
Safeguard the new development pattern with a new security pattern

author:China Industry Network

Original title: Guarantee the new development pattern with a new security pattern

At the first meeting of the Central National Security Commission, General Secretary Xi Jinping creatively put forward the overall concept of national security. To fully implement the overall concept of national security, we must adhere to the principle of coordinating development and security, and be good at using the fruits of development to consolidate the strength foundation of national security, and at the same time be good at shaping a security environment conducive to economic and social development.

Security is the premise of development, and development is the guarantee of security. Coordinating development and security is a major strategic idea put forward by the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core based on the new international and domestic situation in the new stage of development, and is an important content of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. We must deeply study and comprehend General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on coordinating development and security, fully implement the overall national security concept, promote the implementation of relevant important strategic deployments, effectively prevent and resolve various risks and challenges, promote high-level security with high-quality development, and ensure high-quality development with high-level security.

Escort high-quality development with high-level security

The higher the quality of development, the greater the security challenges and the greater the need for a high level of security. Only when national security and social stability are stable can the economy and society develop healthily. Looking at China's political gains and losses in the past dynasties, most of the decline and fall of feudal dynasties are related to the lack of support for development and security. Looking at the history of the rise and fall of the world's great powers, when they rise, they tend to be able to better coordinate development and security, while their decline is closely related to the failure to coordinate development and security. Security without the support of development will inevitably be difficult to last; Development without security is inevitably unsustainable. Development and security will prosper if they are combined, weakened if they are separated, and perish if they are contradictory, and this is the profound enlightenment left to us by history.

Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, our party has attached great importance to development and security, always firmly grasped the work of safeguarding national security, and made correct strategic decisions on the overall planning of development and security in different historical periods. At the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the domestic situation and the international environment were complicated. With the courage of "fighting with one punch, lest a hundred blows come," our party made the historic decision to resist US aggression and aid Korea and defend the homeland and defend the country, thus smashing the aggressor's conspiracy to strangle New China in its cradle. Since the beginning of reform and opening up, our party has made a scientific judgment that peace and development are the main themes of the times, actively created a good environment for development, seized the opportunity to accelerate development, and made tremendous achievements in economic and social development. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core has strengthened centralized and unified leadership over national security work, made a series of major decisions and deployments on national security from an overall and strategic perspective, strengthened the top-level design of national security work, improved national security policies in various important fields, improved national security laws and regulations, effectively responded to a series of major risks and challenges, and maintained the overall stability of national security on the mainland.

At present, the development of the mainland has entered a period in which strategic opportunities, risks and challenges coexist, and uncertainties and unpredictable factors are increasing. Only by adhering to the bottom-line thinking, accelerating the modernization of the national security system and capabilities, and effectively preventing and resolving various risks and challenges, can we ensure high-quality development with high-level security and ensure the smooth progress of building a modern socialist country in an all-round way. On the new journey of building a strong country and rejuvenating the nation, we must adhere to the overall national security concept, improve the national security system, enhance the ability to safeguard national security, integrate national security work into the whole process of national development in all fields, firmly grasp the initiative in national security work, improve the level of public security governance, improve the social governance system, and escort high-quality development with high-level security.

Actively create a favorable external security environment

When presiding over the first meeting of the 20th Central National Security Commission, General Secretary Xi Jinping called for "taking the initiative to shape a favorable external security environment for China". This is a profound summary of the practical experience of national security work and a scientific grasp of the understanding of the regularity of national security work. At present, the world is undergoing major changes unseen in a century, the connotation and extension of the mainland's national security are richer than at any time in history, the scope of time and space is broader than at any time in history, and the internal and external factors are more complex than at any time in history. We must unswervingly implement the overall national security concept, strengthen our historical initiative, give full play to our own advantages, and create a more favorable external security environment for building China into a great modern socialist country in all respects.

