
The four treasures of "scraping oil" in spring: nutritious and full, delicious and fat loss, I would rather not eat meat, but also eat more

author:Big Mouth Chef

Reading guide: The four treasures of "scraping oil" in spring: nutrition and satiety, delicious and fat loss, I would rather not eat meat, but also eat more

Spring, when everything recovers and the earth rejuvenates, it is a good time of year to lose weight and shape your body. In this season, we should not only pay attention to physical exercise, but also pay attention to dietary conditioning.

Today, I will introduce you to four spring "scraped rape", which are not only delicious, but also rich in nutrients, so that you can enjoy the food at the same time, but also not afraid of gaining weight, even if you don't eat meat, you have to eat a little more.

The four treasures of "scraping oil" in spring: nutritious and full, delicious and fat loss, I would rather not eat meat, but also eat more

1. Cold fungus

The fungus is known as the "crown of fungi", its taste is smooth, nutritious, rich in plant gum and polysaccharides, and has an excellent intestinal cleansing effect. Cold fungus is simple and refreshing, and it is a delicacy in spring.

The four treasures of "scraping oil" in spring: nutritious and full, delicious and fat loss, I would rather not eat meat, but also eat more

Materials Required:

50 grams of dried fungus, 10 grams of minced garlic, 2 tablespoons of light soy sauce, 1 tablespoon of balsamic vinegar, 1/2 tablespoon of sugar, 1 teaspoon of sesame oil, appropriate amount of coriander or chopped green onion


  1. Soak the dried fungus in warm water in advance, wash off impurities after soaking, and tear it into small flowers.
  2. Boil water in a pot, blanch the fungus for 1-2 minutes, remove and drain.
  3. To prepare the cold sauce: Mix the minced garlic, light soy sauce, balsamic vinegar, sugar, sesame oil, chili oil and salt and stir well.
  4. Put the fungus in a large bowl, pour in the cold sauce, sprinkle with coriander or chopped green onion, stir well and serve.

2. Stir-fry asparagus

Asparagus is a low-calorie, high-nutrient vegetable rich in vitamins and minerals, especially its rich dietary fiber, which helps to promote intestinal peristalsis and reduce fat absorption. Stir-fried asparagus, simple and delicious.

The four treasures of "scraping oil" in spring: nutritious and full, delicious and fat loss, I would rather not eat meat, but also eat more

Ingredients: 500 grams of asparagus, 10 grams of minced garlic, appropriate amount of salt, appropriate amount of cooking oil


  1. Wash the asparagus, remove the older parts of the roots, and cut into diagonal segments.
  2. Pour an appropriate amount of cooking oil into the pot, heat it and stir-fry the minced garlic until fragrant.
  3. Add the asparagus segments and stir-fry quickly over high heat until the asparagus is broken.
  4. Add an appropriate amount of salt, stir-fry evenly and then remove from the pan.

3. Seaweed egg drop soup

Seaweed is rich in dietary fiber and vitamins and is very low in calories, while eggs are a source of high-quality protein. Seaweed egg drop soup is not only nutritious, but also light and refreshing, making it a delicious soup in spring.

The four treasures of "scraping oil" in spring: nutritious and full, delicious and fat loss, I would rather not eat meat, but also eat more

Ingredients required: 10 grams of seaweed, 1 egg, 10 grams of chopped green onion, appropriate amount of salt, a little chicken essence (optional), appropriate amount of cooking oil


  1. Soak the seaweed in warm water, wash off impurities, and tear it into small pieces.
  2. Beat the eggs and set aside.
  3. Pour an appropriate amount of cooking oil into the pot, heat it and stir-fry the chopped green onion until fragrant.
  4. Pour in the soaked seaweed, add an appropriate amount of water, and bring to a boil over high heat.
  5. Slowly pour in the beaten egg mixture and stir gently with chopsticks to spread the egg flowers evenly.
  6. Add an appropriate amount of salt and chicken essence, sprinkle with chopped green onions, and then turn off the heat and remove from the pot.

4. Garlic broccoli

Broccoli is a seasonal spring vegetable that is rich in vitamin C and dietary fiber, which can boost immunity and promote intestinal health. Garlic broccoli has a tender taste and aroma, making it an ideal dish during weight loss.

Ingredients: 500 grams of broccoli, 20 grams of minced garlic, appropriate amount of salt, appropriate amount of cooking oil

The four treasures of "scraping oil" in spring: nutritious and full, delicious and fat loss, I would rather not eat meat, but also eat more


  1. Wash the broccoli, break it into small florets, and soak it in lightly salted water for 10 minutes to remove impurities and pesticide residues.
  2. Boil water in a pot, blanch the broccoli for 1-2 minutes, remove and drain.
  3. Pour an appropriate amount of cooking oil into the pot, heat it and stir-fry with minced garlic until fragrant.
  4. Add the blanched broccoli and stir-fry quickly over high heat until the broccoli is cooked through.
  5. Add an appropriate amount of salt, stir-fry evenly and then remove from the pan.

These four spring "scraping rape" are not only simple and easy to make, but also delicious and nutritious, making them a good choice during weight loss. While enjoying the food, we can also achieve the effect of losing weight, so why not? Give it a try!

The four treasures of "scraping oil" in spring: nutritious and full, delicious and fat loss, I would rather not eat meat, but also eat more

In addition to these four dishes, we also need to pay attention to the following points to better achieve the effect of not gaining weight:

1. Control the amount of food: Although these four dishes are nutritious, they should also be eaten in moderation and avoid excessive calorie intake.

2. Balanced diet: During weight loss, we must ensure a balanced diet and moderate intake of nutrients such as protein, carbohydrates and fats.

3. Increase the amount of exercise: In addition to controlling the diet, we should also increase the amount of exercise, improve the body's metabolic rate, and promote the consumption of fat.

4. Maintain a good work and rest: Ensuring adequate sleep and regular work and rest can help regulate the body's metabolism and promote weight loss.

Finally, I wish everyone a healthy body and a beautiful body in the spring! Don't know if you've eaten all of these delicacies?

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