
Zhu Haiyan ||From Songhua River to Jinkou River

author:Railway soldier culture
Zhu Haiyan ||From Songhua River to Jinkou River

Written by Zhu Haiyan

It was a pleasure to participate in this event. Congratulations to the Jinkou River Railway Soldiers Museum for reopening after tidying up! Thanks to the comrades of the Jinkouhe District Committee, the District Government and the Railway Soldiers Museum for their efforts this time!

In addition to expressing my own views, I also represent Mr. Lu Tongyu, the eldest son of General Lu Zhengcao.

I will talk about a few issues, in order to save time, all of them express their views in a "click-through" style, not to expand on them, but to talk about the essence and events.

First, the Northeast War Situation and the Railway Situation

On August 15, 1945, Japan surrendered. After Zhu De learned of this situation, he issued seven orders in 18 hours from August 10 to 11, ordering the Eighth Route Army to move out of the pass.

On August 13, Mao Zedong delivered a speech entitled "The Current Situation after the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and Our Policy".

That night, Lu Zhengcao, Lin Feng, and Sun Zhiyuan attended a meeting convened by the central authorities on combat deployment and task assignment. Until 2 p.m.

On the morning of August 14, Lu Zhengcao rushed to Suiyuan and immediately led his troops to the northeast.

On August 19, Liu Shaoqi drafted a directive for the central authorities, saying, "It is best if you can enter the three eastern provinces from the sea route, and the sooner the better." ”

On August 28, Mao Zedong flew to Chongqing to negotiate with Chiang Kai-shek.

On September 14, Huang Kecheng, who was in northern Jiangsu, asked the central government for orders: "Go to the northeast to create a base area." ”

On September 15, Peng Zhen and Chen Yun arrived in Shenyang on a Soviet plane.

On September 17, Mao Zedong sent a telegram to the central government in Chongqing: "I hope to strive for the northeast, the time is critical, and we must not miss the opportunity." Let Lu Zhengcao lead one or two regiments to "march north." ”

Zhu Haiyan ||From Songhua River to Jinkou River

/Founding General General Lu Zhengcao (photo source network)/

Lü was the commander of the Jinsui Military Region at the time, and his predecessor was Marshal He Long.

On September 19, the central government issued a document entitled "Current Tasks and Strategic Deployment". The core 8 words: "Develop to the north, defend to the south." "Winning over the Northeast is a "once-in-a-lifetime opportunity," and it is extremely urgent, and the march must be extremely rapid, and we must not drag mud and water. Highlight one word "fast".

On September 23, Huang Kecheng took 35,000 people from Huaiyin. Luo Ronghuan set off from Shandong with about 65,000 people.

The central government sent 20,000 cadres to the northeast.

In mid-October, Lu Zhengcao led a regiment of the Jinsui Military Region to Shenyang.

The Kuomintang army marched to the northeast in early November.

Yang Guofu, commander of the Bohai Naval Region of the Eighth Route Army, led his troops to the north, walked for a month, and on November 15, met the enemy at Shanhaiguan.

Mao Zedong sent a telegram to Li Yunchang, commander of the Eastern Hebei Military Region, to help Yang Guofu and defend against the enemy at Shanhaiguan for at least three weeks, or as many as two months.

When he called for mobilization to go to the Northeast, he said that the Northeast had everything and that the guns were all new. When Yang Guofu arrived, he found that there was nothing.

The Communists are faced with the "seven nos": no party, no masses, no political power, no food, no funds, no medicine, no clothes and shoes.

Zhu Haiyan ||From Songhua River to Jinkou River

/Old photos of the railway that was destroyed before the liberation of the Northeast (picture source: Internet)/

Lu Zhengcao believes that there is everything in the Northeast, and the conditions are much better than those in Yan'an. There are urban agglomerations, railways that account for 40 percent of the country, 80 percent of the country's steel production, and black soil that can support millions of soldiers and horses. He said, get the northeast, win the world.

Second, if you have a railway, you get everything

Our troops quickly took control of the Northeast Railway. Due to the arrival of the Kuomintang troops, the Northeast Railway was in a state of see-saw again, but the railway north of the Second Songhua River was always in the hands of the Communists.

