to explore the laws of the universe, so we can only infer according to what we know, but we should not be helpless because of this, after all, the only thing we can do is to continue to move forward and make this universe better.

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