
Touching the car was claimed 10,000? The owner said that "the son is the mayor"? The police responded

author:Longnan Xi and released

Recently, about passers-by touching the car was claimed 10,000 yuan, and the owner said that "his son is the mayor", which has attracted widespread attention.

On the evening of May 15, the Chenghua District Branch of the Chengdu Municipal Public Security Bureau issued a police report on the matter. The reporter learned that the police found out that the owner of the car did not say at the scene such as "his son is the mayor", "the family is an official", "asking for 10,000 yuan" and other words; The five were sentenced to administrative detention for disturbing order in a public place at the disposal site.

According to the report: At 16:22 on May 12, 2024, a dispute occurred at the intersection of Changrong Street and Changrong West Third Road in Chenghua District. After investigation and disposal by our bureau in accordance with the law, the parties Luo (female, 65 years old) and Zhang Moumou (male, 41 years old) have reached an understanding and signed the "Public Security Mediation Agreement". Briefings are now made on hot issues of public concern.

1. Regarding the investigation of Luo's "son is the mayor" on the Internet

Our bureau has verified Luo's relevant information in accordance with the law, visited his relatives and colleagues and questioned Luo himself, and has ascertained: Luo is a retired doctor from a community hospital in our city, has no children, and he and his relatives have no work or experience in relevant government departments; After questioning the party Zhang Moumou and the witnesses at the scene, Luo Moumou did not say anything at the scene, such as "his son is the mayor" and "the family is an official".

2. Regarding the investigation of the online rumor that Luo "demanded 10,000 yuan in compensation" and "slapped the other party".

After monitoring and questioning the party Zhang Moumou and witnesses at the scene, it has been ascertained that Luo was driving alone at the time of the incident, and no one else was traveling with him. Luo Moumou has been asking Zhang Moumou to apologize at the scene and in the follow-up disposal, and has not made any claim for compensation, nor has he slapped him.

3. Explanation of the online rumors that "Zhang Moumou was handcuffed away by the police" and "Luo Moumou was let go".

After the police arrived at the scene, they demanded that both parties go to the police station to cooperate with the investigation. Because Zhang Moumou was in a drunken state, he refused to cooperate and pushed the police many times, and insisted on leaving the scene four times. At 16:52, after several oral summons were invalid, the police forcibly summoned Zhang Moumou in accordance with the law. Subsequently, in the process of the police taking Luo back to the police station in accordance with the law, he was obstructed by some of the people at the scene, and after repeated persuasion by the police, and invited 2 people to go to the police station to witness together, at 17:35, the police took Luo back to the police station in accordance with the law.

IV. Explanation of the online transmission of "people's police forming a human wall to protect vehicles".

After Luo was taken back to the police station, his vehicle was stranded at the scene due to some people blocking him. When the police persuaded the onlookers to leave the scene at the scene, some people pushed and shook the vehicles involved. In order to prevent the situation from escalating, the on-site police force isolated the vehicles involved in accordance with the law.

5. Explanation of the online transmission of "Luo's vehicle is suspected of having a fake license plate".

Verified by the traffic police department: Luo's vehicle was registered on January 6, 2022, and the information on a commercial platform was the previous model of the license plate, and the platform data was not updated in real time, and the rumors of "deck" were not true.

6. Explanation of the location of the scratches on the fender questioned by the Internet

After investigation, Luo's model was an off-road vehicle, and the place where Luo claimed to have scratches was actually the upper part of the right rear wheel wheel eyebrow (that is, the arc-shaped baffle above the wheel, commonly known as the fender).

VII. Circular on the public security organs' lawful handling of relevant offenders

After investigation, the offender Zhang (male, 25 years old) arrived at the scene at about 18 o'clock, and without witnessing or verifying, posted false remarks such as "the old lady gave a few slaps", "the driver is an old man", "let the young man pay 10,000 yuan", "the old man and the old lady let go", "the old lady said that her son is the mayor", etc., causing adverse effects; The offender Rao XX (male, 20 years old) conducted a live broadcast through an online social platform without witnessing or verifying it, and the public security organs imposed administrative detention on the two in accordance with the relevant provisions of Article 26 of the "Public Security Administration Punishment Law of the People's Republic of China".

In addition, for the offenders Huang XX (male, 44 years old), Tang XX (female, 35 years old), Ke XX (female, 41 years old), Ma XX (male, 23 years old), and Li XX (male, 25 years old) who disrupted the order of public places at the disposal site, the public security organs imposed administrative detention penalties on the above five people in accordance with the relevant provisions of Article 23 of the "Public Security Administration Punishment Law of the People's Republic of China".

Police tips: For illegal acts of fabricating and disseminating false information and disrupting public order, the public security organs will adhere to the "zero tolerance" attitude and resolutely investigate and deal with them in accordance with the law. Netizens are requested not to spread rumors, believe rumors, or spread rumors, protect citizens' personal privacy, and jointly maintain a good online environment.

previously reported

On May 13, Chengdu Chenghua Public Security issued a police report in response to the hot incident of "my son is the mayor".

At 16:22 on May 12, 2024, our bureau received a report from a woman who reported that her vehicle was damaged, and the police quickly arrived at the scene to deal with it. After the public security organs questioned the parties on both sides, questioned witnesses, and obtained surveillance, it was ascertained that at 16:16 on the same day, when Zhang Moumou (male, 41 years old) was passing by Changrong Street after drinking, he touched and knocked on a black JEEP off-road vehicle parked on the side of the road, and was found by the owner Luo Moumou (female, 65 years old) and verbally stopped, and then Zhang Moumou continued to walk forward. After Luo checked the vehicle, he found that there was a scratch on the right rear fender of the vehicle, so he immediately drove to the intersection of Changrong Street and Changrong West Third Road to catch up with Zhang. Luo questioned Zhang Moumou about scratching his vehicle and demanded an apology, but Zhang denied it, and the two then had a quarrel, accused each other and abused each other, and then grabbed and pulled. After the police arrived at the scene, when they were about to take Zhang and Luo back to the police station for further investigation and handling, Zhang refused to cooperate and insisted on leaving, and after the police made an oral summons in accordance with the law, they were forcibly taken away from the scene. When the police were about to take Luo and his vehicle back to the police station, they could not drive away smoothly because of the large number of onlookers gathered at the scene, and at 17:35, the police drove the police car to take Luo back to the police station. At present, Zhang and Luo have reached an understanding through negotiation and signed the "Public Security Mediation Agreement".

Regarding the information spread on the Internet that Luo's "son is the mayor", "the family is an official", "asked for compensation of 10,000 yuan", and "was released on the spot", all of them are not true after investigation. At present, the public security organs have taken Zhang (male, 25 years old) and Rao Moumou (male, 21 years old) into administrative detention in accordance with the law.

The vast number of netizens are requested not to believe or spread rumors, and the public security organs will severely crack down on illegal acts of fabricating and disseminating false information and disrupting public order in accordance with the law.

Source: New Gansu client WeChat public account

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