
The tide is turning! The two major technology giants in the United States suffered a license withdrawal, foreign media: the semiconductor pattern is volatile

author:Little Mushroom One

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Reading guide: The situation is reversed! The two major technology giants in the United States suffered a license withdrawal, foreign media: the semiconductor pattern is volatile

In the field of global science and technology, semiconductor technology has always been a strategic highland for countries to compete for. In recent years, in order to maintain its hegemony in the field of semiconductors, the United States has constantly tried to curb the scientific and technological progress of other countries through trade wars and technological blockades, especially in the face of the rapid development of emerging market countries such as China. In the last week, however, the tide has suddenly reversed; The two major technology giants in the United States, Intel and Qualcomm, have encountered the embarrassing situation of withdrawing their licenses, which not only called into question Biden's semiconductor policy, but also caused a shock in the global semiconductor landscape.

The tide is turning! The two major technology giants in the United States suffered a license withdrawal, foreign media: the semiconductor pattern is volatile

1. Review and reflection of U.S. semiconductor policy

Since the beginning of the Trump era, the United States has adopted a series of semiconductor technology blockade measures in an attempt to curb our rapid rise in the field of chip manufacturing. After Biden came to power, this policy was not only not relaxed, but strengthened. The United States has not only strengthened its crackdown on Huawei and other companies, but also tried to encourage the development of its own semiconductor industry through legislative means such as the CHIPS Act, while restricting foreign companies from entering the U.S. market. However, the actual effect of this policy has not been as desired by the United States.

On the one hand, the U.S. crackdown has not stopped the rapid development of China's semiconductor industry. On the contrary, under pressure, Chinese technology companies have increased R&D investment, accelerated independent innovation, and constantly broke through technological bottlenecks. On the other hand, the semiconductor crackdown in the United States has also triggered chaos in the global semiconductor supply chain. Many international companies are reluctant to cooperate for fear of being placed on the "Entity List" by the United States, leading to a disruption in the global semiconductor supply chain.

The tide is turning! The two major technology giants in the United States suffered a license withdrawal, foreign media: the semiconductor pattern is volatile

2. The background and impact of the withdrawal of Intel and Qualcomm licenses

In the past week, the U.S. Department of Commerce has taken two consecutive actions to revoke the shipping licenses of Intel and Qualcomm, two technology giants. This means that the two companies will no longer be able to sell some models of chip products to the mainland market. This incident not only caused huge losses to Intel and Qualcomm, but also aroused widespread concern in the global semiconductor industry.

Intel and Qualcomm, as the world's leading semiconductor companies, have a wide range of applications in their products around the world. The withdrawal of this license will not only affect the market share of the two companies in China, but also have a profound impact on the global semiconductor supply chain. On the one hand, Chinese technology companies will have to find other suppliers to replace Intel and Qualcomm products, which will accelerate the process of autonomy in the mainland's semiconductor industry. On the other hand, the global semiconductor supply chain will also become more complex and unstable because of this incident.

The tide is turning! The two major technology giants in the United States suffered a license withdrawal, foreign media: the semiconductor pattern is volatile

3. Biden's dilemma and changes in the global semiconductor landscape

Biden's semiconductor crackdown is facing an unprecedented dilemma. On the one hand, the United States has tried to maintain its hegemony by suppressing the enterprises of other countries, but the actual results have not been satisfactory. China and other emerging market countries have not only not been defeated, but have embarked more firmly on the road of independent innovation. On the other hand, the U.S. crackdown has also triggered a rebound in the global semiconductor industry. Many countries have begun to strengthen their independent R&D capabilities to promote the development of the semiconductor industry in the direction of diversification and globalization.

In the changing global semiconductor landscape, China has become one of the most visible forces. We attach great importance to the development of the semiconductor industry, and continue to increase investment to promote technological innovation and industrial upgrading. At the same time, we also actively strengthen cooperation and exchanges with international enterprises to promote the common development of the global semiconductor industry.

The tide is turning! The two major technology giants in the United States suffered a license withdrawal, foreign media: the semiconductor pattern is volatile

Fourth, future prospects and suggestions

In the face of profound changes in the global semiconductor landscape, countries should abandon the zero-sum game mentality, strengthen cooperation and exchanges, and jointly promote the prosperity and development of the global semiconductor industry. Specifically, you can start from the following aspects:

Strengthen international cooperation and exchanges. Countries should strengthen cooperation and exchanges in semiconductor technology research and development, talent training, market expansion, etc., and jointly promote the innovation and development of the global semiconductor industry.

Promote technological innovation and industrial upgrading. Countries should increase R&D investment, promote continuous innovation and upgrading of semiconductor technology, and improve the performance and quality of products. In addition, we need to diversify and stabilize the global semiconductor supply chain. Countries should strengthen cooperation and coordination in the global semiconductor supply chain, promote the diversification and stability of the supply chain, and reduce supply chain risks.

The tide is turning! The two major technology giants in the United States suffered a license withdrawal, foreign media: the semiconductor pattern is volatile

In short, the global semiconductor landscape is volatile, and the industry is facing profound changes and challenges. Countries should abandon the zero-sum game mentality, strengthen cooperation and exchanges, and jointly promote the prosperity and development of the global semiconductor industry. Only in this way can we make greater contributions to the scientific and technological progress and economic development of human society.

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