The railways in the Northeast Liberated Area are often expressed by two numbers, one is more than 4,600 kilometers and the other is 4,900 kilometers. Both figures are correct, and Changchun on the Zhongchang Railway is the focus of contention between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party. One will be the Kuomintang, the other will be the Communist Party. The Communists seized Changchun, and the railway was 4,900 kilometers; If Changchun is lost, the railway is 4,600 kilometers.

Liu Juying's tenure is the most illustrative. Liu Juying entered the northeast from Shandong, was appointed mayor of Changchun in October 45, and three months later, the Kuomintang came, and Liu withdrew from Changchun. On April 18, 46, our army liberated Changchun again, and he served as mayor again. In May, Changchun was lost, and he withdrew again.

The length of the railway between the two sides is determined by the victory or defeat on the battlefield.

Zhu Haiyan ||From Songhua River to Jinkou River

/Railway Column Escort Army Rushing to Repair Railway Old Photos (Image Picture Network)/

Before the predecessor of the railway soldiers, our army had many road protection troops. On November 14, 1945, the Northeast Bureau sent Guo Weicheng to take over the Qiqihar Railway Bureau. On December 14, 1945, the enemy sabotaged the railway from Qiqihar to Bei'an, and the general led his troops to encircle and suppress it, killing 36 people, killing more than 50 bandits, and wounding more than 60 bandits.

When Guo Weicheng was the director of the Qiqihar Railway, Qiqihar had not yet been liberated. The liberation of the city took place on April 24, 1946. Harbin was liberated on April 28, 1946.

On May 2, 1946, the Headquarters of the West Manchurian Military Region of the Northeast Democratic Alliance Army decided to merge the Qi Bureau into the West Manchurian Railway Bureau, with Ma Jun as the director, Huang Duo as the deputy director, and Guo Weicheng as the deputy director and commander of the Railway Road Protection Army.

Coincidentally, Comrade Chen Dafan is an old railway in Northeast China. After the 18th Incident, he carried out an anti-Japanese struggle in North Manchuria. After he went to the northeast from the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei border region, Peng Zhen sent him to accept the power of Heilongjiang Province and became the chairman of the Heilongjiang Provincial Government, and at the same time the director of the Bei'an Railway Bureau and the commander of the road protection, with Peng Min as the deputy commander.

Guo Hongtao, Liu Zhidan's old subordinate, went to the Northeast in September 1945 and was appointed director of the East Manchurian Railway, and the commander of the road protection was General Wan Yi.

Zhu Haiyan ||From Songhua River to Jinkou River

/Railway Column Escort Army Rushing to Repair Railway Old Photos (Image Picture Network)/

These show that before the railway soldiers, our army had many road guards.

In January 1946, due to the frantic attack of the Kuomintang reactionaries, our army withdrew from Shenyang and Changchun. On May 23, 1946, the headquarters of the Northeast Democratic Alliance Army and the Northeast Bureau Committee were withdrawn to Harbin, which had just been liberated for 25 days.

On May 25, at the Taolaizhao Bridge on the Second Songhua River, our army crossed the last column, and Su Jin ordered the Songhua River Bridge to be blown up. It is 142.4 kilometers away from Harbin.

The Communist Party's strategy is to "get out of the way and open up two compartments." Let the Kuomintang occupy the cities of the northeast, and the Communists go to the countryside to mobilize the masses for the coming day.

On the evening of May 25, Su Jin rushed back to Harbin. In the hall of Harbin Station, he saw a notice posted in the hall that the Northeast Bureau and the Northeast Democratic Alliance Army Headquarters had ordered him to be the commander of the railway road guard.

At this time, there were three road bureaus in the liberated area, namely Qiqihar, Harbin and Mudanjiang Railway Bureau. In order to protect the railway, the unified road protection army of our army was formed.

Su Jin recalled: I was a bare-bones commander at the time. It was not until June and July that a deputy commander came named Wang Guangwen.

When Lu Zhengcao was the commander of the Jizhong Military Region, Wang Guangwen was the brigade commander under him. Shang Zhigong, chief of staff of the Railway Corps and vice minister of the Ministry of Railways, was Wang Guangwen's guard at that time.

