
Qin dialect masters help Gangu County Daxiang Mountain sightseeing experience tour activities

author:Gangu County Rong Media Center
Qin dialect masters help Gangu County Daxiang Mountain sightseeing experience tour activities

In the past few days, the concert of famous Qin dialect artists in Daxiangshan Mountain in Gangu County has been staged on the stage of Daxiangshan Park, and a troupe of Shaanxi Provincial Opera Research Institute has presented 13 wonderful Qin dialect repertoire for the people of the county.

Qin dialect masters help Gangu County Daxiang Mountain sightseeing experience tour activities

Every day at 10 o'clock in the morning, 3 hours before the start of the Qin Dialect repertoire performance, fans have already flocked from all directions, and the audience is full of fans wearing straw hats, and their love and obsession with Qin Dialect have touched every cast and crew.

Qin dialect masters help Gangu County Daxiang Mountain sightseeing experience tour activities

Zhao Yangwu, a national first-class actor of the Shaanxi Provincial Opera Research Institute, the first prize winner of the "Plum Blossom Award for Chinese Theatre" and the first "Red Plum Award" for Chinese opera, said: "The weather is very hot these days, and it is already more than 30 degrees under the sun. Let us opera practitioners feel very encouraged and spurred, so we also feel that we have endless energy, and I really want to give everyone more performances, to be able to give full play to the best level, to thank everyone, to repay everyone's love for Qin Yan, for our care."

Qin dialect masters help Gangu County Daxiang Mountain sightseeing experience tour activities

On the stage, the actors took turns to sing, the audience was full of enthusiasm, and the annual "April 8" Qin Dialect Famous Concert has become a habit for fans to live a full Qin dialect addiction.

Qin dialect masters help Gangu County Daxiang Mountain sightseeing experience tour activities

Wang Hongyi, a national first-class actor of the Shaanxi Provincial Opera Research Institute, said that from the first day to today, it has been performed for the eighth time, and there is applause from the audience in each scene, and the applause is higher and higher, which is also an affirmation and encouragement to the troupe of our Opera Research Institute.

Qin dialect masters help Gangu County Daxiang Mountain sightseeing experience tour activities
Qin dialect masters help Gangu County Daxiang Mountain sightseeing experience tour activities
Qin dialect masters help Gangu County Daxiang Mountain sightseeing experience tour activities

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