
Long wind and waves! The 19th China Commercial Real Estate Festival "exploded" and opened!
Long wind and waves! The 19th China Commercial Real Estate Festival "exploded" and opened!
Long wind and waves! The 19th China Commercial Real Estate Festival "exploded" and opened!

来源 | 赢商网(ID:winshang)

Consumption-based public REITs have landed, brands have gone overseas to make money, and non-standard businesses have gone out of the circle...... Above the huge waves, you can see the giant! Looking back on the past year of challenges and opportunities, we have witnessed Chinese retail merchants breaking through the fog and waves in the rapidly changing market environment, and the consumer market has also ushered in major structural and trendy changes.

Long wind and waves, torrent bravely! As one of the largest, most valuable and influential annual industry ceremonies in China's commercial real estate and retail chain industry, the 19th China Commercial Real Estate Festival, hosted by, was held on May 15-16 at Langham Place Nanfeng, Guangzhou, with the theme of "Long Wind and Waves", to explore the future direction of China's retail business with industry insiders.

Today (15th), the main forum: the 19th Annual Conference of the Business Promoting Real Estate Forum (1) and Aokang · The special VIP cocktail party of WIN Coffee Night was the first to open.

And tomorrow (16th), the main forum: the 19th Annual Conference of the Business Promotion Real Estate Forum (2) and the Rising Waves • Chinese Brands Overseas and Franchise Summit Forum jointly sponsored by and Guangdong Catering Service Industry Association will be grandly launched, as well as a special luncheon 2024 • Merchants Management for a Better Life Tour • Guangzhou, the moment of face-to-face with industry celebrities ONLive • Live Station, fun and interesting retail commercial real estate investment promotion and development cooperation exhibition and China City Business Pavilion theme exhibition, professional focus of sub-forums & salons, The Moment of Glory Awards Ceremony...... This industry festival must come!

Long wind and waves! The 19th China Commercial Real Estate Festival "exploded" and opened!

At the beginning of the forum, Wang Min, Executive Chairman of the China Chamber of Commerce, delivered an opening speech. He said that in 2024, the commercial market, which is intertwined with challenges and opportunities, will be surging in the long wind and waves.

Based on the stimulus of the "Consumption Promotion Year", China's business enthusiasm has soared again: brands go overseas to dig gold, non-standard businesses go out of the circle, and asset-light transformation is accelerated...... The accelerated baptism of the market has not hindered the resilient growth of China's business in the turbulent waves.

Long wind and waves! The 19th China Commercial Real Estate Festival "exploded" and opened!

© Wang Min, Executive Chairman of China General Chamber of Commerce

Immediately afterwards, Wu Chuankun, Chairman of Winshang Tech, the organizer of the 19th China Commercial Real Estate Festival and Vice President of the China Chamber of Commerce, also shared his views on the commercial real estate industry: the value of high-quality operators and operation management teams will be highlighted in the future. Under the operation of a high-quality operation manager, the value of high-quality assets will be significantly enhanced. When the waves roll, the long wind and waves show the true character of the hero. I hope that every person, every company, and every brand here can brave the wind and waves and get better and better.

Long wind and waves! The 19th China Commercial Real Estate Festival "exploded" and opened!

© Wu Chuankun, Chairman of Winshang Tech and Vice President of China Chamber of Commerce

Five keynote speeches


In the first year of public offering of consumer infrastructure REITs, a new milestone was achieved in investment and financing

Long wind and waves! The 19th China Commercial Real Estate Festival "exploded" and opened!

© Chairman of SCPG Ding Liye

China is the world's largest REITs market, and no REITs without consumer assets are complete. Different from other public REITs in China, consumer infrastructure public REITs include shopping malls, department stores, community businesses, and outlets, so that business strategic partners, tenants and even individual consumers can invest and participate. Generally speaking, the "investment-financing-management-withdrawal" of consumer infrastructure public REITs is the evolution of the commercial market from the "roaring era" to the "operation era", just like a "crustal movement" in the industry, and the change is subtle but significant.