Judging from Wang Guangwen's tenure, Lu Zhengcao's opinions played a leading role. He is the first deputy commander of the Northeast Democratic Alliance Army, ranked after Lin Biao, and is the military second-in-command of the Northeast Democratic Alliance Army.

In order to solve the problem of the railways in the Northeast Liberated Areas being divided and managed and fighting with each other, the unified leadership of the Northeast Railway should be strengthened. The Northeast Bureau decided to establish the Northeast Railway General Administration on July 25, 1946, with Chen Yun as the director and political commissar. Twenty days later, on August 15, Lu Zhengcao was appointed director and political commissar.

Not long after, the headquarters of the Northeast Democratic Alliance Army transferred the Bohai Huimin Detachment led by Liu Zhenhuan to the Railway Command, and then successively set up the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd regiments to protect the road, the first regiment was stationed in Suihua, the second regiment was stationed in Mudanjiang, and the third regiment was stationed in Habin. Nearly 5,000 kilometers of railway, so many people, obviously beyond the reach of the whip.

Zhu Haiyan ||From Songhua River to Jinkou River

/ Lv Zhengcao (January 4, 1904 – October 13, 2009), former political commissar of the railway soldiers, founding general of the People's Republic of China. (Image source: Internet)/

In August and September 1946, Lu Zhengcao took a light oil truck to Qiqihar to inspect the work. This kind of car has its own power. As soon as he left Harbin, he was attacked by bandits before he arrived at Xiangqingshan Station, and they shouted the slogan "Capture Lu Zhengcao alive". Obviously, Lu Zhengcao's trip was obtained by the enemy. Lü Zhengcao's guards jumped out of the car, got into the sorghum field, and shouted "I am Lü Zhengcao" to lure the enemy away. The injured driver endured the pain and drove the car to the opposite Aoyama station. It was found that Lu Zhengcao's blanket had many holes in the bullet. His guards died heroically to cover him.

The incident of the attack on Lu Zhengcao aroused the great attention of Lin Biao, Luo Ronghuan, Peng Zhen and Chen Yun, and decided to expand the establishment of the road protection force, and by November 1946, the total number of road protection troops reached 6,298 people, which was the earliest family background of the railway soldiers.

By February 1947, the Road Guard Army had 7 regiments under its direct jurisdiction and a strength of 8,500 troops.

The central authorities attached great importance to the work of the Northeast Railway, and sent Yu Guangsheng, director of Jiefang Ribao and Xinhua News Agency, to serve as the second director of the General Administration of the Northeast Railway to assist Lu Zhengcao in his work. Yu Guangsheng graduated from the Department of Civil Engineering of Shanghai Jiaotong University in 1927 and went to the University of Michigan in 1928 to study railway transportation and highway engineering. In 1939, he returned to China and went to Yan'an to serve as the secretary of Zhang Wentian, the general secretary of the Communist Party of China.

Since its birth, the road protection army has been under the dual leadership of the Northeast Democratic Alliance Army and the Northeast Railway General Administration. Su Jin recalled, "Under the leadership of the Northeast Military Region Headquarters and the Party Committee of the Northeast Railway General Administration, the road protection army successfully completed the task of protecting and repairing the railway, and suppressing bandits along the line. ”

In February 1948, by the decision of the Party Committee of the General Administration of the Northeast Railway and the approval of the Northeast Military Region, the 6th and 7th regiments were reorganized into the first regiment of the Railway Command, and the 4th and 5th regiments were reorganized into the second regiment of the Railway Command. The expression of historical documents proves that the General Administration of the Northeast Railway has leadership and command power over the road protection army.

In the 1946 PLA sequence list, there was no PLA Railway Command; The Railway Command appeared in the 1947 ordinal list

Zhu Haiyan ||From Songhua River to Jinkou River

/Railway Column Escort Army Rushing to Repair Railway Old Photos (Image Picture Network)/

/Railway Column Escort Army Rushing to Repair Railway Old Photos (Image Picture Network)/

Su Jin said: "In July 1948, the Northeast Bureau and the Northeast Military Region decided to add 8,500 people to the second-line corps on the basis of the road protection army, and 1,200 engineering and technical cadres and railway workers were transferred by various railway bureaus to form the PLA Railway Column, also known as the Northeast Railway Engineering Bureau, with a total strength of 19,000 people. It is under the dual leadership of the Northeast Military Region and the Northeast Transportation Committee. ”

The head of the Northeast Transportation Committee is General Lu Zhengcao.

