
Be a "sensitive gear" - Nanshan police officer Song Shusen fulfills his promise with actions


What do gears look like? It's small but crucial, and it's tightly working with the other gears to keep moving forward.

"If I were a gear, it's still dull. I will continue to learn and improve with a sense of panic and become a sensitive gear that runs efficiently as soon as possible. Song Shusen, a police officer from the Zhonggong Police Station of the Nanshan Public Security Bureau, compared himself to a "dull gear".

Sui Jianlei, director of the Zhonggong Police Station, has a different view: "He was originally a 'sensitive gear'. In Sui Jianlei's eyes, since Song Shusen transferred to the Zhonggong Police Station at the beginning of 2022, he has always promoted the orderly progress of various tasks with a full mental state and his strong internal drive, and also brought strong positive energy to his colleagues. In the list of satisfaction rates of the masses who received and handled the police return visits released by the Municipal Public Security Bureau, Song Shusen was on the list with an excellent score of more than 95% for three consecutive months.

Be a "sensitive gear" - Nanshan police officer Song Shusen fulfills his promise with actions

Collation of dispute mediation materials.

Be a "sensitive gear" - Nanshan police officer Song Shusen fulfills his promise with actions

Door-to-door help the masses solve problems.

On duty on the road.

Listen to the opinions and suggestions of the masses face-to-face.

Get there quickly

Arrive in 2 minutes to quell the conflict

What is the difference between a 5-minute call and a 2-minute call? In Song Shusen's eyes, it is the difference between 2 police cases per day and 2 police cases per month.

There are more than 7,000 students in a school in the district, and the students are young, their values are immature, and fights, picking quarrels and provoking troubles occur from time to time, and the police situation remains high.

In response to this situation, the police station took the joint construction of the police academy as the starting point, invested 200,000 yuan, built the first secondary vocational college police room, equipped with 4 auxiliary police members, and set up "Campus 110" with the goal of building a "Fengqiao-style campus". The working mechanism of police and security linkage has been activated, and systems such as joint police dispatch, regular patrols, and dispute mediation have been implemented.

"The area under the jurisdiction of the Zhonggong Police Station is large, and in the past, the police were dispatched for 5 minutes, and sometimes there were 10 minutes." Song Shusen said that now that there is a police office, it is completely possible to arrive at the scene in 2 minutes, and it has been "extinguished" before the "flame" of contradiction has ignited.

Recently, two students in the school's cafeteria had a verbal altercation over cutting the line, and the words between the two sides became more and more intense, attracting crowds of onlookers. With a mentality of "fighting out", the two sides entered the stage of "shaking people". After receiving the alarm, Song Shusen immediately rushed to the scene, and at the same time notified the auxiliary police of the police office to arrive at the scene for early disposal. So before the danger happened, the situation was brought under control in time.

There are more and more police reports such as "the police have not yet arrived at the scene, and the contradictions have subsided". Song Shusen summed up his experience and set up several fixed patrol points: canteens, dormitories, and on the way to and from classes. With the auxiliary police carrying out fixed-point patrols with well-equipped equipment, it has played a strong deterrent role, and the police situation of contradictions and disputes has increased from an average of two a day to an average of two a month now, and the police situation has been successfully suppressed.

Be accountable to the end

3 times to the police to resolve neighborhood disputes

There are many villages in the southern mountainous areas, and there is a strong relationship between the villagers, and many trivial matters can be resolved in two sentences, but once they come to the police, it proves that the grievances between the two sides are not overnight, and it will take considerable effort to mediate.

Adhering to the principle of "being responsible to the end and solving the problem to the root", Zhonggong Police Station has formed a unique police situation resolution mechanism for non-closed-loop disputes.

Some time ago, a 70-year-old man called the police and said that he lived on the first floor, and the upstairs toilet was leaking, resulting in his home often covered with fecal water, and he could even receive more than a dozen buckets a day, which was very tormented. After receiving the alarm, Song Shusen came to the scene to check the situation as soon as possible.

After checking, Song Shusen told the old man that the central community and the developer should coordinate the renovation plan of the drainage pipes. Seeing that the old man was old, Song Shusen took the initiative to help the old man to coordinate with the developer to give a renovation plan.

After communication, the developer promised: "The kitchen will be dug up again and the pipes will be reprocessed." But at this time, the old man disagreed: "They dig my house every time there is a problem with the waterway, and they don't compensate for the broken lamp last time." ”

Song Shusen realized that the old man had lost trust in the developer, and her real appeal may not be here, and she had to find a way to untie the knot in the old man's heart.

The next day, Song Shusen came to the old man's house again. This time, he invited the community police and village cadres to come to the door together. "The community police have a better understanding of the situation in the jurisdiction, and the words of the village cadres have a certain weight, and it may be effective to do work together." "I obviously feel that the kitchen and bathroom upstairs are not civilized, and there are often orange peels or something blocking the pipes, and I hope they can change this aspect." This time, the old man spoke his mind. With the entrustment of the old man, Song Shusen knocked on the door of the upstairs residents one by one and asked them to sign the "Commitment to Civilized Use of Kitchen and Bathroom".

Seeing Song Shusen's figure of being busy with himself, the old man was moved and agreed to the developer's pipeline renovation plan.

"If the police can't solve it, call the community police and village cadres to pay a return visit, and if it can't be solved, the leaders will come to solve it." Song Shusen believes that no matter how difficult it is to mediate a dispute, after such a set of three police return visits, the masses will not be dissatisfied when they see your sincerity in solving the problem.

Arrive at full strength

4 hours to look for the lost elderly

The southern mountainous area is meandering, and the mountain heads are one after another, becoming a "treasure of adventure" for some "travelers". However, if you are not careful, you will be trapped in the mountains and unable to get out, and "adventure" will become "danger". Therefore, the police situation of losing the mountains and forests is also very common for Song Shusen. One evening, the Zhonggong Police Station received a report from a "traveler", saying that he was lost in the mountains of Daogou Village, North Zhonggong and asked for help.

During the police dispatch, Song Shusen added the party's WeChat and asked him to send the location. However, the "travel friend" is a 70-year-old man who is not proficient in using smartphones, and Song Shusen has tried to guide him many times but has not been able to send it. When the battery was about to run out, Song Shusen asked the old man to send photos of his surroundings.

Subsequently, the old man's mobile phone was turned off and he lost contact completely. "The mountains are almost the same, it's hard to identify." With the old man's description and his familiarity with the southern mountains, Song Shusen roughly determined the location and searched for them one by one along the nearby mountains.

The mountain road is difficult to walk, and after 3 hours of searching, the old man has not been found. At 10 o'clock in the evening, the temperature gradually dropped, and the police contacted the thermal imaging drone of the Nanshan Emergency Rescue Brigade to carry out accurate search and positioning. In the end, under the positioning of the thermal imaging lens, the police determined the location of the old man and successfully rescued the old man from the top of the mountain.

At 12 o'clock in the evening, the old man's family drove to the Zhonggong Police Station and thanked Song Shusen and other policemen incessantly. "Where the masses need it, no matter how difficult it is, we will definitely reach it." This is Song Shusen's commitment to the masses and a requirement for himself.

The gears drive the gears, staggered with each other, and operate in harmony. Song Shusen always said: "In our excellent collective, there are many colleagues who are better than me, and I am just one of the dull gears. Having said that, Song Shusen has done a solid job that is recognized by the masses, so that everyone can see that he is a well-deserved "sensitive gear".

(Reporter Chen Yanjie, correspondent Song Chao, Zhang Gejian, Zhu Hui, Meng Lei)

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