
"Online Hongshan Cultural Jade Museum, Episode 3", No. 173, No. 174

author:Inner Mongolia laughing gong

Top Pig Dragon Bull God

ID: 0173 Abbreviation: Top Pig Dragon Bull God.

Full name: Neolithic Hongshan culture two-color turquoise-topped pig, dragon and cow god.

Data: Weighs 1270 grams, is 205 mm high, 75 mm wide and 65 mm thick.

Material: Two-color turquoise carving, after thousands of years of vicissitudes, it is still as new.

Shape: Bull God Top Pig Dragon, Water Drops Eye Canthus Joint, Flower Nose Bridge, Squatting with Hands and Knees, 2 holes in the squeaky socket,

1 hole between the feet.

Ornamentation: The ornamentation is consistent with the shape. The bridge of the cow's nose is engraved with a decorative grid.


No. 173 Bull God, with a two-horned pigeon on the top of his head, a flower nose bridge, and a unique shape. The bull god is the Shennong clan - the Yandi clan, a farming tribe; Pigron is "Pig Treasure", to be precise, it is an "old sow" that can breed piglets. … The Hongshan cultural area is a combination of cultivation and pig raising, and is a variety of operations.

The bull god stepped on the turtle

ID: 0174 Abbreviation: Bull God Stepping Turtle.

Full name: Neolithic Hongshan culture two-color turquoise bull god stepping turtle.

Data: Weighs 1089 grams, is 200 mm high, 75 mm wide and 65 mm thick.

Material: Two-color turquoise carving, after thousands of years of vicissitudes, it is still as new.

Modeling: Niu Shen's horns are bent into holes, kisses stretched forward, hands and knees stand on the back of the turtle, the turtle struts forward, and there are 2 holes in the squeaky nest. 1 hole between the feet.

Ornamentation: The ornamentation is consistent with the shape.


No. 174 Bull God is the real "Ox Head Human Body", with two horns bent into holes, a long mouth, standing on the back of a turtle,... It reminds people of Tang Seng in "Journey to the West", the last one is to cross the Tianhe River, sit on the back of the old turtle and cross the river, forget to ask the old turtle to the Buddha for the "longevity", was thrown into the river by the old turtle, became a soup chicken, and wet the scriptures. … The bull god refers to the "Shennong's Clan-Yandi" (farming tribe), and with the help of the divine turtle, what else can't be crossed?!

Turtles, half water and half land, variable temperature hibernation, omnivorous, reptile oviparous, mild temperament, hunger resistance, months without food can still survive normally, the biggest feature is a long lifespan, can live 100 years, 300 years, or even thousands of years. …

The turtle is full of treasures, the meat can nourish qi and blood, and the turtle plate (abdominal carapace) is a traditional Chinese medicine. It has the effect of nourishing yin and latent yang, benefiting the kidneys and bones, and nourishing the heart and blood. … People believe that the turtle has the spirit of predicting good luck and evil, and is the medium between man and the gods, and the tortoise shell was used for divination in the Yin Shang era, and the result of the divination was engraved on the tortoise shell, which became the "oracle bone inscription". …

The ancient people in the mainland worshipped the turtle, and the turtle and the crane were both symbols of longevity. In ancient times, the turtle was regarded as an auspicious, unyielding, prophetic animal, and one of the four sacred beasts (green dragon, white tiger, vermilion bird, and Xuanwu). "Turtles" have become deeply embedded in our culture.

"Online Hongshan Cultural Jade Museum, Episode 3", No. 173, No. 174
"Online Hongshan Cultural Jade Museum, Episode 3", No. 173, No. 174
"Online Hongshan Cultural Jade Museum, Episode 3", No. 173, No. 174
"Online Hongshan Cultural Jade Museum, Episode 3", No. 173, No. 174

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