
Baliwan Town: Demolition of illegal and disorderly dressing up and beautiful villages

author:Gangu County Rong Media Center
Baliwan Town: Demolition of illegal and disorderly dressing up and beautiful villages

In the past few days, Baliwan Town has been focusing on the goal of building a beautiful village, moving in earnest, seeing the real chapter, grasping the implementation, and vigorously promoting the action of demolishing illegal and disorderly activities, so as to help the beautiful countryside change its face.

Baliwan Town: Demolition of illegal and disorderly dressing up and beautiful villages

Based on the actual conditions of each village, Baliwan Town closely combines the "demolition of illegal and disorderly" with the renovation of the living environment and the construction of beautiful villages, and carries out dragnet and carpet screening of all idle houses, ruined walls, abandoned livestock and poultry enclosures, and illegal buildings in the jurisdiction, and makes full use of loudspeakers, WeChat groups, villager meetings, etc., to vigorously publicize the importance of demolishing illegal and disorderly, and educate and guide the masses to actively participate in the work of demolishing illegal and disorderly, so as to form a good atmosphere in which everyone pays attention, everyone supports, and everyone participates.

Baliwan Town: Demolition of illegal and disorderly dressing up and beautiful villages

In Zhongcha Village, village cadres and volunteers carried out extensive household publicity, communicated face-to-face with the heads of households with illegal construction problems, patiently listened to the demands of the heads of households, and made every effort to win the cooperation of the heads of households. After obtaining consent, the illegal buildings were demolished together with the villagers, and the demolition should be carried out in a harmonious manner.