Lu Zhengcao said: When the road protection army was first established, it was like the public security bureau of the railway bureau, but it was not exactly like it; it undertook various tasks such as road protection, emergency repair, suppression of bandits, and public order, and the Northeast Democratic Alliance Army and the Northeast General Administration led this unit.

At the beginning of the Northeast Railway, the military and the government were integrated, and the General Administration of the Northeast Railway had a leadership relationship with the road guards and the railway columns, and the leaders of both the workers and the soldiers frequently served cross-posts, and some leaders of the road bureau became the leaders of the troops, and some of the leaders of the troops became the leaders of the road bureaus.

In the early days of the railway, the conditions were very difficult, and most of the locomotives were broken. Liu Juying has a poem as evidence: "I went to two or three miles, broke it four or five times, repaired it six or seven times, and pushed it by eighty or ninety people." ”

The road guards are even more arduous, with 200 pounds of road trees each person carrying 50 to 80 per day. At that time, there was a "Daomu Song" that was widely circulated:


The company commander took the lead and set an example.

Others only carry more than fifty,


Ask the company commander for his first and last name,

Unsung heroes are not told.

In the rush repair, each person carried an average of 120 per day, and a soldier named Deng Yonghe carried 150 a day. He is known as the "Hero of the Road Tree".

Zhu Haiyan ||From Songhua River to Jinkou River

/Old photos of the Higashino Railway Column repairing the railway (picture source: Internet)/

Zhu Haiyan ||From Songhua River to Jinkou River

/In the Liaoshen Campaign, the railway soldiers supported the train to transport materials, old photos (picture source, network)/

The victory in the Huaihai Campaign was pushed by a small car, while the liberation of the Northeast and the victory in the Liaoshen Campaign were pulled by a train. There were 1.6 million soldiers and militia participants in the Liaoshen Campaign, 3 million front-line service personnel, 200,000 support stretchers, 900,000 horses, and 4.5 million tons of grain. There are countless guns and ammunition. Throughout the Northeast Liberation War, railway workers repaired thousands of locomotives, and railway columns repaired thousands of kilometers of railways. During the Liaoshen Campaign, in order to prevent enemy planes from discovering it, military vehicles all departed at night, transporting 64 military trains in 9 days, and 100,000 troops arrived at the front line in western Liaoning without knowing it, ensuring the victory of the Liaoyang Campaign.

Lu Zhengcao said that 120,000 people were released that year. In less than 4 years, 1 million troops entered the customs. There are also millions of people left to build the Northeast. He said, "If you get the train, you can get the railway of the world." Back then, wherever the war went, the roads were repaired, and the trains went. "Who's going to drive the train? Not a railroad soldier, but a train driver. In order to take over the Kannai Railway, the Northeast Railway has trained a large number of young backbones and is ready to manage the national railways.

Harbin No. 2 Middle School, a high school student named Wang Yuzhuo, together with the comrades of the Harbin Railway Youth League Committee, developed 26,516 League members and established 815 Youth League branches in Qitie, Harbin Railway, Jitie and Jintie. With the progress of the Liberation War, a large number of railway workers in Northeast China entered the customs. Wang Yuzhuo developed a 17-year-old young man who joined the regiment, and he was also in the army going south, he joined the railway soldiers, and later came to the road bureau, this person was the later Minister of Railways, Comrade Han Zhubin, procurator general of the Supreme People's Procuratorate.

Han Zhubin, who entered the road at the age of 12, recalled the Northeast Railway and said: It was an era of hard work, it was a time of burning passion, and the railway workers had 90 kilograms of sorghum rice per month for the whole family to eat, and everyone did not say a word "bitter". After Lu Zhengcao reported the matter to Chen Yun, Chen Yun approved the increase from 90 catties to 135 catties.