Expanding high-level opening-up, creating new advantages in international cooperation and competition, and accelerating the construction of a new development pattern with the domestic cycle as the mainstay and the domestic and international cycles reinforcing each other are major strategic tasks related to the overall development of the mainland, and they are also the due meaning of achieving high-quality development. In the process of high-quality development, China is inseparable from the connection and interaction with other countries in terms of resources, markets, science and technology, and exchanges and integration with the world are deepening, and the role of a sustained, secure and stable external security environment in promoting high-quality development is becoming more prominent. At present, the external environment of the mainland's high-quality development is uncertain and unpredictable, and there are objectively some unfavorable factors affecting development and security: the international environment is becoming increasingly complex, instability and uncertainty have increased significantly, the process of economic globalization has been profoundly adjusted, the global governance system is facing reshaping, the international landscape is evolving at an accelerated pace, and the world has entered a period of turbulence and change; Various ideas and trends of thought are blending and clashing, and global issues such as cyber security and ecological security are becoming more prominent. In order to pursue development in a more uncertain and unstable world, and to shape new advantages in international cooperation and competition, it is necessary to accelerate the construction of a new development pattern. It is necessary to form an open innovation ecology with global competitiveness through a higher level of opening up, create new advantages in international cooperation and competition, attract global resource elements with domestic circulation, improve the quality and efficiency of domestic circulation with international circulation, and promote the benign interaction between high-quality development and high-level security. Under the guidance of the concept of building a community with a shared future for mankind, we should promote high-quality Belt and Road cooperation, implement the Global Development Initiative, the Global Security Initiative and the Global Civilization Initiative, strengthen solidarity and cooperation among emerging markets and developing countries, and create favorable external security conditions for high-quality development.

Strive for a safer world

China's development is inseparable from a secure international environment. In the same way, there can be no security in the world without China's security. General Secretary Xi Jinping put forward the Global Security Initiative, advocating the spirit of solidarity to adapt to the profoundly adjusted international landscape and the complex and intertwined security challenges with a win-win mentality, aiming to eliminate the root causes of international conflicts, improve global security governance, and promote the international community to work together to inject more stability and certainty into the turbulent and changing era, and contribute China's wisdom and strength to the realization of lasting world peace.

Chinese modernization is on the right path of peaceful development. Promoting common international security is an inevitable requirement for taking the path of national security with Chinese characteristics. China's national security is closely related to world peace and stability, and no country can achieve its own security divorced from world security, nor can it build security on the basis of other countries' insecurity. China's high-quality development and high-level opening-up are inseparable from a peaceful and tranquil international environment, and building an open, inclusive, clean and beautiful world with lasting peace, universal security, common prosperity, and a clean and beautiful world also requires China's wisdom and strength. Adhering to the vision of common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security, following the path of common security, and implementing the Global Security Initiative (GSI) are the fundamental ways for the international community to solve security problems and extricate themselves from security dilemmas.

At present, in the face of strategic containment, unreasonable sanctions, and extreme pressure from the outside, and in the face of the complex external security environment, we must not only follow the overall national security concept as the fundamental principle, handle the relationship between internal security and external security, adhere to the path of peaceful development, advocate the concept of win-win cooperation, promote the construction of a new type of major-country relations, close exchanges with neighboring countries, and build a safe and stable external environment. We will never back down on the issue of national dignity and resolutely defend national sovereignty, security and development interests. It is necessary to firmly grasp the strategic initiative of national security, play a good first move, play a good combination of punches, adhere to reasonable, advantageous and responsible, unite all forces that can be united, mobilize all positive factors, and effectively improve the complex of responding to national security risks.

National security is the foundation of national rejuvenation. The overall concept of national security is a guide to action for maintaining and shaping national security with Chinese characteristics under the new situation, and promotes breakthroughs in the construction of national security systems and working mechanisms. We need to adhere to the path of national security with Chinese characteristics, continue to open up a new situation in national security work in the new era, coordinate open development and economic security, promote the deep integration of development and security, accelerate the modernization of the national security system and capabilities, and ensure a new development pattern with a new security pattern, so as to ensure that China's giant ship will ride the wind and waves, move steadily and far, and sail towards a brighter future.

(Lin Shihao, Author's Affiliation: Shaanxi Normal University)

Source: Shaanxi Daily

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