
Gangu: Daxiang Mountain is full of tourists, and the scenic spot is in good order

author:Gangu County Rong Media Center
Gangu: Daxiang Mountain is full of tourists, and the scenic spot is in good order

On May 15th, the eighth day of the fourth lunar month, the Daxiang Mountain Scenic Area was full of tourists, and the tourism was in order.

Gangu: Daxiang Mountain is full of tourists, and the scenic spot is in good order

"April 8th", Buddhism called "Bathing Buddha Festival", it is said to be the day of the birth of Shakyamuni Buddha, Gangu County and the surrounding pilgrims, men and women help the old and the young to come to the big statue mountain, pray for blessings. On this day, it seems that visiting Daxiang Mountain has become a customary folk activity.

Gangu: Daxiang Mountain is full of tourists, and the scenic spot is in good order

At 8 o'clock in the morning, the reporter came to the gate of Daxiang Mountain, and many tourists had already begun to climb the mountain. At the ticket gate, tourists queue up to buy a special ticket of 5 yuan, and then go up the mountain safely under the guidance of the public security police. In the visitor center of the scenic spot, the reporter saw that the staff of the scenic spot were continuously answering tourist consultation calls and other services. In particular, the announcer in the broadcasting room is on standby at any time to be ready to issue a timely announcement for tourists to find people and things. In the scenic area, volunteers also carry out volunteer service publicity activities such as civilized tourism, safety guidance, road traffic safety persuasion, and environmental protection in densely populated areas.

Gangu: Daxiang Mountain is full of tourists, and the scenic spot is in good order

Gou Jinju, head of the Propaganda and Education Unit of the Daxiangshan Scenic Area Service Center, said that today is the sixth day of the 2024 Qinhua Famous Concert in Gangu Daxiangshan. It is also the main festival to welcome the April 8th Buddha Bathing Festival. There are more tourists on the mountain, and the scenic spot strictly follows the tourist control plan, and makes every effort to do a good job in safety and tourism service reception, and the tourism order is stable and orderly.

Gangu: Daxiang Mountain is full of tourists, and the scenic spot is in good order
Gangu: Daxiang Mountain is full of tourists, and the scenic spot is in good order
Gangu: Daxiang Mountain is full of tourists, and the scenic spot is in good order
Gangu: Daxiang Mountain is full of tourists, and the scenic spot is in good order
Gangu: Daxiang Mountain is full of tourists, and the scenic spot is in good order
Gangu: Daxiang Mountain is full of tourists, and the scenic spot is in good order