
A small decision that changed history

author:History is actually quite interesting

This article is written with reference to historical sources and personal opinions, and the relevant literature sources have not been indicated.

A small decision that changed history

(Southern Han Dynasty)

In 942 AD, Liu Ling, the founding emperor of the Southern Han Dynasty, one of the ten regimes in the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms, died.

This Liu Ling has a very good fertility, with a total of nineteen sons.

As soon as the number of these sons increases, the optionality will be greatly increased, because there may not be a single virtuous and capable son among your nineteen sons.

However, although Liu Ling founded the country in Lingnan, he always believed that he came out of the Central Plains, even if he was not a nobleman, he was a wealthy businessman, so he should implement the primogeniture inheritance system of the Central Plains Dynasty.

On the issue of establishing the virtuous and the long, he chose the latter.

Unfortunately, Liu Ling's eldest son Liu Yaoshu died early, and his second son Liu Guitu died early, so the third son Liu Ying became the eldest son in the actual sense and had the opportunity to inherit the throne.

If Liu Ling was careful enough, he would find that the third son he chose was actually not suitable to be the emperor.

After Liu Ling became the emperor, he once wanted his son Liu Jue to experience it, so he said to him, "Son, you go outside and form a team of 1,000 people for me, I'll see how your appeal is."

A small decision that changed history

(Yang Dongqian image)

There was a minister in the Southern Han Dynasty at that time, called Yang Dongqian, this person can be said to be a pivotal figure in the imperial court, from Liu Yin's time to work for the Liu family, for the old Liu family to give advice, the political system of the Southern Han Dynasty court is basically Yang Dongqian to make out, Liu Ling changed to use literati as a stab in the history when Liu Ling opened the country, this idea was also Yang Dongqian.

Yang Dongqian has a virtuous style, dedicated to doing things for the court, he saw that Liu Jue hooked up with a group of fox friends all day long, very worried, so he immediately found the emperor Liu Ling, saying that Liu Jue is the prince, and he will be the emperor in the future, and now he belongs to the cultivation period, he should be allowed to get along with virtuous people, and make friends with good people, how can he let him fool around with unscrupulous people in society all day long?

Yang Dong was convinced, but Liu Ling was very disapproving, saying that Liu Ying was a child, and he would have to go.

After the persuasion was fruitless, Yang Dongqian was already holding his stomach, and later he went to the people to inspect, and found that the army composed of Liu Jue wantonly looted and bullied the people, and the people knew that this was the king and the team of the prince Liu Jue, and they didn't dare to squeak, so they had to think that they were unlucky.

Seeing such a scene, Yang Dong's heart was broken on the spot, he sighed secretly, and said such a sentence: The political chaos is like this, and the prime minister is used!

The rivers and mountains of Namhan have been chaotic to this point, what does it matter if there is me or not?

After this day, Yang Dongqian said that he was ill, and he basically resigned.

Some readers may think that Yang Dongqian's view is a little too negative, because at that time, the Southern Han Dynasty had just opened the country, and the economic, cultural, agricultural and military aspects were steadily improving, and Liu Ling was a little money-making expert, the national strength of the Southern Han Dynasty could be said to be thriving, and the meaning of Yang Dongqian's words was simply saying that the Southern Han Dynasty was about to die, isn't it too alarmist?

If you think about it, it doesn't have to be.

A small decision that changed history

(unpredictable times)

When Tang Xuanzong Li Longji was the envoy of the Great Seal, he would not have thought that the Anshi Rebellion would come soon, and when the bureaucrats under Tang Xuanzong brushed off the examinee Huang Chao's papers over and over again, he would not have thought that it would change the fate of this young man.

It seems to be a trivial matter for the prince to plunder among the people, and it seems to be insignificant in the grand pace of the development of the dynasty, but it is these small things that are not worth mentioning that often become a harbinger of great things in the future.

If the small things happen in time, then it is equivalent to making up for the dead, and the big things will not happen, and if the small things are indulged, more and more small things will gradually evolve into big things at the same time, and it will be too late to remedy them.

The author can give another example, for example, in ancient times, when your stomach hurts, you go to the doctor, and the doctor not only treats your stomach, but also prescribes you a lot of stomach medicine, because the doctor will think that your stomach pain is actually a sign that a stomach problem is about to attack, or even a major disease in the stomach.

There are many things in common between medicine and statecraft, such as a clever politician, for example, there are two cities A and B under his rule, and there is a rebellion in city A, then he will not only put down the rebellion in city A, but also strengthen the security of city B, because politicians understand that when a cockroach is found in city A, it means that the two cities of AB are actually full of cockroaches.

This so-called sage cloud: if you don't treat the disease, you can't cure the disease, and if you don't treat it, you can't cure it.

And this is the importance of taking precautions and warning in advance, because the feudal dynasty is not a person, it is an ideology, it will not jump out by itself to tell you that I am going to perish, you hurry up and remedy it, it will only remind you vaguely through the changes and occurrence of people and things, and the occurrence of these things is often extremely small, it is difficult for you to perceive, even if you are aware, you will not pay attention, and when things happen more and more obviously, the more and more troublesome to the point that you finally notice, sorry, it is already too late.