Han Zhubin remembered what Lu Zhengcao said when he sent them into the customs, and the general did not make bold words, telling them to "learn to eat rice." If you can eat rice, you will be able to adapt to the south. ”

Northeast China is the cradle of China's railways, and the Songhua River is the hometown of railway soldiers. The industrialization of the Chinese Communists began with the first step of the railway. Lv Zhengcao is the founder, founder, organizer and decision-maker of New China's railway industry. He and his team, many of whom became the leaders of the Ministry of Railways and the Railway Corps, held up the sky of China's railways.

Third, the construction of the Southwest Railway

Lu Zhengcao has three career highlands in his life. The first is the War of Resistance in the Jizhong Plain. The second is the creation of the Northeast Railway. The third is the construction of the Southwest Railway.

Zhu Haiyan ||From Songhua River to Jinkou River

/Railway soldiers fighting on the Chengkun line (picture source: Internet)/

On September 9, 1964, Li Jingquan and Lu Zhengcao jointly sent a telegram to the Central Committee and the Central Military Commission in a top-secret telegram from the Sichuan Provincial Party Committee, suggesting that Comrade Guo Weicheng be the commander of the Southwest Railway Construction Headquarters and Liu Jianzhang should be the political commissar.

The Central Committee approved on September 21: Lu Zhengcao is also the commander and political commissar, Guo Weicheng is the deputy commander, and Liu Jianzhang is the deputy political commissar.

On November 30, 1964, the Central Committee and the Military Commission appointed Lu Zhengcao as the first political commissar of the Railway Corps. Whether it is the Ministry of Railways, the Railway Corps, or the Southwest Construction Site. Lu Zhengcao is a real leader. He handed over the daily work of the Ministry of Railways to Executive Deputy Minister Wu Jingtian, and he settled his home in Anshun, the construction site. He said that choosing Anshun is to be safe and secure, smooth and profitable. He personally directed the construction of the three-line railway, and determined the direction and construction plan of the Xiangyu railway.

Looking through the dusty archives of the construction of the Southwest Railway, we can find that Lu Zhengcao's comrades-in-arms at that time often said such a sentence: "Zhengcao's road construction thoughts." It can be seen that his personal actions have a profound and extensive impact on the Southwest Railway.

Zhu Haiyan ||From Songhua River to Jinkou River

/A miracle in the history of the world's railways Chengdu-Kunming Railway (picture source: Internet)/

An American scholar said that the construction of the Southwest Railroad has advanced the economy and society in this area for 50 years. I think that as a result, Lu Zhengcao's outstanding contribution plays an overall and even strategic role.

Fourth, the opening of the Jinnanhe Railway Soldiers Museum is the best interpretation of the spirit of the railway soldiers in the new era

Zhu Haiyan ||From Songhua River to Jinkou River

/Opening Ceremony of the Jinkou River "Railway Soldiers Museum"/


Many years ago, Jinkouhe built the Railway Soldiers Museum, and as a railway soldier and a person who had worked beside Lu Zhengcao, I felt happy and ashamed. The museum that the railway soldiers should have built was built by the Jinkouhe people who climbed high and looked far away. I feel that the people of Jinkouhe stand higher and see farther than the railway soldiers. I think, what kind of spirit makes the people of Jinkouhe do such a beautiful thing? Later, I understood that it was the spirit of the Sichuan people that made you do this! It's the desire for the road to make you do this!

Zhu Haiyan ||From Songhua River to Jinkou River

The spirit of Sichuan people is "openness and inclusiveness, advocating morality and pragmatism, bearing hardships and standing hard work, daring to be the first, reaching the concept of friendliness, and being comfortable and comfortable." "Because the people of Jinnanhe have this spirit, they are open, inclusive, daring to be the first, and they have done a good thing for the railway soldiers in a friendly way! Done a good thing for history! I have done a good thing for myself and my descendants!

The people of Jinkouhe and even all the people of Sichuan are eager for the road. Otherwise, Li Bai would not have written "Shu Dao Difficult".

I draw everyone's attention to two numbers: 2252, 2133.

The first number, in 316 B.C., the Golden Bull Road became an official road, through the Sword Pavilion, Wulian, into Zitong, through Mianyang to Chengdu. In 1936, the Sichuan-Shaanxi Highway was completed. The ancient Shu Road waited for a full 2252 years before there was a highway out of the province and opened the mission of the new Shu Road.

