
Human aging is not uniform, and scientists have found that these three age groups age the fastest

author:39 HealthNet

Young people look forward to growing up. Older people look forward to the slower passage of time, different people have different troubles, when the hair begins to turn gray, wrinkles begin to appear, aging has become a problem that middle-aged and elderly people have to face.

We have the impression that aging happens gradually, but in fact, aging is like a river running to the sea, with both gentle and turbulent currents. Studies have found that at these three age points, people are most likely to "fall off a cliff" in aging.

Human aging is not uniform, and scientists have found that these three age groups age the fastest

1. There are 3 "watersheds" in life, and the speed of aging will become faster suddenly

A study in the top international journal "Nature Medicine" pointed out that aging does not occur at a uniform rate, but will suddenly "accelerate" at 3 age groups, making people feel noticeably aging.

Researchers collected plasma samples from 4,632 subjects aged 18~95 years old, and measured about 3,000 different protein levels respectively, and found that many protein levels in the human body did not change steadily or unchanged, but showed fluctuating changes, and the main inflection points occurred at the age of 34, 60 and 78.

Human aging is not uniform, and scientists have found that these three age groups age the fastest

Proteins are important components of human cells and may not only be a feature of aging, but may also be the cause of aging. A change in the level of protein in the body means that the state of the body has changed.

In other words, when people are 34, 60, or 78 years old, aging accelerates dramatically. At the age of 34, aging is mainly manifested in the face, which is manifested by a larger belly, a receding hairline, and an aging appearance.

At the age of 60, aging is reflected in the body, various body functions gradually decline, tissues and organs will gradually age, the function of the immune system will also be greatly affected, and the risk of suffering from a variety of diseases will increase.

At the age of 78, aging is more reflected in the disease, and the elderly at this age will have great changes in the internal circulation, nervous and motor systems, and the risk of cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer's disease, cancer and other diseases will increase significantly.

Human aging is not uniform, and scientists have found that these three age groups age the fastest

2. After the age of 60, there are 4 problems in the body, which may indicate that aging is coming

WHO's definition of aging is the gradual accumulation of various molecular and cellular damage in the body over time, and after the age of 60, everyone has to face the problem of aging.

Zhang Zhengrong, deputy chief physician of the Department of Oncology of Yangzhou First People's Hospital, pointed out that when the body shows these four manifestations, it may be a sign of aging.

1. Physical discomfort

I often feel low back pain, palpitation, and poor breathing every day, but I can't find the cause, and I can't find the problem when I go to the hospital for examination. This condition may be a normal part of aging.

Human aging is not uniform, and scientists have found that these three age groups age the fastest

2. Constipation all the time

With age, the speed of gastrointestinal motility decreases significantly, and the chance of constipation is higher. It is normal for the elderly to have constipation, and it is good to pay more attention to hydration and diet every day, which is good for relieving constipation.

3. Poor sleep

As you get older, you will feel that your sleep quality will decrease significantly, you will wake up frequently at night, and you will wake up earlier in the morning, and it will be difficult to fall asleep after waking up. Especially in menopausal women, they are prone to hot flashes, night sweats and other discomforts during sleep.

4. Prostate degeneration

After the age of 60, men will obviously feel the deterioration of prostate function, including prostatic hyperplasia, calcification and hypertrophy, manifested as frequent urination, urgency, painful urination, etc., as long as it does not affect normal life, there is no need to worry too much.

Human aging is not uniform, and scientists have found that these three age groups age the fastest

3. American research: Aging can be "reversed" by changing lifestyles

American scholars have published a study in the journal "Aging", which said that by changing diet and lifestyle, DNA methylation can be affected and the body becomes younger.

The main life interventions were in 4 areas, including a plant-based diet, more than 30 minutes of exercise per day, at least 7 hours of sleep per night, and reducing physical and mental stress.

Human aging is not uniform, and scientists have found that these three age groups age the fastest

At the end of the 8-week follow-up, the blood samples of the subjects were analyzed separately and it was found that the biological age of the subjects was reduced, with a maximum reduction of 11.01 years and a minimum reduction of 1.22 years, with an average reduction of 4.6 years.

From the above research, we can also learn that it is important to do these 4 things well in order to achieve "reverse growth".

1. Exercise reasonably to build muscles

Exercise can promote faster blood circulation, and the nutrients and moisture in the blood can reach the skin faster to nourish the skin.

Consistent exercise will make your skin feel better and your muscles stronger. And after the body's metabolism speed accelerates, the body's various functions can also work better, which is of great help to prevent diseases.

Human aging is not uniform, and scientists have found that these three age groups age the fastest

2. Eat a healthy diet with less oil and less salt

In the diet, you can eat more coarse grains, reduce the intake of fine rice and noodles, and reduce the intake of oil, salt and sugar.

In the choice of food, we should pay attention to the priority of fruits, vegetables, soy products, and milk, and at the same time cooperate with an appropriate amount of meat.

3. Refuse to stay up late and go to bed before 23 o'clock

Sleep is an important process of self-repair and regulation of the body, 10 ~ 2 o'clock in the morning is the most vigorous time for cell metabolism in the body, and it is best to enter sleep at this time. Staying up late for a long time will affect the body's repair and regulation, which in turn will reduce immunity and increase the risk of disease.

4. Learn to decompress and try abdominal breathing

Mentality, emotions and people's health are closely related, we must learn to reduce pressure on ourselves every day, talk to others more or go out for a walk. You can also try to learn lower abdominal breathing, which is good for releasing stress and relieving bad emotions.

Human aging is not uniform, and scientists have found that these three age groups age the fastest

Developing good habits can help us better cope with time and live more calmly in our old age.


[1] "People get old "suddenly"! 3 age groups, the body is rapidly "downhill"! I don't want to be too fast, put away 3 prescriptions~". I am a big doctor official micro 2023-09-16

[2] "Anti-aging after the age of 60, nutrition and exercise are indispensable!" 》. Health Times 2022-10-31

[3] "This lifestyle lasts for 8 weeks and makes your body 3 years younger!" Do you try? 》. Healthy Lifestyles for All Action 2021-06-29

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