
Sun Zhongping investigated and guided the development of characteristic industries, rural construction, and village collective economy

author:Gangu County Rong Media Center
Sun Zhongping investigated and guided the development of characteristic industries, rural construction, and village collective economy

On May 15, Sun Zhongping, deputy secretary of the county party committee and county magistrate, went deep into Pan'an Town to investigate and guide the development of characteristic industries, rural construction, and village collective economy.

Sun Zhongping investigated and guided the development of characteristic industries, rural construction, and village collective economy

Sun Zhongping stressed that the town and village levels should always take the "three rural" work as the main business, forge the industrial long board according to local conditions, recruit big and strong to make up for the short board of the chain, and accelerate the construction of a modern agricultural industrial system. It is necessary to firmly shoulder the political responsibility for food security, make good use of the policies that benefit farmers, such as direct subsidies for growing grain, agricultural insurance, subsidies for the protection of cultivated land, and subsidies for the purchase of agricultural machinery, improve the income guarantee mechanism for farmers who grow grain, fully mobilize the enthusiasm for growing grain, and make every effort to ensure that the area of cultivated land, the area of grain planting, and the output of grain are not reduced. It is necessary to promote the quality and efficiency of the industry, adhere to the direction of agricultural industrialization development, based on apples, pepper, leeks and other characteristic advantageous industries, focus on the creation of provincial modern agricultural industrial parks, integrate existing resources, dig deep into characteristic advantages, adhere to the new path of industrial scale, product branding, and sales marketization, vigorously develop modern facility agriculture, focus on extending the chain and strengthening the chain, and promote the expansion of vegetables and pepper industries to improve quality and efficiency. It is necessary to promote the construction of Hemei villages, guided by the experience of learning and using the "Ten Million Project", combined with the actual conditions of villages such as industrial development, village appearance, ecological culture, etc., comprehensively grasp the governance of rural human settlements, demolition of illegal and disorderly and ecological greening, make overall plans to make up for the shortcomings of rural infrastructure and public services, promote the creation of demonstrations in an orderly manner, leave no blind spots, pay close attention to the improvement of streets and lanes, front and back of houses and other areas, strive to improve the quality of the living environment in towns and villages, and continuously improve the completeness of rural infrastructure, the convenience of public services, and the comfort of the living environment. It is necessary to develop and strengthen the village collective economy, constantly explore new ways and methods for the development of the village-level collective economy, comprehensively revitalize all kinds of assets and resources of the village collective, and revitalize the stock, introduce increments, and expand the total amount through various methods such as collective management, shareholding and joint ventures, substitution and escrow, and circulation and leasing, so as to continuously improve the development capacity of the rural collective economic organizations themselves, truly make good use of resources, dig deep and thoroughly, and realize the effective utilization, preservation and appreciation of village collective assets, and truly let the collectives have income and the peasants can benefit.

Sun Zhongping investigated and guided the development of characteristic industries, rural construction, and village collective economy

Sun Zhongping stressed: It is necessary to make overall plans for various key tasks, such as safe production, flood prevention and disaster reduction, taking the initiative to create stability, and ethnic and religious affairs. At present, it is the flood season, it is necessary to fully implement the responsibility for flood prevention, improve the emergency plan for disaster prevention and relief, strengthen the duty on duty, strengthen the prevention and response to extreme disasters, implement various flood prevention and disaster relief measures in detail, comprehensively improve disaster prevention capabilities, strictly prevent the occurrence of secondary disasters, and make every effort to ensure the safety of the flood season.

Sun Zhongping investigated and guided the development of characteristic industries, rural construction, and village collective economy

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