It is not only a new direction of market development, but also an effective tool for revitalizing stock assets and circulating investment. Only in this way can we jointly promote the healthy development of the consumer infrastructure public REITs market.


"Change" and "Change" in Business

Long wind and waves! The 19th China Commercial Real Estate Festival "exploded" and opened!

© Wang Lei, Executive Director and Vice President of CR Vientiane Life

In the future, commercial real estate will gradually evolve into a "stock-based" market, but this does not mean that there is no room for development of commercial real estate, and commercial REITs and new consumption are new directions for commercial exploration and growth in the future.

Wang Lei said that in an uncertain market, "innovation" will always be maintained, and products need to be constantly iterated according to market demand, and commercial content must be constantly changed to attract consumers.

He said that CR Vientiane Life has always adhered to "innovation", and will allocate 10%-15% of resources for innovation in the commercial field, and give a certain amount of room for trial and error.

From the MixC, The MixC and The MixC to the new generation of the MixC and the MixC Shopping Village, CR Vientiane Life is making layout iterations according to the development of the times and the changes of mainstream consumer groups.

In the era of industry change, commercial real estate enterprises need to return to their essence and stabilize their business fundamentals. In the past practice of CR Vientiane Life, we have built a standardized business system of all products and all cycles. It includes the Care by Mixc special service system, exploring digital transformation in operation, etc.

In recent years, the country has actively promoted the dual carbon strategy, and CR Vientiane Life has also been actively researching and exploring the topic of business sustainable development, and considering how to cooperate with tenants in carbon reduction in new and old projects.


Spanning the future of jewelry consumption in China

Long wind and waves! The 19th China Commercial Real Estate Festival "exploded" and opened!

© Chow Tai Fook Jewellery Group Managing Director Wong Siu Kei

Our three insights into the market: consumers are willing to buy diamonds, but they still need to work hard to do marketing, and they will invest in this market for a long time in the future; Products that integrate Chinese cultural elements are vital and have broad market prospects; In addition to the rigid needs, there are also self-pleasing needs for daily wear, which should be paid more attention to.

In Deloitte's Global Powers of Luxury Goods, Chow Tai Fook ranked seventh. I think that in the jewelry industry, we should and have the ability to let Chow Tai Fook and Chinese brands go out, use Chinese culture and Chinese capabilities, through the "Belt and Road", through the opportunities in Southeast Asia, and ride this wind to sail together.

Chow Tai Fook is a "young old brand", we must not forget the roots of the brand, but we must become dynamic and young. Our vision is to "lead the jewelry industry and accompany the generations of life", and we use new aesthetics and Chinese aesthetics to express our LOGO and determination. At the same time, we are also diversifying and differentiating.

Our change and image improvement are phased, and we match people and goods yards according to different life scenarios and life circles, which is one of the important parts of our internal change. Through consumption scenarios, the consumption habits of our customers are differentiated by layers, and people, goods, and places are integrated into thinking.

We believe that consumer research and consumer mentality cannot be defined by age, but by life attitude, so our future changes are based on consumer changes. In the future, for 100 years, Chow Tai Fook brand hopes to let the world see the beauty of China with jewelry, and also hopes that we will work together to show the beauty of China and tell the story of China, and hope that every company can take the lead in the long run.


Multi-dimensional link value ecology to jointly stimulate the surging new momentum of the industry

Long wind and waves! The 19th China Commercial Real Estate Festival "exploded" and opened!

© Huang Meng, Co-President of Hopson Commercial Group

At present, the economy is stable and improving, and consumption is still the main engine driving China's economic growth. In the first quarter of 2024, the mainland's GDP performance was much higher than the expectations of international institutions, with the contribution rate of final consumption to GDP reaching 73.7% in the quarter. During the May Day period, the representative projects of Hopson Commercial performed well, such as the five-day holiday of Beijing Chaoji Hopsonhui, with a passenger flow of 1 million people and sales of 160 million.

With the explosion of opportunities in the consumer market, how to build a long-term competitive business? We think there are six forces

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