A small decision that changed history

(Southern Han Dynasty Gaozu Liu Ling image)

Liu Ling is the founding emperor, Yang Dong has the potential to think of it, in fact, he should also be able to think that when he was seriously ill, the third Liu Ying and the fourth Liu Hongxi were arrogant and willful, and there was no filial piety at all, not to mention serving in front of the bed, and he didn't even bother to look at himself, and he didn't even want to pretend to be sincere and filial, and the fifth Liu Hongchang's performance at this time was very eye-catching, although this son was young, but he was modest and cautious, calm and moderate, and excellent in character and learning, very wise, the most important thing was when Liu Ling was sick, The fifth child is shushing his father and asking for warmth, and taking care of him is quite good, let's not say whether Liu Hongchang is pretending to be or not, whether he has other plans to do this, but at least people have done it, and people have this heart.

Think about it, you are the king of a country, or the founding emperor, when the old age is about to die, he lies on the bed, eats, drinks and Lazar has problems, and gives birth to nineteen sons, but no one comes to the bed to do his filial piety, all of them ignore the old father, you say that Liu Ling's heart, he must not pull out the cold.

When his heart was cold, the fifth Liu Hongchang bowed down to serve the medicine and asked about the disease in front of the bed, which moved the old father all of a sudden.

At the last moment of his life, Liu Ling's mentality will also undergo some subtle changes, he used to insist on establishing a long term, thinking that passing the throne to his eldest son is to abide by tradition and conform to legal principles, but when it comes to dying, will people still be haunted in the established law?

The third child has no virtue, fooling around all day long, although the fifth child is young, but he has the style of a bright monarch, and whether it is from an emotional point of view, or from the point of view of reason, Liu Hongchang is undoubtedly the best choice, so the balance of the storage position once began to tilt towards Liu Hongchang, Liu Ling even personally wrote an edict, the third Liu Jue was transferred to Yongzhou (Nanning, Guangxi) to garrison, and the fourth Liu Hongxi was transferred to Rongzhou (Rongxian County, Guangxi) to garrison, the purpose is to drive the third and fourth away first, and re-establish Liu Hongchang as the prince, This is also to clear the two threats of the old five and pave the way for the old five.

But unfortunately, when the order was just about to be given, it was stopped by a minister named Xiao Yi.

A small decision that changed history

(Xiao Yi image)

Xiao Yi, a native of Southern Lanling, was a civil official when he was a literary envoy of the Southern Han Dynasty.

This Xiao Yi, whose father is the secretary and supervisor of the Tang Dynasty, is responsible for the books and classics of the Tang Dynasty, which is equivalent to the director of the national library.

Xiao Yi's grandfather is called Xiao Fang, this Xiao Fang is even more powerful, he is the prime minister of the Tang Dynasty during the Tang Dynasty.

Flipping through the family tree again, their old Xiao family is all serving as officials in the imperial court, because they belong to the Lanling Xiao family, belong to the big family, of course, they are either rich or expensive, and this Xiao Yi who came out of the Tang Dynasty and from the famous scholar family, of course, he will consciously think that the inheritance system of the eldest son is the most reasonable, and abolishing the elder and the young is simply an excessively absurd way to take trouble in the eyes of traditional scholars like him, so he was persuaded for a long time, and as a result, Liu Ling's idea of changing Liu Hongchang was dispelled.

The fate of the dynasty was changed.

In 942 AD, Liu Ling died, and his third son, Liu Jue, ascended the throne.

Liu Jue, this child, from the above, we can know that he didn't learn well when he was young, he messed with a bunch of hooligans and ruffians all day long, he played very well with arrogance and lewdness, and he didn't know what etiquette and morality were.

The sound is clear, the shape is straight, this is close to Zhu will become red, near the ink will of course turn black, Liu Jue's social environment has been extremely poor since he was a child, so you expect him to grow into a good person, that is unrealistic.

A small decision that changed history

(Emperor Liu Jue of the Southern Han Dynasty image)

No, the old father Liu Ling's mourning period is not over, he began to hold a party in the palace, singing and dancing during the day, eating sea plugs at night, Liu Jue will even find a lot of prostitutes from the people, and they have fun in the palace, after having fun, he found a lot of men and women, let them strip naked, naked, he smiled and laughed while eating and drinking, sitting on the side to watch, it can be said that the classic restores the wine as the pool, the meat as the forest, and the drink for the long night.

Liu Jue has a way of having fun, but he has no interest in politics, he never asks about political affairs, and he doesn't like the advice of ministers, let alone accept the opinions of his subordinates.

Usually in the palace, the people who are waiting on the left and right are a little less than the emperor wants, then kill them directly, the ministers see that the emperor is so tyrannical, who dares to touch his brows, a group of ministers dare not speak, they can only sigh secretly.

Liu Jue is so happy, because the Southern Han Dynasty left to him by his father is still a country with rich financial resources and good development, and he can still withstand him tossing and playing so much, so he is intoxicated, and he really does whatever he wants every day.

However, Liu Jue didn't know that between his own wine pond and meat forest, between pushing the cup and changing the lamp, the danger had quietly come.

Everything always complements each other, and if one thing makes you happy, then it must also make you feel pain, because, when you are happy, pain is already brewing.

Liu Jue, have fun, because this will be your last carnival.

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