The number 2,133 refers to one of China's two major changes. "Yitou" refers to the change of Zhou and Qin, and the Qin Dynasty unified the world, which was 221 BC. "Yiwei" refers to 1912, the year when the Xinhai Revolution overthrew the imperial system. There is a gap of 2133 years between them.

Zhu Haiyan ||From Songhua River to Jinkou River

/At the opening ceremony of the "Railway Soldiers Museum"/

During this period, the people of Sichuan were always looking forward to the road. But there is one time that is remembered by history, that is, the road protection movement that took place in Sichuan in 1911. At that time, there was not an inch of railway in Sichuan, but in order to fight for the right of the Chinese to build roads, the Sichuan people set off a revolution and made great sacrifices.

The spirit of the people of Jinkouhe reminds me of the construction of the Lexi Highway. During the Anti-Japanese War, the people of Sichuan made great sacrifices in order to build the anti-Japanese war highway from Leshan to Xichang. 244,000 migrant workers were mobilized to build the Lexi Highway from 1938 to 1941. Liu Wenhui said at the celebration of the opening of the traffic that 30,000 migrant workers died. Some say that the death toll is 8.5 percent of the total number of migrant workers, about 20,000. This figure is 20 times the number of deaths on the Chengdu-Kunming railway.

Lingyiling is 55 kilometers away from the Jinkou River, and many people from the Jinkou River must have been to that place, where the altitude is very high. On the Xiule West Highway, 120 people froze to death overnight. More than 2,400 people died in the section of the road that passed through Lingyiling. Those who died, there must have been the fathers and villagers of Jinkouhe.

Zhu Haiyan ||From Songhua River to Jinkou River

/A corner of the exhibition area of the "Railway Soldiers Museum" /

Back to the present, I think that the construction of the Railway Soldiers Museum in Jinkou River is not only a return and commemoration of the Railway Soldiers, but also a development of the national spirit of the Road Protection Movement in 1911 and the construction of the Lexi Highway in 1938! This spirit will add infinite impetus to the development and prosperity of the Jinkou River in the new era of the large-scale development of the western region.

Today's discussion was all caused by the word "road." But "Tao" and "Road" are not the same. Tao is metaphysical; The road is metaphysical. The Word, in the heavens, in the clouds, in the heart, in the concept; And the road is on the ground. The "Dao" we are talking about today believes that it will produce a fission of "one life two, two to three, and three to all things" in the life and career of Jinkouhe people in the future!

Thank you!

May 16, 2024

Zhu Haiyan ||From Songhua River to Jinkou River

The Railroad Soldiers' Sailing Memorial Tower on the banks of the Songhua River (established to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the founding of the Railroad Soldiers)

Zhu Haiyan ||From Songhua River to Jinkou River
Zhu Haiyan ||From Songhua River to Jinkou River

Introduction of Zhu Haiyan

Zhu Haiyan, a native of Lixin, Anhui Province, enlisted in the army in 1976 and served as a soldier, platoon commander, deputy instructor, and cultural officer of the division's Political Department in the Seventh Division of the Railway Corps.

In 1983, he was transferred to the "Railway Soldier" newspaper, and in February 1984, he was transferred to the "People's Railway" newspaper, and served as the reporter*, chief reporter, and chief reporter. In 1998, he served as editor-in-chief, president and editor-in-chief of China Railway Construction News, and a senior reporter. In March 2010, he was transferred to the Engineering Management Center of the Ministry of Railways as the deputy director at the bureau level, specializing in the writing of railway construction reports.

The winners of the 6th Fan Changjiang Journalism Award are the "four batches" of talents in the national propaganda system, leading figures in China's press and publishing circles, and senior experts directly controlled and contacted by the central government. He has won the China Journalism Award eight times, won the first and second prizes of provincial and ministerial news awards more than 90 times, and won the "Five One Project" award of the Central Propaganda Department for his long-form reportage "There is War in the North". He has published 40 collections of various works, with a total word count of 20 million words. He enjoys the allowance of the State Council and is a member of the Chinese Writers Association

Edit: Have fun

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