
50 WeChat personalized signatures (second dial), here!

author:Longnan Xi and released

After "Night Reading" released last night, it received more than 3,000 comments in less than half a day, and in addition to sharing their WeChat signatures, there were many such messages:

50 WeChat personalized signatures (second dial), here!
50 WeChat personalized signatures (second dial), here!
50 WeChat personalized signatures (second dial), here!

As soon as the appointment is established, the editor is here again with pictures and texts!

50 WeChat personalized signatures (second dial), here!
50 WeChat personalized signatures (second dial), here!
50 WeChat personalized signatures (second dial), here!
50 WeChat personalized signatures (second dial), here!

50 WeChat personalized signatures

(The second dial is coming)

50 WeChat personalized signatures (second dial), here!

01. Welcome to my happiness

02. Read yourself, please yourself, and cross yourself

03. There is a commissary by the clouds, and the shelves are piled with years and sunsets

04. While I'm still alive, don't allow anyone to extinguish me

05. People must first feel happiness before they can see roses

50 WeChat personalized signatures (second dial), here!

06. Loving and being loved are all lucky

07. Allow everything to happen, and life is nothing more than a trick

08. Please move forward and don't stop here

09. There are no shortcuts to places worth visiting

10. Finish the present, don't drown in the past, and climb to the clouds early

50 WeChat personalized signatures (second dial), here!

11. Get rich every day, get rich for a year

12. Slowly understand the world and slowly renew yourself

13. China is magnificent, and young people still need to move forward

14. Don't wither in the dark, my sunflowers

15. Love me, you are absolutely sure to win

50 WeChat personalized signatures (second dial), here!

16. Ordinary children love life

17. Be the happiest astronaut on my planet

18. The past is dark and untraceable, and the road to the future is bright

19. There is no disappearance, I am in love with life

20. Plant flowers in your heart, and life will not be barren

50 WeChat personalized signatures (second dial), here!

21. There is no rain and no sunshine, and it is clear and light

22. Have a good trip, it's not too bad to stop at any point

23. Each has a return boat, and each has a ferry

24. Life is like chess, I am willing to be a pawn, although I walk slowly, but who has ever seen me take a step back

25. Haiping Feng is kind and good, and suddenly looks back and laughs at me

50 WeChat personalized signatures (second dial), here!

26. The world of romance deserves to be alone

27. He who does not swing with love blows the evening breeze

28. We have angularities because we want to become stars

29. Don't listen to the whispers of the world, go and see the scenery you like

30. Life doesn't always treat me badly, it doesn't have this perseverance

50 WeChat personalized signatures (second dial), here!

31. Self-energy into wings, why bother to look up to the ladder (Tang Wang Bo)

32. The south wind knows my mind, blowing dreams to Xizhou (Northern and Southern Dynasties, Anonymous)

33. The wind blows the sky and the waves are the first, just smile and don't worry (Song Yang Wanli)

34. Life also has a life, can An Xingxing sigh and sit sad? (Northern and Southern Dynasties, Bao Zhao)

35. Reputation is never audible, and right and wrong are always clear ("Warning to the World")

36. This body is a void boat, where is the country not free (Ming Chen Xianzhang)

50 WeChat personalized signatures (second dial), here!

37. Tomorrow is a complex roaming

38. Strive to become acquainted with the world

39. With optimism, there is always a turnaround

40. Love myself, no rival in love

50 WeChat personalized signatures (second dial), here!

41. Don't stay after chasing the wind and the moon

42. Don't pander to the galaxy

43. You shall fly like a bird to your mountain

44. The secret of happiness is to stop thinking cranky

45. Make a wish to the sea breeze and meet in the mountains and seas

50 WeChat personalized signatures (second dial), here!

46. Not a big problem

47. The family is safe, and everything else is the icing on the cake

48. Passing by the mountains and rivers, meet yourself gently

49. Life is a dream and a desire

50. Respect for our long future

50 WeChat personalized signatures (second dial), here!
50 WeChat personalized signatures (second dial), here!

Text/CCTV News "Night Reading" compilation The copyright belongs to the original author

Header/Illustrator LOST7

Illustration / Screenshot from the circle of friends of "Night Reading".

Last night's "Night Reading" message area,

Many readers have also shared their signatures that they have used for a long time.

"Night Reading" has selected some of them and shared them with you!





Let go of the little things, slow down the big things (@王红霞 Share)

Think twice and never look back (@我嘞个豆 Share)

He is strong, he is strong, and the breeze blows the hills (@我见青山 share)

Don't worry about a thousand miles, there is a wind of arrival (@芰 share)

Love yourself before loving others, and ask your heart before choosing others (@川言 Sharing)

The world and you, just for each other (@熊孩子 sharing)

I like to be together, but I'm not afraid to walk alone (@Xsin Share)

Don't panic, don't panic, the sun goes down and there is moonlight (@Winnie share)

Ordinary Heart, Normal Heart (@小宇宙 Share)

Life is a Blessing (@陆陆陆 Share)

50 WeChat personalized signatures (second dial), here!

Born with Passion, Hidden in the Ordinary (@冷温柔 Share)

See more in nature and less in tandem with people (@loey Share)

I've been wrestling with me for a long time, I'd rather be me (@云蒸霞蔚记 share)

He's a Bridge, Not an End (@安德烈 Share)

May the gods favor and all rejoice (@虫虫家 share)

The flowers left behind have a variety of ways to bloom (@Zee.y sharing)

Be Your Own Moon Never Sets (@去梦里撒星星吖 Share)

On the day of firewood, rice, oil and salt, bring a bouquet of roses home (@、、、、、、 share)

The world is beautiful, and I happen to be free (@Sod-honey share)

I wish you all no regrets in this trip (@青竹丹枫 share)

50 WeChat personalized signatures (second dial), here!
50 WeChat personalized signatures (second dial), here!
50 WeChat personalized signatures (second dial), here!

At last

It is the "original picture of WeChat cover" that everyone wants.

"Night Reading" selected a few of the more popular ones,

Put the original picture on it.,Please receive——


50 WeChat personalized signatures (second dial), here!
50 WeChat personalized signatures (second dial), here!
50 WeChat personalized signatures (second dial), here!
50 WeChat personalized signatures (second dial), here!

The above four photos are from the Internet, and the copyright belongs to the original author

50 WeChat personalized signatures (second dial), here!
50 WeChat personalized signatures (second dial), here!

The above two photos are from Visual China


50 WeChat personalized signatures (second dial), here!
50 WeChat personalized signatures (second dial), here!
50 WeChat personalized signatures (second dial), here!

The above three are from the Internet, and the copyright belongs to the original author

50 WeChat personalized signatures (second dial), here!

Screenshot of the movie "Green Light".

50 WeChat personalized signatures (second dial), here!
50 WeChat personalized signatures (second dial), here!
50 WeChat personalized signatures (second dial), here!

The above three photos are from Visual China

Source: CCTV News WeChat public account

Statement: The copyright of this article belongs to the original author, if there is a source error or infringement of your legitimate rights and interests, you can contact us to deal with it.